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83 · Dec 2020
Don't Stop
zebra Dec 2020
ooow oooow ooooow
dont sto sto sto stop
a little to the right
a little to the left
ooow not the ***
oooow nooooo

mmmmm oooo okay
oooooow baby
bu bu bu butter da bottom

lo lo lo lo  loves you
dont tell
da daa da daa da
oooow ooow
My pathology professor told us:
“Five minutes with Venus… may require…..
….. a lifetime with Mercury.!!” 🙂
82 · Jul 2020
Zen Koen
zebra Jul 2020
what is the sound
of no thing clapping

the sound
the no
and the thing

thats what
the ****
you are
81 · Apr 2020
zebra Apr 2020
Making death great again
80 · Nov 2020
Why Young Lovers Depart
zebra Nov 2020
promises, hopes and kisses;
are trials
of power fear and trust
like blood ribbons
where secrets are etched
in dark shadows of souls
while a vacancy light
of desire
blinks like neon moons
begging the question
is there intimacy
compelling enough
to stop wandering
towards some unknown hopeful fate
for that singular true soul mate
because you believe
you must catch up to
some future that
has already been written
“If there were no emptiness, there would be no life” is literally true of the universe, but figuratively true of psychic states. We know the positive by the negative. We know fullness by emptiness. We know day by night, and vice versa."
Margaret Atwood
79 · Jan 2020
Dark Virgin
zebra Jan 2020
genetic archive
tantric goddess
**** bomb
black ***** blond thing

Atlantean garden
like the path of smoke
yielding a dark momentum

licking orifice
lamp of faith
between my legs
Witch Bird
my **** the gum she pops

immersion lust of hell
flicker amulets of Arabian knights
evoke venom of the black sun
****** of blood sacrifice
in astral's before creation
B movie cyclops eats girl

a subjective synthesis
walks through
the cloud of unknowing
in a twisted history
gypsy witch
wears the epithet like a mantle
drinking Coca-Cola

Romani belly dancers
twerk the Jambalaya
like acrobats
panting love spells
pumped up on diet pills and candy
like bullets in a ditch

black magick
rose cross and spooks

**** action at a distance
eating the colors on her fingers
her **** smells like insanity
drooling a lust riot

demons pogo stick
in hopscotch hell
and we all fall up
78 · Apr 2020
Madonna's Indelible Swell
zebra Apr 2020
i like ***
like i like air

i hold her luminous face
eating her wilderness soul
elastic suitcase *****

she waits eagerly for the gun
to go off in her mouth
blatting up
***** **** bullets
that turn to puddle
white drops
on her lash fluttering
eyes and glamorous lips

feral lust
a lobotomy
i never wish to forget
in a wordless sermon ******
for a smooth commerce
of entering and leaving

she helps herself
fingerin  pull apart cheeks
opening a back door boulevard
head down
with that irresistible side gaze
that ******* prudes
and make men fall in love

aromatic notes sing
shape a beating heart
paradise of touching allegories
dark meadows
pounced on by
flying **** bombs
and moving red parts
through silk purse corridors
that spin over
prim rose hills

harvest moon
lady garden eating party
summer balloons
and cotton candy hoo hoo
tasting every cooch insight

The Pink Grand Prix Awards
Blatino **** Cheeks Cinema
co co curried
plumb tarts
in pearlescent bikini's
that fit  
a curvy wave ***
for tongue and teeth

may i ******* where you live
deep in your pit
where hell incinerates pride

to be taken
to be used and used up
and burst your crater
where you bleed to be loved
like the jeweled tinder
of a proud ****
with a built in laugh track

i learned early
obscenities are an aphrodisiac
ankles are good handle bars
and lunacy liberates

back door entrance
oil spitty tongue spats
crimps bulges
and weeping squeals
for thunder drum **** beatings
you filthy little *****

oh yes daddy
tear skin from bones
and shove your meat stick  
through my the skull

in the center well
black box of ***
a spectacular organic cream
whipped with a raw yolk
twitch her insides
hot as a desert sun
splitting the afternoon sky
like a searing meteor
boiling blood and ***

enchanted and horrified delight
unveiled in chatterbations, baby talk
and onomatopoeias
without the politics of morality
and pigeonholed ***

we drag out freaky rituals
and tender wounds
across the vestibules of heaven
with scorched hours
of billowed tongues
and open mouth kisses

Aphrodite soufflé
the cracked egg made the mess
ointments veins
and vaginal destinations'
ooz Madonna's indelible swell

and so easy to cleanup
Mars and Venus
slaughtering each other
like retching gladiators

atrocity of lust
at the pimps coliseum
blood **** spit
splooged on  frosty pink
toot toot tootsies
78 · Apr 2020
No Karma Here
zebra Apr 2020
In the end, each life is no more than the sum of contingent facts, a chronicle of chance intersections, of flukes, of random events that divulge nothing but their own lack of purpose
says the enlightenment.
But that doesnt make sense either
and I dont know why.
77 · May 2020
*Masochists Soliloquy
zebra May 2020
dream girl
spreads for a caress
and floats one eye swollen
like a moon blasted out of orbit
smearing lipstick
while stroking
through soaked *******
waiting for a blow to the head
that she may fall away
from the thousand voices
that traffic
in asylum mutterings

she pivots
hermetically gripped
spine flexed
and tossed like
a spectral nightgown
of tumbling flames
a happy bride  
at night alone

shaking in a clutch
of lechers   
she pantomimes doom
oiled and ardent
in a hippodrome
of waving walls
moaning against
tremulous mirrors

in a field of staring ghosts
she swings her hips
for a devil mill-wheel
of imagined men
to enslave her
in a shrunken bed
of mottled burlap and thorns

pendulous tongues
bulged eyed eclipse
her insides
like mosaic temple walls
in a garden harvest
of strangled flowers

she swallows
bulldozer *****
like nights devour suns
lost in a phantasmagoria
of roaring mirth
and foot kissing Caligulas

lust witch adorns
pom pom slippers
bandage wrapped toes
and hard strapped ankles
posturing submission
with widening haunches
spread and eager
for crucifixion

she whispers
sacrifice the ****
and unwind
midnight belly
my love
with slippery lipped beasts
so the gullet
and bowel burst
like drenched Niles

her writhing breaks heavy
in dark crotch vapors
impaled through
mouths hungry layers
to feed graveyard lions
of stone

she cries
radiating rings
in a dazzling leg show
of grace and pain
that seize a tempest
downward dance

from the depths of hell
she calls stuff my mouth
with black mud
until my eyes scream
like boiling fish  
plug the nostrils
and get the broad axe
for a dream come true
headless photo finish
of candy box tears
and stained linen

abuse me
amuse me
love me like you hate me
ill never run

bent low on blood pooled tiles
freaky maiden waits
feral and stretched
for her ritual of death

the garden spreads wide
swing hard
76 · Apr 2020
*Blood In the Yolk
zebra Apr 2020
morphine chapter and psalm
a goat herders guide to the universe
like a quantum haze
the blood drunk good book
a causal necessity
blabbering mouth piece
of ****** up fairytales
intruding cryptograms
and metric talk

an algorithm
of child ****** priests
a ***** house pope
of whispering voices
the Jesus of Satan
the eye for an eye
turn the other cheek
while money is the greatest
story ever told

holy mother
opens her legs
i am birthed in sin
watered in the baptism of heretics
like a panicked oyster
******* pearls
licking her **** shaped moon
in a ritual chamber
of enlightenment

bed of Lucifer
stroking his solar phallus
raising conciousness
like a ******* rocket ship
in the milky way vaginal fluid
of self deification

i am the blood in the yolk
embezzled passed the sanctum of lore
a genocidal ******
and ****** amputee
cross bearing sheep
with nuclear bombs

a Mardi Gras exterior
a death addict
having free will
without a choice
worshipper of bald faced lies
and i believe in Jesus
Old Brethren's Prayer

we are the pure and chosen few
and all the rest are ******
there's room enough
in hell for you

"With regards to the immaculate conception
which is more likely
that the form of nature
had been suspended
or that a Jewish girl lied?"

Christopher Hitchens
In Memory of Christopher Hitchens whom I loved

There is no greater sin than self deceit
Anton Le Vey
Church of Satan
75 · May 2020
*The Cadaver Stares
zebra May 2020
my name written
in her uninhabited stare
beckoning for cockamamie
red summers dark kiss
like concussed
dropped video loops

slippery mouth
flute song
transiting star to star
and bugle horns
of gravity bend light
through her
white bones

velvet kiss
in asylum of sparks
splays queen fatale
with raptur'd eyes
posing in the shape
of a switch blade ******

every slit a shiver
her foot just so
she minds her dance
in a dooms day skirt
flouting a royal
procession of red
while a black rat cupid
rapes my psyche

de thing a fy me
she said
make death risque
like a dead end with a martini
and a ghastly
vermillion mouth

go a head she sneered
take a stab at it

maniac Venus
shakes off her blood
with shimmie shoulders
a honey comb tongue
and a lyrical cadaverous stare

married to a hole
75 · Nov 2020
*My Poems
zebra Nov 2020
my poems are not tyrants

to some  
not even poems
or worse yet offensive
scandalous bullies
behemoths of some
savage oversexed mind

mental animated  
stained **** worn
dingy wall paper
printed multiples
of ***** ***
and blue eyed
Caribbean  pools

beyond hearts mastery
hullabaloo crime scenes
like night jungles
of tooth and claw
in corridors of neuron ghosts
 and livid pornographic hieroglyphs
fed by the dreaded
excesses of testosterone
towards some ruined
blood spotted
hanky panky *******
just to remind me of you
and how it hurt just so
and how you loved me for it

whoever you are

no sanitized spiel
about fragrant gardens
azure blues
the lassitude of angels
and the secret seas keep

my poems

a slave's heart 
vaulted thighs
eating a raw mouth
in a cathedral of tongues
and wrapping myself
in your nut brown hair
74 · Jul 2020
zebra Jul 2020
I love you
because we
both come
from vaginas
74 · Apr 2020
Sadomasochism Therapy
zebra Apr 2020
a counter culture
redemption through sin
undermining structures of power
love to hurt you so good

bash mashley
**** me like you hate me
your foot in my face
please and thankyou

a gloved hand
a black whip pharmacology
that brightens the patients soul

behave you sick ****
a tyranny over docile bodies

a Judas to the enlightenment
are facts
controlled through mechanisms of duress

a ***** math circus
a war between high minded ignorance
and low minded superstition

technology is idol
lost in *** holes of space
and than the mojo goes missing

id rather pray to *****
shes on her knees head down *** up
i pray  *****
entering the temple

is psychology political

the reality is
the reality is
the reality is

the reality is
broken girls getting off
being broken by men
who love to break them
thera *** ***
71 · Jun 2020
zebra Jun 2020
It is not lost on me that the meaning of much that I write is not well understood. Some say if you have to explain a poem its failed.
Id flip that around and say what of the readers responsibility to be culturally assimilated, familiar with surrealism and the writings of visionaries who constructed and promulgated altered realities some of which great movements of literature and culture are built upon, such as Artaud who inspires the subject of my darkly exotic intersectional writings.
Let it suffice to say then at the very least these poems are streams of conciousness that may give hints through a gleaning of suggestive images.
69 · Jul 2021
The Woke Dot
zebra Jul 2021
There's a dot following me around
staring at me
it has no depth
no height
length or width
and it's everywhere

you can't put your finger on it
but without it
there would be no line
and with no line
there could be no dimensionality
and without that
there would be nothing at all
so in spite of myself and all my sentiment
about being human
at the core I know I've emerged
from a mere dot
dimensionless and beyond the mind
a no-thing
and that is my god
because from that
like all of creation
that's where I come from
and ultimately
where I'm going back
as i go forward

you can't find it directly
in religion, myth, belief, faith
or anything external
but it is perceivable with in
and you can feel it
like an elevator going to the top floor

and it wordlessly whispers one thing repeatedly
relax, calm down, keep your eye on the prize
and if you look anywhere else for me
you're ****** to hell

I've been looking at it now for fifty years
and i can show it to you
68 · Dec 2020
zebra Dec 2020
he fills her dream

she contemplates
her shipless ocean

virtues shadow
leans on exultations
in a crotchless bikini

******* ascend
like candied fruit
forming a balcony
of opals and rubies

the vision:

cupping curves
waves of grace
and Andromeda
crashes the Milky Way

the voice:

a lattice of wetted
whispers smooth
and heated

a smidge of desire
like a curtain of flesh
for belly dance hips
twines a goblins mouth

and ****** feet
trip the lights
**** blotted
in bedlams empire
shake dancing stilettos
in a savage hula
zebra Jul 2020
You're a good person
Highly ethical
and irreducibly moral
of course

What you say?
You're secretly 
a ***** *****
in heat

Need it in the ******* and *****
like its a five alarm *** emergency

Want to ****
ten thousand *****
in a single night

You like it best on the rag
and your not letting on
that if you were free
you'd be a relentless ****

You want to ****
and cut off the *****
of the last *******
who left you high and dry
and all the ******* like him

Well its about time
you figured that out

***** ****** is a good thing
**** being socially appropriate
dont take **** any more

You're finally
going to be okay now
You're a good person
Butter cup
Better than ever!
"Until you make the unconscious conscious
it will direct your life and you will call it fate"
Carl Jung
zebra Jul 2020
There is nothing eviler than self-deception, thinking one is doing the right thing blind to the misery it inflicts on others. This is the mark of every tyrant, monster, and autocrat always unconsciously projecting their own evil onto others, i.e. the otherizing, giving drama to the inner and outer war of fear and shame that plays out without relent in the racial, political, and ****** drama of our lives, like disowned sexuality that manifest as
out of control impulses which may carve out unwanted events and destinies.
My poems are logs of surreal mental constructs rooted in a labyrinth of shadows, where I destroy and create others and myself for the pure pleasure of it. There is nothing more bizarre than a good mental **** if not a ****** one and you know you may need that, unless you talked yourself out of it a long time ago.
I told her It's your dark part I love the most! No, not the dark part you're ignorant of; not at all, but the one you may have an inkling of when the ***** falls in love with her closet monster that excites, frightens and ignites, wanting what you should not want. 
The Satan she loves, the god of her dark heaven she wants to own and be owned by and drag out of the shadows for her own unspeakable special pleasures. Telling me how turned on she is;
She whispers …."If I could get you to **** me any way I wanted, I would start with you stalking me; waiting for the moment when I go for a jog, or out shopping on my bicycle all alone. Armed with a blow gun and a few tiny darts, it will be such a simple thing to follow me and put one in my back, scooping me into your van seconds later as I fall like dust."
He said I'll take you home to my cave and eat you like like summer melon on a shaking bed, red red red. She pulled him into her starving emptiness and said **** me slow placing his hands around her neck tenderly pleading and with dove like eyes whispering, "I'm so ready, please baby please"
La petite mort … The little death...
The connection between *** with death is ancient.
It is merely the projection of the ******* moment when one is lost in the ecstatic oblivion of release as it permeates oneself or the object of ones desire with its visual reflection, emotional content, and ghastly yet sometimes abjectly bizarre sensuality and finality.
67 · Apr 2020
Dementia News
64 · Apr 2020
A Word About Poetry
zebra Apr 2020
To many young writers think a poem is just a story obsessed with making points
In this writers opinion anyway, this remains an immense failing of perception.
To me a poem is also about music i.e. the sounds of words as they interact with one another. In other words the sonic resonance of language as vowels interact. This becomes so obvious when one reads the most lauded poetry
"Mule-bray, pig-grunt and ***** cackles"

"The suffocating aeons of spinning stone pillars"

"butter yellow blink mouth
like a strutting pigeon
squanders the language
of pebbles and seed"

Just sayin...…...
64 · Jun 2020
Many Gods
zebra Jun 2020
There are many gods before the great and terrible IT God
It doesnt know you and doesnt need to anymore than you need to know the name and address of each cell in your body.
The great and terrible IT is the last god you will ever know,
but you already know so many others. Those architypes emanate every minute bringing you both pleasure and pain in myriad forms and expressions.
Your DNA, Your beauty or plainness, your intelligence or lack there of, and your privilege's or restrictions are produced by their generative influence. You are not the product of your own will anymore than you get to decide your height or eye color but of a destiny written by the will of another conciousness. 
A god of persona
A god of inheritance
A god of communication
A god of home and family
A god  of children
A god of service work, health and restriction
A god of relationships and competition
A god of *** death and resurrection
A god of travel
A god  of profession
A god  of community
A god of spirit, dark pleasures, isolation and liberation.

Its not rocket science, just look around:
64 · Jul 2020
Genesis 28
zebra Jul 2020
So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. {Does that include  a **** and *******?} 28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.

Lets ****!
63 · Jul 2020
zebra Jul 2020
who believe
in god
have no faith
Belief can not exist with out some element of doubt because it is not fixed i.e. an unconfirmed or magical thought
Belief is not knowing So faith becomes unstable
Why does one cling to god ? To feel safe but if you have faith you do not hold onto anything anymore i.e. What esoteric Christianity refers to as the cloud of unknowing ….fixed in he mystery beyond doubt

The Cloud of Unknowing) is an anonymous work of Christian mysticism written in Middle English in the latter half of the 14th century. The text is a spiritual guide on contemplative prayer in the late Middle Ages. The underlying message of this work suggests that the way to know God is to abandon consideration of God's particular activities and attributes, and be courageous enough to surrender one's mind and ego to the realm of "unknowing", at which point one may begin to glimpse the nature of God.
61 · Apr 2020
Letting My Brooklyn Out
zebra Apr 2020
half the ***** in Brooklyn
cant afford to live there anymore.
Its one of the shoplifting capitols
of the world.

the way I grew up
was to see if me and my friends
could stuff
our mouths with egg foo young
and shrimp rolls  
in a little Chinese Restaurant
near the exit door

and than run for our lives
without paying the bill

and thats me
and my dumb ****
glue sniffing friends
letting our Brooklyn out

57 · Feb 2020
Zoo of Keys
zebra Feb 2020
looking down
it's a zoo of keys

my computer spits out
another ****** poem

quizzical brain
racing fingers
on a key board
with the letters rubbed off

im sick in the mouth
from lukewarm
bittier black coffee
thick as stew
like turgid monkey ****

nitrous fumes sift upwards
through cracked floors

from the TV screen shrapnel
the news is leaking blood again
down the dresser drawers
red puddles float slippers
and the cat licks

my poems
always writing me
im their ***** typist slave
with time off
to be *****
by a savage delta of
misbehaving women
their *****
tonguing my face
for an occasional *******
and *** drifting rainbows
in a crumpled sock

mice died from blue pellets today
their little corpses strewn
on a knotty wooden floor
and the dogs are quiet tonight
Intertext William Burroughs
zebra Jul 2020
I met "God"
and he said he would
answer any question

So I asked him why
he left us
to bleed,
and hurt.

He told me
"I Saw Everything
That I Made
and "Behold, It Was Very Good"
52 · Jan 2020
zebra Jan 2020
very cute and pretty
you're so hot
oh yeaha
I feel silly;
am I making a fool of my self
eek i just swallowed my bubblegum,
will it work out?
let me call the psychic hotline ,
let me mop up the blood
and hide the yellow crime scene tape
oh gosh
come on in
48 · Mar 2020
Venus Teacher of Demons
zebra Mar 2020
and i lean into her darkness
weaving a secret web
i am black cherry and roses
to capture you

we talk during a horrible silence
leaving sliced words
like snipped kitty tongues
dripping hex red

then like a renaissance
pandemonium  curls
fire hot desire
like bon bon handcuffs
and my beer bottle ****
48 · May 2020
Please Help
zebra May 2020
my arms
are getting
to short
to reach
between my legs

please help
47 · Jun 2020
Desire and Domination
zebra Jun 2020
the sensual and ****** hunger
of male energy
to feel like he
owns the soul and body
of all that he loves and lusts
to consume and control
in accordance
with his true will
and that
of the willing subjugated
47 · Jan 2020
In a Blue Movie Red
zebra Jan 2020
In a Blue Movie Red
tenderness creaks
in a sea of cracked mirrors

i don't want beauty
but skin and blood
raw meat curtains
her spitting froth
her will to suffer
for a sadist
In bloodshot nights
gagging the root of me
a party mouth surprise

winking meat strawberries
my carnivorous tongue
crawls down on mossy cleft

mommy long legs
heaves wet *******
exposing  a starved vertical smile
drooling runny yolks
for jumping Mexican bean *****

i linger over swathed feet
and slave anklets
while Ave Satanas
play rites of black mass
at death fest
beating earthquake ears
cutting through meridians
of moral code
as the whole world
runs for its life

derelict ***** in a blizzard
has a suicide ******
and jumps out a window in flames
staring agog
her toothpick eyes pimple up
swallowing my face

the snow still shaking
her tongue like kitty bits
hiss a scarlet thread

crimson asphalt and coke white
cascades a shadow
in a blue movie red
44 · Jun 2020
zebra Jun 2020
its not that I dont want to be understood
it just cramps me to engage in it
like a dog licking your crotch
and zap
your pregnant

a poem can growl or whimper
without naming claiming and over explaining

all you have to know
is there's turbulence in  the rabbit hole
demons in the bed

Satan jumps out of the closet
and Christ it can *******
better than you've ever been ******

who wouldn't like that?
43 · Mar 2020
zebra Mar 2020
Truth is too simple for words
before thought gets tangled up in nouns and verbs
there is a wordless sound
a deep breathless sigh
of overwhelming relief
to find the end of fiction
in this ordinary
yet extraordinary moment
when words are recognized
as words
and truth is recognized
as everything else
zebra Jun 2020
i'm trying to memorize you
all your red and dark parts
and how they moved
and made your hair sway
feeling you as if a brailed page

i'm evil i said
want things

make it sharper
break through
mush my freckles
stalk spit and ash
etch a sketch blood trails
and open the bonus hole

come here carnivore
pork **** me
bone in
ingeniously constructed
Siamese blue
with high cheek bones
that make you look at her ***

the crime scene
two forks, a spoon
some torn photo documentation
and an upload
of a rhapsodic curved ****
and **** gumbo
on Death Addicts
needle of necrophiles

silence breaking silence
on a hook
glazed and trussed
Sally Butter Plump Laughing

she sees through epiphanies eyes
slanting into pain
for dazzling pleasures
that thrill
dread red
34 · Jan 2019
zebra Jan 2019
cup of shadows
tastes like oolong

won the lottery

her boy friend
the scent of Bergamot
wearing a French maids costume
does the dishes

yes he does dear

— The End —