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784 · May 2018
Diane Niyonkuru May 2018
the feeling of being yeet
the feeling of eating a kabab
the feeling of the kabab being delicious
778 · Sep 2018
Diane Niyonkuru Sep 2018
the grass is green
so are avocados
my school uniform is green
so are avocados
the tree is green
so are avocados
kitty cats climb the kitchen
so are avocados
dog barks
Diane runs
bird tweets
Diane dies
are avocados
293 · Jun 2018
Honk Honk
Diane Niyonkuru Jun 2018
the traffic outside deafens me
vehicles zooming past every minute
the car heater warms me
as i shiver within my coat

the traffic outside deafens me
noises hitting me from every direction
first i hear

beep beep!


honk honk!
213 · Jun 2018
High Socks
Diane Niyonkuru Jun 2018
keeping my toes warm
even my shins
the rain never hits me
thanks high socks

cool and stylish
i look Cher Horowitz fancy
from heels to knees
thanks high socks

— The End —