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Paul Wolfowitz bathes in Pakistani WMDs.
John Ashcroft gives speeches on Muslim freedom,
But it's known that Saddam Hussein debates with the agony of compassionate terrorism.

**** Cheney quivers in Al Qaeda's lust.
There he goes again!
The U.N. aches for the caves of fundamentalist falsehoods.
Can you believe Fox News erupts with Republican rapture?
Jai Rho Nov 2015
Contrary to popular belief,
we have found WMDs in Iraq,
whose Tigris and Euphrates rivers
once flowed into the Garden of Eden.

But true to popular belief,
these WMDs were not weapons
of mass destruction, in the usual
meaning of that phrase,

They turned out to be wars
of mutual destruction, fueled
by fear and anger against
the most vulnerable within our reach

It matters not that good
intentions guided bombs
and tanks to destroy the
land and lives of innocents

To a man who buried his
family in the smoking ashes
of his ancestral home, or that
vengeful reprisals have no

Other cause, to a mother who
sheds tears upon her favorite
photo of her dead son, whose
body has come home

But whose blood was spilled
into the Tigris and Euphrates

And it matters not
that treasures spent
in futile efforts to fix
what through unfounded

Belief was broken,
by laying siege to
vanquished tribes
to form a nation

Foreign to their own.
And though livelihoods
and communities have
been drained of hope

And promise at home,
there is no end in sight
for wars still fueled by
fear and anger against

The most vulnerable
within our reach.
Stephen E Yocum Oct 2014
I don't get bigotry, never have.

I don't get born again Christians,
Weren't they born once already?
I don't get do nothing Tea Party Republicans,
Who as it turns out are mostly the same
Born Again people.

I don't get any fake *** politicians,
They aren't people they're a product.
Manufactured and packaged to please
the tastes of the gullible public.

I don't get why super rich people would
want to go to Washington and take
(For them) a low paying job in Congress
and then sit on their hands and do nothing?
With their money they could go buy a lush
Island in the sun and lay about and really
do nothing while drinking a ice cold beer.
Which sounds like lots more fun.  

I don't get bad wars fought for bad reasons.

I don't get people that **** other people
of the same religion for no discernible reason.
While yelling "God Is Good or Great!" or what ever.
I don't get why they'd think "God" would even
appreciate that.

But then, I don't get people that **** people.
Or insanity, religious insanity is even worse.

I don't get still using oil to power things
while we know **** well there are good
viable alternatives.

I don't get the rabid Right To Lifers,
who want to dictate to all woman
their "One And Only Solution".

I guess I don't get why
People tell you they love you,
Then later change their minds.

I don't get kids killing kids
on school yards with guns.
Or the fools that do not lock
up their guns that their kids
find and use to **** other kids
on school yards.

I don't get why so many people
want things to stand still,
just because they can't keep up.

I don't get those folks that swear
that global warming is not a reality,
while every day the oceans rise
a little more.

I don't get why we little people let the
one per centers run our country and lives.

I don't get why we allow Big Business
to out source millions of jobs to other lands
when people here at home are unemployed.

I get "Humanitarian Aid" but why do we send
billions of dollars to countries that hate us?

I don't get why we need a dozen TV channels
of 24 hour news, (Some of which distort the truth
to fit their political leanings) news repeated and
repeated until we are scared and numb and
don't know truth from pure old *******.

I don't get where honest "News Men" like
Mr. Cronkite and his breed, guys that made
sure of their facts and would only dispense
the truth, went and why there are no more
of them?

I don't get why Bush and Cheney are not
in the slammer for their many lies and
outright Treason! Starting wars that never
end and shouting WMDs when none existed.

The simple answer to all this,
"these things that I do not get", is,
"It's all ******* and It's Bad For Ya' ."
The late and wonderful humorist George Carlin when
addressing the subjects of Politics and other unexplained
mysteries of social ******* would say and often repeat
"It's all ******* and it's bad for ya' ".  And I agree.
Unfortunately, every day I get another dose of this reality.
Now if only some Penicillin could cure it.
Dae Staebell Dec 2015
What if bullets were books
What if cries were children laughing
What if gravestones were gardens
What if fear was admiration
What if malice intent was love
What if prisoners of war were artisans
What if instead of ruins there was a palace
What if WMDs didn't exist
What if fanatic soldiers became peaceful
What if lies were never broadcasted
What if hope persevered
What if love lasted
What if peace wasn't just a dream
Katy Lewellen Apr 2013
lost declaration
(she died in ‘09
          her hands tied by the gods
          who surrendered her
(                           )

can you estimate your worth in
# of WMDs
like seaweed
can you see me
                     she died in ‘09)
brakes ——————-
               tires marked the
i wrote
         i love you
             on the mirror
so you could send me your
you couldn’t even
do that
you couldn’t

in ‘09___)
                              (she died
Bob B Aug 2021
BIDEN (to Bush)
I have to say,
Because of you, man,
We have this mess
In Afghanistan.

It's not my fault.
We were attacked
On 9/11,
As a matter of fact.
If we hadn't gone
To Afghanistan
What would have been
Al-Qaeda's next plan?

BIDEN (to Bush)
But wait a minute!
Al-Qaeda was routed.
But let's talk about
Other things you flouted.
Like the truth when you said--
Like a vicious hawk--
That there were reasons
To invade Iraq.

OBAMA (to Bush)
Ah, so it's your fault.

WE went there
Because of the production
Of dangerous weapons
Of mass destruction.

OBAMA (to Bush)
But how did they ever
Get on your list--
The WMDs--
For they DIDN'T exist?

OBAMA, BIDEN (to Bush)
See, it's your fault!

No, it isn't!
I decided
As commander in chief
That Saddam Hussein
Was causing too much grief.
I had to do
Something about it.
So, I had my team
Try to figure out it.

Figure it out,
Is what you mean.
But come on now:
You've GOTTA come clean.

BUSH (to Obama)
You're the one
Who pulled our troops
Out of Iraq,
Which then allowed groups
Of ISIS fighters
To spread their hate
As they tried to form
An Islamic state.

So it's your fault.

OBAMA (to Bush)
The Iraqis wanted
Us to leave.
I didn't have
Any tricks up my sleeve.
The war in Iraq
Was a major distraction,
It didn't help matters,
Not even by a fraction.
Because of you,
People lost their focus
On Afghanistan
With all your hocus-pocus.

BUSH, BIDEN (to Obama)
But then you suddenly
Had the urge
To initiate
A giant surge
Of troops again
In Afghanistan.
What the hell
Were you thinking, man?

You all bear
The war was a lesson
In futility.

You're the one
Who spun his wheels.
With Taliban forces
You made some deals
Without including
Officials from
The government.
And that was dumb!
Did YOU perhaps show
With your Sharpie and your chart
That by May 1
The troops would depart?

TRUMP (to Obama and Biden)
Now wait a minute!
Part of your campaign
Was troop withdrawal
From the Afghan domain.

BIDEN (to Trump)
And that's what I did.
I followed through
With an agreement
That was made by you.
It wasn't something
That I reversed.
I just moved it
To August 31st.
Who could know how long
The government would last
And that the Taliban
Would move in so fast?

Then it's YOUR fault!

THE PEOPLE (to Bush, Biden, Obama, and Trump)
It's EVERYBODY'S fault…
Along with Congress
And others we could blame.
But stop pointing fingers
And end this stupid game!
You ALL bear the fault.
Be that as it may,
What is done is done.
That was yesterday.
We need to save lives,
So, find a way somehow
To try to figure out
What to do now.

BIDEN, OBAMA, TRUMP, BUSH (pointing at one another)
But it's still your fault!


-by Bob B (8-18-21)

°Very loosely based on Stephen Sondheim's song "Your Fault" from INTO THE WOODS
Julia Sep 2021
The Global Predator Class
has declared War on Humanity
has launched an attack
using the Economic Bioweapon
You Know what I’m saying is True
They want to Genocide You

I wish I was wrong
I wish I was crazy
I wish I was a normie like Y’all

You can look away
but you can no longer say
You didn’t Know

Seeds will Grow.

Call me a “radical”
call me an “insurrectionist”
call me a “conspiracy theorist”
call me a (LOL) “anarchist”

You don’t even know what those words mean.
Brainwashing Programming has been installed in Your Mind.
trigger - Trump
response - shutdown
You don’t even Real Eyes that it’s happening.

All to keep you distracted from the Truth:
The Nazis never lost.
MK Ultra never ended.
The WMDs are Fake.


The Whole World is Fake.
The Walls have Shattered.
Light pours in.
I walked into the Light
And hear is what I Saw...

a stream, children’s laughter, birds’ chatter
Nature and Humans in Harmony
a Culture cultivated
with Love and Dedication
and a Path
to Lead Me There…
Trust Love
Awaken Humanity

— The End —