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 Nov 2020 Rain
Debbie Lydon
 Nov 2020 Rain
Debbie Lydon
My innermost has been missing me,
I must get back to it,
Lately, I've been a half moon, see,
a half moon and that's it.

There's a clumsiness beneath my cerebral cortex,
A hazy and haphazard thought,
My cranuim is marrying the confused with the complex,
And so my thinking amounts to nought.

Where am I in my deafening debris?
I'm not entirely lost,
Just feeling far away from lucidity and me,
But my innermost will cover the cost.
Feeling like a stranger to yourself can be scary. Back to introspection.
 Nov 2020 Rain
Amy Ross
I take compliments,
like I take sugar in my coffee
not at all
 Nov 2020 Rain
Nurul Asyiqin
To be perpetually laden with the parity of both good and bad adventures, I do not know whether I am actually sad or I just want to be sad. The poignant feelings inside of me stay forever and the confusion it brought drains me.
 Nov 2020 Rain
Stu Harley
a place
i still go
green pines and the snow
touch the moon
want to go
 Nov 2020 Rain
Maniacal Escape
 Nov 2020 Rain
Maniacal Escape
Simple tulips
Drugs on offer
Tearing innocent.
Opioid opinions. Singing choir
Seal me in please. I'm gonna go.
Grab a chair, see you soon grandma.
 Nov 2020 Rain
sandra wyllie
Spent my life
set up
in a alley
waiting for men to
knock me down
Dead White Weight
The “thud”
as I hit the ground

Spinning like the arms
on a clock
rolling around
even when my arms
are together
I'm under the weather
 Nov 2020 Rain
Commuter Poet
The fever is gone
Taste and smell too
Two takeaways per week
To help get us through

A Netflix subscription
Great books to read…
Love and support
Are all that I need
17th Nov 2020
 Nov 2020 Rain
Martin Bond
I remember the joy
of consuming
there is a season
for everything
this time
I will just sit out in the rain
bated breath
waiting for a change.
 Nov 2020 Rain
far from love
 Nov 2020 Rain
the opposite, actually.

cold, bitter resentment.

not for you, but for the rest of the world.
i'm not a pretty, peachy, sparkly girl,
i'm a cold, selfish, manipulative *****.
i don't care about anyone, or anything.
i keep up with the jokes and the smiles,
because i do love you, so incredibly much.

you aren't the boy i fell in love with anymore,

and i'm not the girl that fell in love with you.
im not that stupid little girl in love anymore. i love you, but not in a way that is at all happy or fun.

maybe i made you mad. maybe it's nothing to do with me. either way.
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