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Carol Apr 2019
i need to start talking to you less and less
i need to get used to sleeping alone
i need to remember the bad times
i need to forget the good times
i need to stop loving you
Carol Nov 2017
maybe if i were high like you always were, i wouldn't have cared so much
Carol Nov 2017
i don't even want a boyfriend to share love with at this point
i just want someone to make me feel less alone
someone who is somewhat obligated to be with me when i need them
someone i could bother without actually bothering
Carol Aug 2017
I'll prepare myself for this like I've done everything else
Carol Aug 2017
I guess a part of me will always be a little mushy
when I see a specific place, or when I hear a certain song
but that soft spot will continue to remind me
of the love I will always long
Carol Aug 2017
it's not that i'm sad about what happened and the hurt between us
i get sad about all the reminders of what was ruined between us
Carol Aug 2017
life is based on choices
this or that
here or there
but being the actual choice
can tear a person apart
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