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Gorba May 2020
Just like Paris, it’d be the first place I’d go to
If I were to suddenly fall in love
It has a cupid’s bow, two banks, but no bridges to go through
Because there is no water, neither between them nor above.

It can be found on the South side of the green land
And gets its color from internal rivers running underground
Its surface is softer than the palm of a baby’s hand
With borders that expand each time its owner makes a sound.

Water regularly passes through, right before promptly disappearing
Leaving only behind a few dripping drops, or only a transient sensation of hydration.
There are no monuments ever emerging
But the repetition of apparent ridges begs for contemplation

A succession of narrow valleys and high hills
Shaping a unique pattern worn by a queen
Creating an irrepressible desire to get closer and closer
Until the city cannot be seen
But appears to have been projected on a mirror
Having now a Siamese sister
A sister that I hope would never leave
As this connection would wake in me a fever
The kind that people would want to experience forever.
We've all been there :)
Gorba May 2020
I will be there at the same time I
I will be there at the same time I
I will be there at the same time I
I will be there at the same time I
I will be there at the same time I
I will be there at the same time I
I will be there at the same time I

Thanks again and I look at it when the
Thanks again and I look at it when the
Thanks again and I look at it and let
Thanks again and have the time I got to
Thanks again and have the time I got to
Thanks again and have the time I got to
Thanks again and I look at it and let

We I look like I'm not the one to
Thanks so I look like I'm the time and
Thanks so very very time and let them have
Thanks so I got the one to do that
Thanks so very time and let them be a
Thanks so I got the time off I got
What if the only intelligence AI had was in its name?
Not the one I'm most proud of, but since a lot of people are afraid that AI will take their jobs (some will surely disappear as they always had with technology) and maybe take over the world (less likely), I wanted to make the point that AI is actually dumb. Of course, it can make sentences but it won't know whether they make sense or not. What it actually does, is to figure out patterns out of millions, billions, even trillions of entries and then emulate them. Not that smart, huh? But still quite powerful!
Gorba May 2020
Just like Greenland, it has no grass on its surface,
It is ever so slightly submerged under a paper-thick layer of water
An opaque and quiet white sea surrounds the place,
The most sublime island, sharing this title with an identical twin sister

The center of the island reminds me of a black monochromatic vinyl
But has never been spinning,
Looking at her, I hear the song “you’re the first, the last, my everything”
Spiraling in my head, while the environment is otherwise tranquil.

There, everything becomes dark for a fraction of a second
It happens several times but is seldom noticed
A lid comes and goes, and does forever proceed
Leaving inevitably behind it a clean and moist ground

Unfortunately, no one can truly live there
I wish the reflection of my image would settle on this magical land
Carried by the light of a wonderful day
For a second or longer, I don’t dare to fantasize
Because I know that I will eventually realize
That this picture I see, actually floats above this continent
While somewhere in the background its inverted copy
Sends a message to a distant master observatory
That I hope will make someone happy,
Happy to be finally seeing me.
Can you guess what I am describing?
A tip? We all have them!
Gorba Apr 2020
Commencer noir et désespoir pour finir sur une note lumineuse et pleine d’espoir
Rêve déchu, hors de portée dès la maternité ?
Cicatrice profonde et indélébile ou souvenir d’un tropisme transitoire ?
Rêve et réalité
But d’une vie ?
Pourquoi ne pas y être arrivé, devrait-on être surpris ?
Différence entre rêve et réalité
Qu’est-ce donc que la réalité ?
Est-elle universelle ?
Quel référentiel utiliser pour en décrire les éléments essentiels ?  
Qu’est-ce que la réussite ?
Relative ?
Comment réussir dans un monde désormais gouverné par l’argent et les bits ?
Au final, ce qui compte, n’est-ce-pas sa propre pensée, ce qui souvent émane de notre mémoire sélective.
Au-delà du rêve ?
Passé et présent
Jamais aucune trêve,
Ne saurait figer un moment exaltant
Présent et avenir
Faut-il toujours s’encombrer de souvenirs ?
Espoir triomphant de la désillusion
Crise du grec « krisis »
Signifie décision  
Prise au moment propice
Peut mener au bonheur
Crise n’est donc pas intrinsèquement rancœur
Pour les japonais et les chinois,
Crise est une équation associant danger et opportunité
La mort d’une idée, essoufflée, noyée
Et la naissance d’une nouvelle, qui bourgeonne et qui croît
Décisive peut être un jour
Une unique opportunité peut mener à pléthore de possibilités
Notre cerveau parfois nous joue des tours
Qu’il est souvent sensé d’esquiver
Et si le rêve déchu donnait naissance à une réalité devenue superflue
Car la vérité est ailleurs, quelque part entre introspection et vertu.
Gorba Apr 2020
Isn’t it unnerving
To think that people are smart/wise enough
To choose the right person,
Able to rise to the task of being the president of a state,
And find the answers to the most urgent questions in society,
But at the same time,
That these same people are not capable
Of answering to any of these same questions themselves?
How can we reasonably decide who best fits a blank profile?
Gorba Apr 2020
I live in Sweden
But I was born and raised in France
From parents who came from Haiti
Which is a former colony of France
Where slaves were brought from Benin
(To feed the greed of French monarchs)
I speak French, English, Swedish, and can understand creole
I feel in French, think in English, listen in creole and live in Swedish
I love Florence, I am forever bound to Paris and have international friends
Being a French citizen means that I am European
Am I then also Dutch, Danish or German?
Does it really matter?
Am I not just another man?
A question to those who tell people to go back to their country.
Gorba Apr 2020
Sometimes, to love feels like surrendering to a war that never occurred.
Sometimes, to love feels like fighting for an illusionary victory.
Sometimes, to love feels like being trapped in somebody else’s life.
Sometimes, to love feels like trying to solve a jigsaw puzzle while missing most pieces.
Sometimes, to love feels like being addicted to a drug.
Sometimes, to love feels like being in the middle of a sword fight without a shield, a sword, nor an armor.
Sometimes, to love feels like walking on a tightrope without a safety net.
Sometimes, to love feels like running to stand still.
Sometimes, to love feels like abandoning oneself.
Sometimes, to love feels like carrying a burden.
Sometimes, to love feels like smashing the little toe against the strongest and sharpest corner.
Sometimes, to love feels like being haunted.
Sometimes, to love feels too much like hating.

But to love is also to share passionate moments.
To love is to add spices to an otherwise bland dish.
To love is to repeatedly stimulate bursts of dopamine.
To love is to escape loneliness.
To love is to find joy in despair.
To love is to be optimistic.
To love is to live a dream out of a nightmare.
To love is to become a more complete person.
To love is to go on a wonderful trip without a definitive destination.
To love is to become wiser.
To love is the best placebo.
To love is to open.
To love is to be loved.
To love is to live.
This title is material proof of my chronic deficiency in creativity and imagination. The original title was "to love" but I found it too easy and too obvious which is quite different from actual love, complicated and thrilling in essence. The next title I went for was then "evolot", "to love" backwards, but unfortunately, the feeling was the same. I needed something better. I was looking for anagrams that would be meaningful but I couldn't find anything. There was vel, a river in Russia. I could have tried something with "evolve", which could have worked in a way. Maybe "too" something then? Love does feel too much sometimes! But too much what? That's a question that will be left without answer, at least for the time being. Out of desperation, I decided to just write the different letters, spaced on the page and stared at them for a few seconds that could have been hours. I saw "tolv", twelve in Swedish. For a reason I can't explain, I liked it. At this point, I had all the letters except one "e" and one "o". I went for tolv o'clock, because that's kind of a time at the interface. It's not really morning anymore, but it's not the afternoon yet. It's in the middle of two states, not complicated but close enough. At this point, I was still missing the "e", that's when I went for time. That's how "to love" became "time at tolv o'clock". Interesting, isn't it?
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