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Why?, why is Pluto so cold?
Have you ever wondered..

Pluto understood but been misunderstood,
Pluto went through hell came back all chilled,
Pluto has a warm heart, just never reacted,

Pluto needs recovery time.

Will it last forever,
Only the Moon understands?
While the Sun and the other planets won't accept.

No, Pluto isn't cold,
Maybe, the Sun is.
Since it lights our day but when it burns,
It doesn't care.

It's ok, the universe is expanding,
It'll take Pluto a way,
You'll never see it again,
Now, Smile.  

By: Zoulaikha
Reputation, status n’ position,
Have differences.
But they all take the rap,
For something haven’t done.  

We all, trusted wrong,
Regret it.
But we all try to live by it,
Slightest, survive.

"I care, trust me." they say
No they don’t.
They enjoy seeing you die inside,
It all envy they have.

Has always been an inquiry for me.
I never knew how to deal with it,
And non of you.


By: Zoulaikha
Tears, pillows only know
My breath is caught
Makes you wonder if its the end.

Unjustified panics
I thought I got better
Flash backs
My tears, are blood flowing

Anxiety crippling
Breathe, Breathe, Breathe
No supply
Trying my best to love me through it

Plans shaking
No words racing
My mind erasing
What can I do?

Can't Call
No words to say
My only escape is to disappear

Please leave me alone
I've been good
I stopped taking what I love
But you're still here

Pushing all that I love away
A monster in disguise
You're the tattoo I never asked for

I've been good for so long
Didn't think it'll go wrong
My body's uncomfortable with me
It's planning my end

Thought my mind was responsible
Now my heart with the mind of its own decided to join
Why are they so committed?

My body is cold
I'm trembling from the heat
You said you care, but there you are uninvested
Maybe if I get attached to you, you'll also leave

By: Zoulaikha
Shooting, bombing, killing, fighting
Why are we fighting in this stupid war
It seems like we do it just for fun
Playing so hard with our gun

Like tanks are toys
With kids inside
Starting a battle against each other
Even if the weather is horrible

War destroyed families
Whether you’re in the same party or not
There is no right or wrong
Every thing is a dreadful knot

Soldiers are killing innocent people
Everyone is bleeding and on the floor
They are scared and in fear
No wonder where they disappear

Young soldiers combat
In such freezing and deadly weather
While people are mad and going insane
The rest of us are yelling “It's unfair”

By: Zoulaikha
Love is a song that stained up in the air
Whether dead or not it'll always be there
Love is supper on a pair of lips
Onto tender heart it's drops
Love is both sun and moon
Across the sky  meeting each other
Love is a lake that rages with passion
Finding ways to you no matter what's the fashion
Love is a walk in the park
While two hand, are held together
Love is when you run out of words
and you'd keep repeating just coz they run dry
Love may be a word to describe feelings
but will always be the abounded fruit tree
that would always be new with every shoot

By: Zoulaikha
Every "goodnight" text I read as "I love you"
I'm caught between breathes
Caused by scenarios in my head
I'm not delusional, I'm a hopeless romanic after all

Walked around until I stumbled upon you
A moment ago I wonder if I'll ever meet you
You walked past me and smiled
Now I want to wake up with you by my side

Darling, Lets live like love novels
Not making Ryle's mistake,
Please don't ever touch me that way
"We'll do it the fairytale way"

Morning kisses
You brush away my hair
I'll make you breakfast
I know you dreamt it this way

Let's change the idea of lust
As I watch you hair slick back complimenting your brown eyes
10,000 stories with all the ink there is
"It took me so long to write you" where have you been?

After all this time I'm trying to dig behind your soil
I'm obvious, you'll know, but I won't admit
It took me so long to write you
But as soon as I shut my eyes I vision your rosy lips

You fell for my smile
As your laughter became my treasure
Tune our bodies to the sound of waves
I want to memorise you like I do my favourite song

Take it slow
Match my energy,
Losing control
I want to hear it dear

Be my safe
Be the only person I long for in the brightest of days
Be my forever red
Be the one I need at every blue

Pick the Brush we'll paint our skies purple
From the moment we kiss, I'd die in our locked lips
Tasting the sweet as sugar nectar
Give me a few to never run out of your aftertaste


What love sounds like
Why is it without the purity and heat
What if all I wanted is you
Why is being hopelessly in love lost for all the fights.

All the dark stormy nights
We'll sail the ocean
But wake up with dried up tears
As the sun rays beam highlighting your dark eyes, that's all for now.

True leaders passed.
True leaders hidden.
True leaders aren't wanted.
True leaders, oh true leaders.

Everyone wants to be the leader,
But after becoming one, are no use.
Everyone complains.
Everyone complains!

Be a selfless soul,
Think of others, for many
For wholes and halves of human race.
Regardless of age and importance

In the end, you wish, i wish, we wish,
For a leader, to humbly hold a troubled hand.
No, no need to play the blame game.
Now where is our leader?

By: Zoulaikha
Lover stay, call me home I'll never go away
Unchanging it will be, together I know we're free.
Alluring, how your eyes can speak, forever it's my golden antique.
Yours truly. My one and only jewellery by my heartbeat.

When will I hold your hand,
I'm only safe in your demand.
On my way home I want to smell your cologne.
When I'm alone, the scent is embedded on my shirt.

I'll know then I'm forever unhurt.
Missed the sound of your voice
The smile I always hear
Why haven't we talked?
Its never been clear.

You're messing with the structure of my poetry
You're calling me? No, its in no hurry
Everything is blurry...
Drop drop, there go my tears

I need you

Ponds, lakes, rivers, seas
I be crying late night
But no one feels

They are the 'cause of my pain
Though still don't ask
And non of them feel

I'm tearing apart
My flame is growing inside of me
But they don't feel

No one taught us to love ourselves
That's why I'm weak
People take control of me..


That i have feelings just as they do
That i need to be taken care of
No, no one understands


I don't think they ever will
'Cause they are arrogant
Haughty, overbearing, hubristic
So why would they care

They have themselves to take care of.....

By: Zoulaikha
Nobody has a perfect life,
Everyone has been torn.
Some just deal with it in a perfect way
Your flaws are what make you perfect

Stop understimating yourself
Stop regretting your past
No one is pure
No one is ideal

Curves of yours make you unique
Avoid the toxic
You are worthy
Worthy,to all

Love is yet to come
Don't rush it
You'll get heartbreakes before,

The Angel of love will pass by
It'll come at the unexpected time  

You look deep into my eyes,
It told you my all.
I thought to myself;
"Dead men don't speak"
But you got me singing on repeat.

Having masters in Me
Now you the king of ;
My heart, my body and soul.
For the second..
I feeling electrified.

"Diamonds are forever" they say.
I'm a bad traveler.
Finally succeeded and found,
My house of diamonds...



— The End —