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 Mar 2020
Emily Mitchell
Alarm sounds,  I wake ⏰
Ready to take on the day! ✊
... five more minutes please....😴
Strangely enough, now that I have nowhere to be during the day... I've been waking up snap! With my alarm good and awake... figures... X'D
So far I'm enjoying being temporarily jobless as much as I can but this is a big problem for a lot of people so I hope everyone will look out for your neighbors if you got them...
 Feb 2020
Emily Mitchell
Some may think it odd

                    to see me outside

     dancing around

              with the wind as my guide....
This is a small bit of a poem that I wrote a long time ago... I need to find the rest of it... I just remember this line... I thought it was cute... I actually used to do that hahaha and still may occasionally now if the mood strikes me hahaha... XP  woah! a poem from me that's not a haiku!  hahaha X'D
 Feb 2020
Emily Mitchell
Pulling and holding
my bed is like a black hole,
I cannot Escape.
Everyone has felt this feeling most likely that one where you just can't get out of your bed as if it had trapped you in a black hole far too comfortable in bed and far too cold outside to drag yourself out this was written April 19th 2013
 Feb 2020
Salmabanu Hatim
When you are singing in the
bathroom and you get  shower gel in your mouth.

— The End —