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pray tell which soul needed conquest
He names the vice
I name the price
With this we find

I refrain

Comfort for me
Replace these words with love
and we discover happiness

And you

and I become

Beautiful charred emotion

Pulled from that molten shore of an early earth

This will never end because I want more

If we had a brain we could regret
If we had a heart we would heal

Nay the spring slash summer pulls us internal

Nay it's you

So curious

And so evocative

Of man of
Of a soul

Still a flea

A voice here could want to sing

There in this polymer quietness

Bite my tongue, tear it out
Blink an eye

Unearthed that knowledge

I'm running out of time

And you run

And I'm still running for my life

I was fifteen
I was twenty four
I was eight and almost thirty

Me now eternal

And I'm still running for my life
thy hymn of rot

accept blood and broken glass.
thanking old lords.
hiding my bruised shoulders.
a pint of blood when I smile.
radiance allows me another sip.
cold water.

a witch hunt.
missing the scar and gnawing.


appeal to consequences of a belief.

and sadly, you beautiful angel, this is your ******* life. what was it i always said? Priorities. Get your ******* priorities in order. Stay away from *******, ashtrays and *****. The pain you feel is a lesser. The pain you are causing and will continue to cause to others is a measurement beyond. And in ten years or four or three or five maybe eleven if this site is up or if i dexide to make the effort and transfer these poems... well maybe then you'll ******* realize all the people youve not only hurt but you'll see how let down we all are. I'll be dead and gone by the time you read this. Think of someone other than yourself you spoiled brat.
Quickly my heart could beat
If the memory returned

One involving the mechanism
And the light and no


It fades


a tire screech and I wake

Listening to music nearby
Fight iron. Adjust the day's kick.
And kick and scream.

Dance, sing and shake
If necessary.

True love waits
It spins

(it spits)..
. . . . . . . . divine

But no one ever
sang or rhyme

My face blisters and bubbles
the collector at (of) midnight

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

my cupboard opens
my mask yes, sanitized
. . Me. .

What is love without us?

And draw the feeling of...

my voice sinking, falling

finally screaming at the bottom


outside in the courtyard
a raĆ­ndrop
collects all my thoughts

a brain spills
the owner shocked

remove your second tongue tie
speak clear

without a tear to drown your eyes
And rhyme
A lash
A tune the wrong way
Without a drop near a well
No drive
Answers with many many words
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