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 Mar 2013 WordWerks
Sarah Writes
Who's saving you next, little girl?
That beautiful boy who offers you ******* and breakfast?
Or the woman at the store who stares as you pass by
Tries to catch the scent of your hair
Wants to hold the sparkle of you eye
You just want to be heard
That's why you never talk when you're sober but
When you're drunk you always fall in love
And in the morning you have anxiety attacks
Can't make eye contact
Yeah girl, you're so pretty
Pretty like the flies who lay their eggs on dead things
 Mar 2013 WordWerks
Matthew M
Midnight raindrops pitter,
Lullaby-like and gently,
Softly, sweet sounds sing,

Sleep's greeting is waiting,
On deeds done in darkness,
Somnolent certainties,

It is brighter, awake at night,
Because all flaws are hidden,
And only silhouettes remain,

Each together, touch alone,
Falling in abysmal, foolish love,
Tonight is for you and I,

Darkness's peak has passed,
But my lights stay on,
What dream could better this?
When you touch,
It is withholding.
When you moan,
It is suffering.
When you smile,
It is mercy.
When you laugh,
I am placated.
When you swoon,
I am not there.
When you vibrate,
I only witness.
When you taste,
I only imagine.
When you love,
I am unknown.
 Mar 2013 WordWerks
Matthew M
Her beauty is like a condemned man's last smoke,
A burning gasp of life,
To have her, to lose her,
Each poignant moment must be stolen,
And swiftly savored,
Caging kisses,
Adding to the queasy stomach graveyard,
For butterflies of hope,
She's in love with loss,
Not I,
Yet I  can not let her go.
My love is kept, and I have nailed
Her face to mine in a box of sleep,
A chamber for lost chances, subtle
Visitations, concrete emanations,
Somnambulistic signs and mercies
Elation, we walk through meadows
Of the mending sun, sweetly chaste,
Ever deep into the wandering shift,
That tearing time and moon allows,
Real as dream, to the lands of night.
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