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Nov 2019 · 520
feaugustin Nov 2019
aksaraku benar benar mati,
tenggelam bersama tangis,
meringis, miris, teriris.
selamat tuan,
kau pandai memerankan peran antagonis berkedok protagonis.
Apr 2019 · 428
feaugustin Apr 2019
'bertemu akan berpisah'

perpisahan itu pun datang

meninggalkan duka, menyebabkan air mata berlinang.

kesedihan pun menang,

tapi kau akan tetap terkenang.

tak 'kan terlupakan,

tetap ku nanti jumpa yang tak kunjung datang,

walau rindu terus meradang.

xxaugustt // #writtenfromgrisse
actually this one is for my big bro.
Feb 2019 · 172
-m o n o t o n e
feaugustin Feb 2019
Everytime I wrote a poems
I always thought about you
I asked to the stars
Where you've been
I looked at the sky
Wishing you were looking at the same sky
I told the moon that
I was waiting for you for so long
The wind came through my skin
and I wishing you were here
Holding me in your arms
Everything's so monotone since you were gone
Its just black and white
Its not colorful like it used to
I didn't even realize that my life was a good colorful painting
Til you were gone.
sorry for a bad grammar
Feb 2019 · 511
r a i n-
feaugustin Feb 2019
some people say that they love rain
it reminds them of their good memories.
but some people say that they hate rain
it reminds them of their bad memories.

and i'm sitting here,
watching every water that drops in front of me.
i don't even know,
did i love rain,
or i hate rain.

i can be happy because rain is come.
but sometimes,
i can be sad because of rain too.
it's feels like when you have a crush on someone.
you can be happy because of their presence.
and sometimes,
you can be sad because of them too.
also sometimes,
you can be confused by their presence.
did you must be happy,
nor be sad.
Feb 2019 · 747
feaugustin Feb 2019
792 kilometer,
sebuah jarak yang tak dekat,
tetapi dapat menyelipkan rasa yang terikat,
berbekal kepercayaan yang kuat,
di samping rasa rindu yang sangat.
distance between us.

— The End —