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It's a sad day when a single flower doesn't know her contributive worth
Does she not know she's as beautiful as every other flower here on Earth?
Why would a brand new fresh blade of grass feel decay
When you can't help but to feel hope at the very sight of it's neon green shade?
i will remember how you looked at me,
your deep, blue eyes burning holes
through me and how you gave me
every piece of you without any
second thoughts and how i offered
you what was left of me.

i will remember my cold feet
intertwined with your warm feet under
dozens of blanks and the feel of your
skin against mine, your warm breath
on my neck, your deep soothing voice
filling my ears, replacing the dull sound
of your records, the softness that intertwined
our fingers together and your tight grip on
my waist pulling me closer and closer to you.

i will always remember how you
got along great with my dad and
how he told me that he's never seen me
so happy before then
when i was sitting next to you,
wrapped up in your strong arms
or how you touched my face so delicately;
brushing a strand of hair away claiming
i had the most beautiful face you have ever
seen and i knew this wasn't true
but i let you win for once.

you pushed me and i fell,
but i know you just forgot to catch me
but that's okay; i'll never stop loving you,
my heart will never stop aching
or beating for you and the saddest thing
of all; i knew you never did quite love me
and i don't think you ever will.

I haven't been full
Since I don't know when
Or set foot in a mall
Since like two thousand ten
As for Christmas let's say
It's a good thing that it's the thought that counts

I don't have enough gas
To visit my girlfriend
I don't have enough cash
(I probably won't til the worlds end)
I can barely afford to get lunch at school!
So thanks Mrs. Obama for ruining that too!

I'm just so freaking sick of being poor.
I just want food in the fridge. Nothing more.
I know, I shouldn't be complaining. After all, there are still those kids in Africa. I'm just saying that I'm sick of being surrounded by those who have plenty, while I'm scraping to get by.
Church warns you of the Devil
But what they fail to convey
Is that he comes in all shapes and sizes.
That bully from grade school
The detested ex-lover
The backstabbing leech
Who acts like a friend
And then, there are the less obvious
Signs that he is near
Rolling up in his blue SUV
Whispering what you want to hear
Pulling you into him
So that escape is not an option.
He catches you by the mouth
And holds your ear
Successfully getting you to listen
He lips, they are slick and smooth
His eyes are a pasty, shallow blue
He works at a coffee shop
A diner
A gas station
He attracts you with his honey
And then drops you like the fly you are to him
Leaving you to clean up the mess he left behind
After all,
Even Satan was an angel once.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Emily Tyler
I have a boyfriend
I shout to myself,
Pinching my upper thigh
And blinking away from
The sight of them.

She giggles and I notice
Her laugh is lopsided
And she's too short
To be that loud.
Her shoulders are too far forward
And even I notice the
Gross stain on her
Upper left canine
Between her braces
That are bright, neon green.

She's my best friend.

I don't mean to think of her in that way,
I love her like a sister.
But it pops into the front of my brain
When I see them together.

I don't even like him
In that way
I have a boyfriend,*
And all he was
Was a whispered fifth grade crush.
That's what I tell myself.

He looks at her like
She's a million bucks.

Her crooked teeth
Earn her six cents,
In my opinion.

I take it back within a second,
But the thought was still there.

Jealousy makes me into a monster.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
The boy across the room.
His name I couldn't quite place.
On the tip of my tongue.
Yet not a trace of memory.
Of a time I once knew.
The light that filled the room.
With such a big warm smile.
Sandy blonde hair.
Deep blue eyes.
Come over here.
Make your way to my heart.
You took hold of it.
That very moment I saw you.
I dreamed my whole future.
With that one peak of your face.
Every step my heart raced.
You took my hand so gently.
"Would you care to dance?"
Our feet swept the floor.
With laughter and happiness.
We were the sight of the room.
I wanted to be bold.
If just for tonight.
I took hold of our stare.
Placed the most pure kiss.
Upon your rose colored lips.
From Across the room.
I saw our marriage.
In a crowded church.
The frills and flowers.
I saw our son.
Little overalls.
With blonde hair.
Just like you.
I saw our death.
Floral covered bed.
Weak hands holding.
We lay and await the end.
And in that single moment.
That time I saw your beautiful face.
I knew I was in love with you.
 Mar 2014 y i k e s
Devon Grey
Millions have seen me this year,
But no one has noticed me.
Thousands have seen me this winter,
But no one has gotten to know me.
Hundreds have seen me this month,
But no one has cared about me.
Some have seen me this week,
But no has asked if I'm okay.
No one has seen me today,
Because I was not okay.
"Come over tonight,
I'm craving your love.
I'm begging for your touch,
I'm hungry for your kiss.
Baby, wont you come over?"

You put on his favorite perfume:
The purple bottle of Vera ****,
the one with the cap shaped
like a crown. Tonight, you're
hoping to be his princess.

Once you arrive, you walk right in.
He doesn't greet you at the door,
but that's okay. He never has.
You come to his room, he doesn't say
a word, only strips you of your coat,

your Victoria's Secret lingerie, and
your dignity. You go through the
motions of what seems like making love.
But you know you're putting passion into
something that is incapable of giving it back.

Your kiss is full of want,
his has no feeling.
Every touch becomes more caring,
but from him, its only a game.
You know that he doesn't want anything more.

When he falls asleep, you're left to
lie in the sweat, shame, and disgust.
You thought it was different this time,
but its never different. You can't refuse
his sensual offers, the stealthy ways of

getting all that he wants from you.
It isn't your fault, but it is.
Your constant requirement of love
makes it impossible to refuse him.
"Baby, wont you come over?"
Please offer feedback on this one! Much appreciated(:
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