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 May 2018 xy
Vinnie Brown
 May 2018 xy
Vinnie Brown
She asked “What of Courage?”
As if personifying it
Would deepen her own belief in it
As she knew we all feel so cowardly somedays
But, she was tired of feeling tired, even more so of feeling small, for her heart screamed of adventure, lost somewhere in the ocean of it all
She has a lot to learn though
Such as tomorrow when she wakes up
And makes her morning coffee
That walking out that door and living life
Well, that’s pretty courageous
For the world is really big and she might just be small after all
 May 2018 xy
 May 2018 xy
It is only fair that
I should warn you...
In person
I am quite out spoken
Stern and sure in my
Liberal values

With a smile
And a wink in my caring eye
I would love to sell you
Your greatest passions
Your greatest pleasures
If you can't afford
We can negotiate
Trust me
I aim to accommodate

If you are curious
Roll those bones
Award yourself
Answer the phone
Take the blue pill
Wake up in bed
Fearing I maybe
A dealer of dread

But my name is my word
Integrity bound
And I have
The best stuff to sell around...
Traveler Tim
Matrix reference

This weekend the flee-markets
start in Michigan,
I am a Flipper!
some are born
staring at the sun
becoming blinder
as their eyes widen
with every day begun
in warmth and comfort
dotting the Is and crossing the Ts
drawing lines under finalities
saying goodbyes surreptitiously
inconspicuously thanking my serendipities
no going back
 May 2018 xy
Lawrence Hall
Raggedy barefoot children in the five and dime
With a Saturday morning quarter each
Plastic toy soldiers, Nazis and Yanks
Or a wind-up car – but that’s a dollar

Whitman adventure books for fifty cents
If nothing this week, then maybe the next
The Call of the Wild, with noble dog Buck
But what about marbles in a little net bag?

Tables of treasures at the variety store
Aladdin’s Cave (with a swept wooden floor)
 May 2018 xy
Vinnie Brown
All these heavens are the same
They're rotting my brain, love
I think I need a change
Before I go insane, love

All these hells are the same
They're rotting my brain, love
I think I need a change
Before I go insane, love

Now, I am insane
Angels and Demons in my brain, love
Peace we can't obtain
Cause' all these loves are the same
 May 2018 xy
Lawrence Hall
Oh yeah that’s right we met at now where was it
Uncle Skinny’s funeral now I think that
was now when was that dear? Oh, it
was at Cousin Verlis’ wedding okay
I’m sure stove up from my last surgery
yeah, me an’ Bubba worked the tugboats for years
Then he fired me we lived there for years
but sold the place and we’re still living there
now it was all flooded up there to where
the Baptist Church was so we couldn’t go
they say Interstate Ten’s a mess this summer
we need to go I got to take my pills
that’s why rice farmers just leave their combines
in the field to rust ‘cause the government’s
all mixed up in it I guess there ain’t many
of us left we all grew up together
I got me this new gun now where’s my ‘phone
Oh it’s in the truck I’ll get it
                                                 now here
I can’t make this thing work I know it’s in
my pictures oh there it is wait it’s gone
we need to go I’ve got to take my pills
now was Cousin Skeeter buried with his parents
no wait that was his son joined the Marines
but they kicked him out ‘cause he was no good
we need to go I’ve got to take my pills
now they was both buried in California
I guess I seen ‘em in 1968 last
These chairs is too low I’m all stove up
I don’t know why the government ain’t prepared
For hurricanes they dug this big drainage ditch
But what if the water backs up along it
Then what am I going to do
We need to go I’ve got to take my pills
I ain’t never met a stranger, no, sir
That’s what they always said about me
Now when I was in school if I had said
“computer” they’d-a sure-’nough kicked me out
We didn’t need all that stuff we learnt just fine
We need to go I’ve got to take my pills
(a ten-minute monologue about a couch
goes here) so I ended up buying a new couch
my first job was with Caterpillar but
after ten years he left and went to work
down’t Port Arthur now if you’re ever
down our way be sure to stop by
we’d sure be glad to have you come on by
We need to go I’ve got to take my pills

[The morning’s interrupted projects and chores
Are resumed, but somehow in a milieu
Of existential despair.]
genius is relative
******* twin brother
when theyre not communicating
cant tell one from the other
 May 2018 xy
LS Martin
Between that second glass of wine
And that first kiss from
I was found in your
But lost in the
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