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  Sep 2015 a l e x
ashley m
The old hollow tree
Almost withered and dying
Yet remains standing
  Jul 2015 a l e x
Chaotic world
When I saw only dark,
you showed me the light
when I can only hear sadness,
you played me a melody
when I had no one around me
you came to me
but now that you're gone if feels like all the  roses you had left
are slowly dying
And I try everyday to keep them alive but they just won't stay
Soon enough all these roses would die and this field would be nothing more then a graveyard full of demons
I guess it's best that I give the roses that you've given me to someone else,
and hope that their graveyard
turns into a field of roses.
  Jul 2015 a l e x
tell me how beautiful is the stars
and how the moon shines so bright
explore every inch of wonders,
embrace the night sky

whisper your wishes
turn off the lights
tell me how your mind
floats in the darkness
when slowly,
you are suffering inside.
  Jul 2015 a l e x
Pradip Chattopadhyay
write a poem everyday
make it a daily habit
note whatever you've to say
the bitter or the sweet.

stare at the screen before you
or the page if it's so
there's always something new
awaiting your ink's flow.

some you've to dig not much
a few need delving deep
some may feel like feather touch
a few would make you weep.

sometimes the hand would just not move
at other would run like horse
sometimes the words would sing and groove
cry out like waves' roars.

while you write you may bleed
or kiss the blue like bird
jotting down is all you need
the inner voice that's heard.
the poet buds for a lifetime
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