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"to say I love you"

tears walk away from my heart

a new series of terror

you hold fifty one vials of my blood

loving you and waiting

something ****** the soil

the cattle continue missing organs

it's too much to drive

the pastor says he's been waiting for me

it's pretty much what you choose now

blue eyes
fruit only the river could hold

we chew onions from the Amish

one week later and I'm not strong enough

we eat

summer withdraws her claws

twelve wives and eight of them pure

it's your choice the pastor says again

that prophet speaks into my perfect ****

it's the neighbors next I'm told

and thanks for asking


fifteen years later and there ain't a bullet which could take me down

it's two lines for every buck I don't have

there's a look now


convinced it ain't me touching


into the red clay

tarnished steel coos

brassy nose learning to mask a smile

it's twenty two to life he tells me

these sins you commit, it'd be worth it

try as i smile
he breaks my resolve

it's ten years ago and you ask where'd I lose that tooth

that barn all but burnt

it's four years and death threats

threats but none so close

a gift you told me

a promise comes later

after the flower for the pence

after the deathwish
it's but the only wish

I killed you a long time ago

it's just a bag of trash

inside are things unwanted

with that out of my chest

i ask replace it

with an old sweet dream

it's the wolves' fangs
a sight akin to my bladder losing itself

and it's your smile
that contains my heart


­covered in a sheet of ice
thinking for so long the morgue was where i'd finish my first smoke
life burns out and death moves forward
a war is won with footsteps retreated, muddy & unaccounted for

it was my horse's tooth

'tis not that legendary silver fang

even now i taste you
weak and acrid in my happiest cups

much to remove


being such a series of

flashing lights

barking and hollering

defending and pleading

resurfacing and resurfacing
I'll waste your memories
it's high midnight and I'm up to my old tricks again

in an hour I'll have my nose prepared
in two, I'll sweat and pray

praying the windows I opened last year give way to Carolina air

me chewing an ice cube
with you pressing my shirt

and a shiver breathes into me

it's a funeral, you tell me

in twelve hours time I ask you how I got here

another hour and it's your voice
causing me to laugh from my belly

pounding my fists into your tombstone

too angry to light my cigarette

the willow hides the moonlight
sheds no tears on this chapter

the willow hides night sky
a reflection from my dark eyes

they warble in fear

for the sound my heart is like to make

so if it'd make you stay
I wouldn't act so angry all the time

it's three years later
chewing soil from your grave

the worms but ash

my heart
a muted trumpet

pale imitation
crystalline defeat

silhouette of a cursed shade

it's five years and the marble runs smooth

it's ten years and the willow roots join mine

a legacy of agony
countless copper dishes of bitterness

thirteen years a testament of longing and needless suffering

every smile bled to death
every night a star turned inside out

it's two years ago and I hear your name
past and pleasant
fleeting present
a lake of blood is promised

homes fill with fiber optic prophecy.

"put away your lenses children and sleep under the lamp's shade."

our purple rice growing

Vishnu mumbles and stirs in his sleep.

by the crystal pond, a poison frog sings.

decorating the sand and reeds are skeletons of the old wars.

nearly dust now.

unable to make decisions for the weak or young, the strong or the old.

four seasons yet to pass

attention given to the wolf's lonesome cry.

place your head in sand,
witness the scorpion.

she is
emperor and admonisher.

the tiger breathes in and breathes out its final breath.

lay your belly upon wheat and remove hunger.

an angel's velvet wing cools the fever,
the old sickness of Old Salem.

onions, apples & lemons are sprouting.

there, just underneath the horseman's hood.

quickly, look.
happy birthday sweet prince

I splash my blood across my father's new *******

a woman now

his liver is thin

and his new lover

(he is whispering as he rapes me)

is an image of my brother

remove his cartridges alone and place the bullets in my heart

my mother cries

and my father mumbles to himself

i rise from the grave

remove my father's gums

i place my teeth in his mouth

and i collect sinew from my unborn brother

i order my father into the ground

i dash his newborn's face into a **** stained alley

i ask for my father's
full name, date of birth
his mother's most exciting fetish

with another larvae from my father's womb

another show of strength
here now i have absolute strength


a man came to me as a child
and that same man told me

enter me and you will love nothing but me


my mother and my father become a new awe.

into the soil a beautiful odor blossoms

where there was a palm of lilac,
a scene of gore.


where was an earful of ichor or
crested display of lilac?

my mother and i cry on her grandfather's grave

it is my first day free from prison
a great very loud exclamation

i remove what i feel to be an artery from leg

high up
above the knee
above the thigh

near my groin i bleed

and my mother does not see my pain

change of tone

change of pace

the undertaker is *****
the commitment is difficult

alas pride beckons
truth denies me

my own blood speaks and disgusts me

closing of my legs in 2029

with my father's ******* between my teeth

with my father's teeth swirling around my tongue

with my brother's cord now inside me

with my mother's tears on her grandfather's grave

with my unborn brother.


with my son
with the one i love


i enjoy the moment
i do not splash my blood across my father's *******

i do not ingest my unborn brother

change of tone
change of pace

i am not released from prison.

i have not been released from prison

a second part beckons.

i continue consuming serpent's droppings.

my spider's egg-sac continues singing.

a terrible wave of violence.

my father's teeth swirl over,  altogether across my tongue.

into my pallette.

my new-york strength fighting.

a terrible wave of violence.

my father's new ******* between my teeth
and my splashes of blood on his hand-me-down mantle.
a noodle for breakfast
one egg for supper

insult me winter
double my riches summer

years require
I say no

did not go
will not go

what is this friend?
coral statue refinish
cement for cheap

a fair price liar

one child makes time

what are you?

a plus
bee minus

sixty over one-hundred

the jail waits
the hospital does too!

sloppy ***
unwanted, ****** up kids


during my last concert
a man interrupts

I demolish my wrists & splash blood across his face
interrupt me again.
I cry

I cry without stopping

infidelity known.

she speaks.

a swarm is simply a swarm

I nod
blood spills from my ear.

a lance.

a knife to a fight.

short of a trophy
I prove myself.

star of track of field

six in the morning child


alas they say memories swing round

bad off

NATO orders my artillery to leave

(all of his connections)

(all of his corrections!)

its fingers
its denim

sweet sickly

the need to taint
its need to taint

of rose

of lace

and the nauseous chariot

I hear a man tell me to lower my pants

five fifty child molester

rumors of a wasp's nest.

Climb dig and burrow.

Four people become one warhead.

a family forgets it is first

a weld forgets it bonds

still a spider.

suspend my fangs

a jar



states away a kiss mimics a drone.

darker no.
now darker yes.

with shameful splashes we recover.
Gather and mourn in a corner.

a drink? a meal?

Yes, his favorite.

Her favorite.


First chew. Through salt and oil.
Find there the meat.

Excrement rots?

Or does it sink?


now our tears join.

With sodium we are one.

I'm drinking your blood
and you are doing many thing to drink mine

Chaos on this doorstep.

With you tonight.

remembering twenty five years ago

a signature is needed

a window to nail close.
a match to ignite
and a legacy to squabble over

life shines
i give birth
his mother
and i

and I'm praying he sees the same flake fall twice for the first time

and I'm praying he enjoys courdory

and I'm praying he has my mother's green eyes

and I'm praying he has my will

and I'm praying he knows my grandparents loved

and I'm praying he has my father's eye for beauty

and I'm praying he never knows where I came from

and I'm praying I haven't witnessed too many falling stars

and I'm praying I've not broken a heart

and I'm praying

i know it's wishful thinking

see thirteen species go extinct
see my mother cry
gnaw on iron bars
give more than have
gain a scar
smother an infant
bury a corpse
live their life
stroke hair

enjoy peeled grapes and tomatosoup with no vomiting

destroy a legacy

I reach into a wet trashbag
I feel hair and bone

I clean up and I grow up

myself molested
myself molded

a ******



and now it was eleven

twenty two?

then I wake up
and I forget

(hoping this would always **** me)

and I want to know why
I guess that's life.
Ask yourself among your cups.
Or ask yourself twenty years sober.
Ask yourself "Why did Robert Carroll Spear remove himself from my life?"
Cry hot tears. Give yourself to that embarrassing gulping for air.
Words always hurt.
And my emptiness is a metric of pain I thought to be impossible.
Maybe I'll cheer up.
Phil, Peg, Andrew, Caleb and Sarah, these are my last words to you.
I will never forget you.


If I were ever given the opportunity to forgive you,
I'd turn away and live my life as if I never knew you.

Choke on those chunks of flesh you've removed from other people.
I chew still and methodically the fatty lumps you five have left behind.

the sun shows me a scar

the sun shows me fruit

fruit to feed

fruit I enjoy

and fruit I feed men and women with

my great grandmother dies

and I look at the priest

and I ask the cleric for ink

are they one or are they same?

and I do not cry
And i do wish remember

once I grew

and twice I fed my heart

thrice gnawed at muscle


seven times I felt the wound rot

forty two times I said no

alas, one thousand...


or were it moments?

there is a mother somewhere


of love I gave


of love I've not let go

I find among the sirens, a son of a mine

his eye crystal blue

his eye green

unlike mine

a sapphire

I offer this to you

I did offer

I am one. I am one who does.....


and father

is it my own hand?
is it a devil's?

the answers I will find
god I would, if only

it is cold
just enough

to let go

and a reproduction

of my own *****

oh a lion watching bulldozers

as the lion he grows

and god please no

i know I'll exclaim

when razor meets wrist and i

will let go

mother I remember

your worry stone

the precious mineral

by your hand
and by mine

a hole grew

tonight I practice what I've preached


I had a home
I knew love
I was loved
I did lie
I was hurt
I fought back
I protected

I will continue
i love you
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