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 Mar 2016 AminieMecho
 Mar 2016 AminieMecho
Lost in the faint, unsettled dust of wonder,
We become the chains that pull us under,
The architects of empty wishing wells,
Or the ghosts that haunt these cheap motels,
And as hope crumbled into ash and rust,
I was left with nobody but myself to trust,
Just the paranoia upon which we all depend,
And the sad songs where we met our end,
Still my heart kept dancing in unsteady code,
As I buried my pride by the side of the road,
Singing black sheep, bedroom, bells of war,
I still remember where you keep the floor,
And as their laughter fell apart like rain,
I was left with nobody but myself to blame,
Just the empty promises that we all pretend,
And the silence where we’ll meet our end.
Sometimes two wrongs
will make a right,
but only if
you try to stay strong.
Two rights
will rarely make a wrong,
but when it does,
you’re *******.
wth i found this written in a doc when i was organizing files so here take it
Ever since you've been gone
I feel you are a ghost making home in my mind, my heart and my soul
I've tried to tell myself it will get better over time
But if it would, why do I think of you...
And hear your voice speak to me in every song

Why do I feel you when the night wind tangles through the pines and my hair

Why do I see you when I close my eyes and in every dream you are looking at me

Like i wish you still were

If the only place I can be with you is in my forever dreams then I will accept that peacefully

But I'd love to live one more night with you under the stars
laughing and pondering the vast universe painted above us

But I know those days are over,
And you are long gone.
And I, am long gone in your memory
I am not a thought in your mind, nor do I even subside in your dreams.
 Mar 2016 AminieMecho
Little Bear
Maybe I want to be single
maybe I like myself that way
I can do just as I please
no matter what they say

Maybe I like being alone
and take pleasure in being myself
having fun and loving life
I am not left upon the shelf

I am dancing and I'm singing
I read and draw and paint
maybe I don't want to be a couple
unhappy? no I ain't..

Maybe I like to be silent
and not have to talk for days
I can come and go as I please
I am happy in so many ways

And I like being by myself
I feel comfortable with me
don't assume I need another
I am happy and carefree

I'm not ready to be 'taken'
I am as happy as can be
my life's just the way I want it
I am happy just being.. me
It seems I have spent my whole life with someone else. I lived at home until I was married at 18, lived with my husband until I was 35. Until now, I'd never had a room to myself and I have never lived alone. Now I find I like my space. I love to do the things I love. I am happy and content to be just me. I can be carefree and wander, finding out more and more about myself that I didn't know before. One day, maybe I will find love, or love will find me... either way,
I'm in no rush.. i'm just enjoying the scenery.
Another bright light turned blue
just when I needed to read.
The room went dark
and all I could see was you.
And there was nothing left to read…
as I couldn't reach you.
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