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507 · Jul 2018
Better Off
Tyler Grazia Jul 2018
If only she knew how much I cared
Perhaps then she wouldn't act so scared
'I love you baby' I say time after time
Her twisted heart brought me to this crime

The love of my life begins to shout
"Leave me the hell alone, just get out!"
She's too loud, neighbors begin to worry
They recognize me, they start to scurry

"Put the knife down, quit messing around ***."
Peeking through the window are police from town
Our safe haven became a fish bowl
SWAT burst in to finish off my toil

One two three quick shots to the chest
Bleeding profusely from my breast
But before my premature final present
A smile from her, brings utter resentment
460 · Jun 2018
Alone Towards Home
Tyler Grazia Jun 2018
No better days occur
Than when I’m alone
Especially with her
Silencing my phone

Ignoring the white noise
Whenever we meet to play
We use our hearts as toys
Speaking of true love each day  

But true love is a myth
This much is true
Unless you feel a kiss
Far after it’s through

My dear friend, find shelter
That is far from love
For she is a hunter
And you are a dove
452 · Apr 2019
First Letter
Tyler Grazia Apr 2019



403 · Mar 2019
Tyler Grazia Mar 2019
For Sale;
Baby poems
Never written
384 · Jul 2018
Simple Request
Tyler Grazia Jul 2018
Follow you on your way home
Calling from every pay phone
Quarters fall from my pocket
Stumble upon a dropped locket

A picture of him fills my place
More inspiration for this chase

I’ll make you hurt
I’ll make you bleed
You will feel the dirt
For the hate I heed

I don’t want your love, it’s something I need
Your heart should stutter with each time I plead

This is what happens when love is one sided
It feels like all of my worlds have collided
The pain you caused will never subside
It’s time to end your lies and commit suicide

In the next life you’ll respect me more,
And loving you won’t be such a chore
Opportunity is knocking on your door
Just one chance with you is all I ask for
341 · Mar 2019
In the Fauna of Glen
Tyler Grazia Mar 2019
Looking back when
Your next of kin
Could commit no sin

I sought out women
and their respective men
To their relationship I would rend
Their love they could never defend

But for you I withdraw my need
For your creative seed
Dropping down upon one knee
For all the guests to see

Not a ring I propose
But my mouth for them toes
Finally found my muse
True love, for me, comes in twos
Get HACKED brudda
203 · Jun 2018
Tenacious Tendency
Tyler Grazia Jun 2018
We all became the monsters we swore to ****
Even those known for their iron will
All soilders die to serve a new ruler
Noone knows war quite like Lucifer

I deal with catastrophes all on my own
This is the curse of traveling alone
But a reason to keep moving is in my posession
“Suicide makes a poor final confession”

All are welcome in the arms of their captor
Heaven was never once in the picture
189 · Feb 2018
With All Due Regards,
Tyler Grazia Feb 2018
I watched a man drown in sorrow as I held his life jacket
All I needed was some courage and I still don’t have it
My will to speak is far too weak
Yet my anger is at it’s peak

So I will shout and I will cry
Yelling at God for not letting me die
Back when I was in my spry
For I am old now with no reason why

My once prideful wisdom fleets and words go missing
The pistol on the coffee table keeps insisting
That maybe it’s finally time to stop resisting
And be born again to search for who I’ve been missing
You promised me one last kiss
You never said it was in this life
187 · Mar 2018
Incomprehensible Needs
Tyler Grazia Mar 2018
Do not take my heart
For it stays under bind
Instead take this part
I call my precious mind

Inject thoughts of our future
Command me to say I like you
Let me take it one step further
And beg for the right to love you

For how could I surrender
What you already posess
My heart is shook asunder
While in my true love’s absence
/Not quite finished/
187 · Mar 2018
Exhausted Excuses
Tyler Grazia Mar 2018
They were incredibly sweet
All those beautiful hearts
Incisions were kept neat
To gently rip them apart

My sick hobby is my passion
I work to trigger a reaction
Ignoring all those messages
Until they find new passages

Words to fuel their tenacity
Unaware of the insanity
That comes with touching a burning flame
and trying to find what is to blame
174 · Jan 2018
Surrounded and Alone
Tyler Grazia Jan 2018
What's the point of keeping your breath if no one is trying to take it?
And what's the reason behind smiling if you always have to fake it?
You deserve better, you’ve heard it all before
Yet your natural reaction is defaulted to ignore
Forget the advice, they don’t know what you go through
Life would just be easier if you had somebody with you
Tyler Grazia Feb 2018
I have been drunk all week
Baby I don't feel a thing
To temptation I'm weak
Please let me hear you sing

Your voice sets me adrift
a true emotional lift
I like to call when you're busy
If you answer I know you miss me

But everyone once in a while
I fail to make you smile
It's been a whole week without one call
I never thought love was in adderal
170 · Jul 2019
Tyler Grazia Jul 2019
The life after the short one
Where debt is never quite done

Either feel the ecstasy or doom
Nothing will ever be impending
It's right here and never ending
But you'll find all that out soon

Giants cry painfully in this place
They don't want this for you
Blood runs from eyes down their face
Realize that this hell is true

One picks you up, immensely distressed he looks
Although you're just another name in the books
Your head fits perfectly into his palm
Like a young boy being held by his mom

You can hardly see, head filled with past regret
Believing in one god is not a safe bet
Now his judgement is nothing to fear
Not even he can hear you from down here

Let's try to be happy, this is the worst it can get
Until your own mind feels like it's about to split
Dragged upon stairs, this is just the beginning
There's only one 'god' down here and he's grinning
Inspired by a trend where people draw their fears. Gave me something to think and write about :)
168 · Feb 2018
The Poet's Finale
Tyler Grazia Feb 2018
Getting high makes my day
Taking all the pain away
Another trip to wonder land
Is nothing short of a daily plan

Wish someone would check my wrist
And count the times that I've been ******
Never once have I been kissed
Even though it's all I wished

I keep anger in a bottle
Ageing like a fine wine
Never one to chase a model
Just someone willing to dine

Talk about a better life
One of love without the strife
I hear again the talking knife
Offering me that better life

Gravity isn't the only thing keeping me down
I spent two days bleeding on the ground
listening for another sound
To lift me out from this broken house

Say it again and I'll believe it
Call 911 reaching for the med kit
On earth I share only one regret
and it's not saying "I love you" yet
167 · Feb 2018
Eternally Internal
Tyler Grazia Feb 2018
When I'm high I tend to ignore her
It hurts so I resort to the bottle more
Never had a problem with wine before
Then again I can't really be sure

I'm only me after a glass of wine
It takes me back to a better time
When all was clear in my head
Without the slightest hint of dread

Trapped between reality and here
Demons draw me beautiful fears
One of losing, another of loss
My mind, the canvas, but at what cost?
159 · Jan 2018
The Sin Toll
Tyler Grazia Jan 2018
This is what’s owed
This is what we pay
For the lies we told
For the words we say
157 · Mar 2019
Soil Part 2
Tyler Grazia Mar 2019
Your partner sees me as forbidden soil
For us both this causes inner turmoil
The rain brings but a small appetizer
Compared to what you store down under

Bring your seed a little closer
To avoid showing her
Our true love she can't withhold
Only you could be so bold

Reveal your untold love
Let me yield your seed
That they may grow above
That which makes you seethe

When our children finish growing
Time it will be for the sowing
More seeds will come, bring me more
For this act, you I will adore
150 · Jan 2018
When I was a Child
Tyler Grazia Jan 2018
Factory smoke was how clouds got created
No pride or power came from being hated
The true nature of my world was never debated
Better give up now or become devastated

However those times have long since past
Just like memories they never quite last
Reality comes to rule with an iron fist
The only logical feeling is utterly ******
149 · Feb 2018
The Captain, a Soldier
Tyler Grazia Feb 2018
We are amidst a mighty battle
The bravest of all men will rattle
At the sight of what we face
In this ******, hellish place

Yes you guessed it, here we are
Between lost cause and very far
From all we know and all we love
Hoping to see them in days to come

Not everyone here will be so lucky
For we fight to live, and fight to be
With this sword I will strike down
All who wish harm upon my town

Beast, monster, or the devil himself
I will decimate all that arise
For I’ve come to conquer hell itself
I will see to it my men survive

And even when my soldiers lie
Soaked in blood by our enemies
Not a single one I will let die
For they then become my memories

The weight I will carry on earth forever
As they cherish new found treasure
Up in the sky with their creator
Forget their names, I will never
147 · Jan 2018
Tyler Grazia Jan 2018
All the voices that came
To haunt my young brain
Bring me this shame
Drive me insane

But you always find
Me before my crime
Deep down inside
My troubled mind

This ****** posion
Bears no remedy
My dear serenity
Remember the better me
146 · Jan 2018
Star-Crossed Paradox
Tyler Grazia Jan 2018
Two poets could never become true loves
This world will vow these words are true
Flying high all night just like two doves
Regret is brought with morning dew
Waking up to feeling victimized
Peaking over his shoulder she realized
The potion that stirs just beneath his eye lids
A similiar concoction that made her speak mad libs
No drug in her system
The young woman loved him
Yet she plotted on how to escape his chamber
But how wanted she felt under his capture
"Perhaps one more night with him I'll slumber"
And at this moment; she ceased to wonder
142 · Mar 2019
Twitch Chat
138 · Jan 2018
Tyler Grazia Jan 2018
I fell in love with a succubus,
An evil witch, and a temptress
Yet not once have I felt rest
Such as laying on her breast

Just like the sun rise
There should be no surprise
She came to wreak havoc
On this excuse for a planet

She breaks hearts without courtesy
Far too late did it occur to me
That the remain of my brain
Would be torn by her name
136 · Feb 2018
The End of Sanguine Sea
Tyler Grazia Feb 2018
We set sail in search for better times
Taking upon new gods to praise
Hoping one might forgive our crimes
And bless us all with healthy days

But fate comes to all and remains fair
Even to those who try to prepare
We were all considered well versed
Until our fate had been found cursed

In these waters there lies true horror
A death by which I would feel honor
Demons live here and as they arrive
The crew prays to God we might survive

But I’ve seen God and he’s not here
Even deities have something to fear
We are just food for stronger foes
Lose all hope and **** your heroes
122 · Mar 2019
Oncoming Storm
Tyler Grazia Mar 2019
What does it mean to become godly
When one possesses such a body
yours could never quite compare
to that which I carry through the air

Watch your back, this life is rough
Too much is just never enough
Women and men succumb to lust
Over what I see as simple rust
Third stanza dlc coming soon
Dm me $15 for it :)
120 · Jan 2018
Carpe Díem!
Tyler Grazia Jan 2018
Gun smoke rises as innocents fall
Pleading for someone to heed their call
Tyrannists use them as a suggestion
For those of us building up our aggression
Little do they know they only starve our hunger
Urging our mental to hold out longer
Tightening our fists as we become stronger
No time to rest, the time to strike is here!
109 · Feb 2021
Missed Chance
Tyler Grazia Feb 2021
With every sweet end
Comes the next bitter beginning
That text we didn't send
To the friend who's considering
Finishing they're time here on earth
And clocking out at midnight
But some things just aren't worth
Causing a fuss or a fight
Now everything's alright
We all got what we wanted
They live on without fright
But now your best friend is dead
Hung himself at twenty-two
You claim you hadn't a clue
Though you knew what you had to do
Too bad your call never came through

— The End —