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Sometimes, I wish I hadn’t just been the backseat of your car,
Intoxicated. My first drunk hook up. My first. Period.
I picture myself being champagne on Valentine’s Day.
I picture myself being you, nervous in the car, holding Starbucks
because you know I love coffee. Sometimes, I picture myself as her,
calling you a stalker and ignoring your calls,
but then I see myself. I call you beautiful,
turn you into poetry, laugh at your bad jokes,
I see myself as I become your drunk Wednesday night
when you’re sad. I see myself as I say no,
I become a “this is not a good idea”
and you a “we’ll deal with the consequences in the morning.”
We laugh because this hurts too much.
You take her out for dinner and I burrow money
for Plan B because you forgot you don’t like condoms
and clearly have no idea how children are made.
I have already named him. He has your curls and
my anxiety. He is smart. Except, I never wanted kids and
you would be a great father. Instead, you tell her
the beach reminds you of her and I cry in a McDonald’s
bathroom with my friend as relief floods through me that
the test comes negative. I stop talking to you,
move forward, meet someone new and before long
see myself becoming you. Because isn’t that the cycle?
Bad men turn good women into bad women who turn
good men into bad men. I’ll set him free so he can hurt
someone like me, and I drink red wine as I read her
poems about him and me.
  Apr 2020 Janal Rajput
Rupert Pip
Break my bones;
cut my throat.
Pull me open,
learn the ropes.

Breath me in;
taste the fear.
Shank my skin;
stand and cheer.

Kick my head;
let me bleed.
Unbolt my veins;
enjoy the read.

Gouge my eyes;
punch my face.
Wrap me up
in your embrace.
Get to know me like I do you; inside and out.
  Apr 2020 Janal Rajput
Ghada Marai
My pen dried from the ink
so did my eyes from all the tears
but i still have words to speak
and more wailing to weep
Im all torn apart
laying face down on the ground
a lifeless corps down earth
whilst a mind is roaming among the stars
somewhere i could meet you or even see you from afar.
   I wonder when all of this will face an end ,
" one day " as one said
truth, untold
words, unspoken
promises were broken
Eyes that lost the spark , waited in the dark.
but what if it was true, that only me and you
                                                          will last .
                       will you come searching for me ?
                                                 cause im long lost .
Janal Rajput Mar 2020
It started off as innocent flirting,
You were just so **** charming,
So charming it flat-lined my heart,
Need CPR to jump-start and restart,
You spoke in warm milk and honey,
I ate it all up with my silver spoon,
Until the bowl was all but empty,
And they way you looked at me,
As if you'd won the ****** lottery,
The apple of your eye, your only prize
I knew then, there'd be no other guys
I knew I loved you unconditionally,
My whole bleeding heart in its entirety.
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