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 Apr 2015 Lillian
Mr X
 Apr 2015 Lillian
Mr X
When you are gone,
Its not your smile that I'll miss the most.
Nor is it your laughter.
I will not miss your rythmic voice
Nor will I miss your amazing speeches.

When you are gone,
I'll have all those video clippings
And all those unnecessary voice recordings to be my aid in your absence.

But hundreds and hundreds of clips
Filled to the brim with your laughter and voice, will never be able to take your place.
And that's because they'll all be a repetition.
They'll show me what my eyes have already seen.
Priceless moments...
They'll never be able to create them,
Like you did all the time
With your amazing mind.

However hard I am on myself.
The truth will always be that I'll miss you.
I'll definitely miss your heart which was your aid until this last day.
But what I'll miss the most, is your mind and your everlasting soul.
I'll miss them beyond words.

— The End —