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David P Carroll Nov 2019
Whispeing I promise
I'll Hold you forever,
As tightly as I can,
Kissing you softly,
Never letting you
Out of my heart,
Whispeing I'm your
Forever Love In Life...
In Love
David P Carroll Jan 2020
Your delicate lips so
Soft and tasty,
So sweet and pure
My heart feels your love
Your a true beauty of life
Your a work of art
A women I truly Adore
A gentle kiss on your lips
As I breathe slowly
Inhaling your perfume
Gazing into your eyes

Whispeing Softly to you,

I've Falling In Love.....
She's Beautiful
David P Carroll Dec 2019
Laying in bed dreaming
Of you sweetheart,
I can never get you out of my head.

Whispeing Softly....

I love you....
I close my eyes
And see your beautiful face,
Your beautiful smile
I struggle to breathe

Thinking about you....

My heart beating for your love Your perfume I smell
It's beautiful as you...
Your forever in my dreams
And forever in my heart


I love you.....
Love You
David P Carroll Nov 2019
Your a beautiful women
In life, oh I'm falling,
I give you my heart, my soul,

Whispeing Softly.... I Love You..

My heart beats for you,
I've fallen in love,
My love for you is true...

Sweetheart.... So true,
I love you as you no,
So stay in my arms...

As I'm kissing you,

I'm whispeing...

Sweetheart stay forever in my heart.....
His Heart
Geno Cattouse Jun 2013
Once he was there upon the crest looking down upon the
masses,Moses lifted his staff. The words flowed from afar
and rested on on his tongue then lifted to join the air.

He spoke once more still the utterance seemed strange.
Not of his making.

Once he was there upon the mountain. The stars shone in his eye.
The cool desert air whispeing past the age of ages that "all is but a
Twinkling and soon past. So.

Standing in the moment.
                                     By fire.
                                     Risen past flesh.
                                     Knowing full well
                                                 That no answer would suffice

                                        ­                    Knowing bones

Would turn to dust
And still day would follow night
And night day.
Knowing with a certainty

That he knew

Past the moment.
David P Carroll Nov 2019
You would be in my

Arm's now slowly

Kissing you softly

Nibbling on your ear

Whispeing your Truly Beauitful

As I kiss you,

Your heart beating

Slowly inside my heart,

I Whisper....

Your forever beating

Inside My Heart....
David P Carroll Dec 2019
Close your eyes sweetheart,
As I whisper softly
Into your ear


kissing​ you slowly as I hold you near....

So take my hands,  As we go outside watching the stars
Shining from above....

Guided by the light of a blue moon in the night sky,
As the stars shine brightly,
Gentely I kiss your lips again...

We share a smile holding hands...

Whisper of love
Inside my heart
and soul...



Touching you slowly and endlessly my sweetheart
your in my arms...

And whispeing softly

Your forever in my heart.....
Our Love
David P Carroll Dec 2019
Every morning
You bring Happiness
And joy into my life,

I'm smiling.....

For me to feel your love
Touching my heart...
Every morning you take
My breath away...


Kissing you softly
Your beautiful..
Every morning Holding hands
Would never be the same
If I didn't wake up

I love you sweetheart.....
Love You
David P Carroll Jan 2020
Close your eyes
Think of my love
Touching your heart

We belong together....

So take my hands
As I softly kiss your lips
Laughting together
Holding hands
Watching the birds

Singing from above,
A perfect moment
To truly fall in love,
With you...

Kissing your lips

I Love You....

Your truly beautiful
I crave your kiss
My heart beats faster
As you touch me
My heart smiles
Feeling true love,

Whispeing I want you
So sweetheart
Stay with me now

Because, I'll Love You
True Love
David P Carroll Dec 2019
I love you sweetheart,
Whispeing I promise I do,
So take my hands
And fall in love...
Because all I want is you......

A gentle passionate kiss,
We Embrace true love,
I love you dearly,
Every women is jealous
Because I love you....
So tenderly I love you, so sincerely I truly do,
I pray to Jesus Christ
And thank him I've found you....
David P Carroll Nov 2019
Your lips so Soft
And tasty,


A million words

Passion, Love, Desire,

As I kiss your lips

Slowly I'm tasting your


Your lips softly and warm..

I'm tasting you..

While I'm kissing you,

Holding hands together

Nibbling on your ear,

Whispeing Romantic words

Into your ear,

Gazing into your eyes,

We listen to the sound

Of true love beating...

It shall forever beat together

Inside our hearts,

As I kiss you.. I Whisper..

I Love You....
Her love
David P Carroll Feb 2020
A gentel whisper in the wind
She gives me her heart,
Her touch so warm
It touched my heart
Falling in love.....
Her passionate kiss
Soft and gentle....

Whispeing... I Love You...
Your the beat Inside My Heart

Beating true love
My life is truly complete
Our Happiness has begun,

Whispeing Softly,

Your forever my special one...
My Love
David P Carroll Nov 2019
Take my hands sweetheart

Come slowly into my life,

Feel true love touching

Your heart in life,

Dance with me and

Smile forever in my arms,

As I hold you forever in

My arms sweetheart,
As I'm kissing your gentel lips,

Slowly and Softly...


I promise I'll never let you
Out of my heart...
His Heart Love
David P Carroll Dec 2019
Your heart will beat Softly

Inside My Heart...

Gazing into your bright

Beautiful eye's....


I love you... Inside My Heart....
Our Love
David P Carroll Dec 2019
As the birds sing a love song
Our hearts are smiling
Butterflies flying
Bee's buzzing
Our hearts beating to the sound of love....

Your my perfect soulmate
Forever too love,
You shine so bright
You touch my heart
Holding hands
Watching the stars
Shine tonight....
Every day my dreams come
I've fallen in love with you.....
True Love
David P Carroll Nov 2019
Your forever my love,
Your the beat too my heart,
Your my happiness and joy
You put a smile on my face
Your the love I've dreamt of,
Your gentle touch
You shine bright as the morning sun and twinkle like a night star,
So take my hands
And come into my heart,
Listening to the birds sing,
You touch my heart
As I touch your's
You are love
Whispeing we will be forever in love....
David P Carroll Dec 2019
I just wished​ I was your Romantic husband,
Holding you forever in life,
So that I could cherish you
You'd cuddle you every day,

I would kiss you softly and
Holding your hand as you fell
Asleep in my arms listening to the
Sound of true love beating
Inside my heart,
As you slept...

I would kiss you..

And Whisper...

I Love You..

I you keep you warm
Day and night,
I would hold you tightly​,

Like a dream come true
It's you forever in my arms
Every moment spent,
With you makes my
Heart beat forever Whispeing
I love you.....
Love You
David P Carroll Dec 2019
Every morning I wake
She brings happiness into my life,
And to feel your love,
So warm and kind,
Your my forever soulmate in life.
You take my breath away every day....
Every morning it's truly beauitful,
With you by my side,
As I lay a kiss on your lips,

I Love You.....
David P Carroll Dec 2019
I give my heart to you
Forever sweetheart,
I'm yours in life,
Your my soulmate,
My true love my anything in life
Holding you in my
Arms and in my heart

Whispeing.... I Love You....
True Love
David P Carroll Nov 2019
Her eyes shine bright
As the stars at night,
Her smile as bright as
The morning sun,
Your soft touch so warm
Her kiss so beautiful,
Your heart
Fills my heart with
True Love....
Whispeing Romantic words
To me im forever in love and under her spell....
True Love
David P Carroll Dec 2019
Your beautiful face
So bright.
Your perfect smile,
Touches my heart,
Your lips so tasty,
And sweet,

Your truly beautiful in life,
Your eyes they shine
Bright as the stars
In the sky tonight,
I love you
Sweetheart every day
I think about you
Inside my heart,

Your truly perfect and loving
In my eyes,
I've been searching for you,
So take my hands
And come into my heart
Kissing you passionately,

Holding you in my arms,

Whispeing.... I Love You...

Your my perfect wife.....
David P Carroll Jan 2020
Oh this feeling I have inside
My Beating heart,
It's true love I'm feeling,
No words can describe
It's true love,
Whispeing Softly
Oh yes
It's true love,

Inside My Beating heart....
David P Carroll Jan 2020
Your my soulmate
In Life so slowly
Take my hands
And feel my love
Touching your heart,
Every morning I wake
Thinking about holding you,

A soft kiss on your gentle lips
Gazing into your eyes
No words can ever
Describe this Beautiful feeling
I feel about you....

I'm in Love With You.....

Your true beauty inside
And out,
Your a precious
Gift sent from above...
Your truly the one
I Truly Love,

A passion so
Beautiful and true
I'm so lucky I've found you
The love of my life...

Holding you in my arms

I Love You....
True Love
David P Carroll Jan 2020
I love you
Kissing you softly
Holding your hands,


I truly do, Love You
My sweetheart
Your soft sweet voice,
I'm in love....
Your gentle touch
Full of Love....
Your My dream come true
Softly kissing you
My heart beat's
Truly for you
I promise I'll forever
Love You....
True Love
David P Carroll Jan 2020
Gazing into your

Beautiful bright eyes

My perfect sweetheart

Whispeing.... I Love You..

Holding you in my arms

I see our future
And happiness inside

Your beautiful eyes

So take my hands
Hold them forever

As I softly kiss your neck

Slowly kissing your lips
So soft and gentle....

Holding hands,
Listening too our hearts beating true love...

Holding you in my arms,

And holding you
Forever inside
His Heart
David P Carroll Jan 2020
No better gift in life
Is you in my heart,
My sweetheart...

I Love You....

Holding you in my arms
Slowly kissing you
Smiling together in my arms
And loving you forever,
So take my hands and
Come into my heart,
Feel my love touching
Your heart....

As I kiss you gazing
Into your beautiful eyes

Holding you tightly
Never letting you go
And Softly
Whispeing I Love You forever my sweetheart....
True Love
David P Carroll Jan 2020
Your the light in my life,
You shelter me from pain,
Your the air that I breathe
I'm falling in love...

Touching you softly
Brings happiness
And joy into my life,
I'm so happy
Your in my life....

Whispeing. I Love You...

Our perfect memories
Forever in our Heart's
The sound of laugher
Our happiness together
Our hearts beating together,
With you in arm's

I gently Whisper
Your Forever Inside my Heart....
David P Carroll Jan 2020
Three little words
Inside my heart
Beating inside my
Heart my beautiful
Filled with love truly
For you,
These words
I Love You.....
Love You
David P Carroll Jan 2020
Your eyes are bright stars
Your face bright as the sun
Your lips soft as honey
Your heart warm as fire,

Your Touch.... So powerful

My heart beat's for your

Whispeing.... Softly...

I'm truly in Love.....
David P Carroll Jan 2020
No better gift in life
Is you in my heart,
My sweetheart...

I Love You....

Holding you in my arms
Slowly kissing you
Smiling together in my arms
And loving you forever,
So take my hands and
Come into my heart,
Feel my love touching
Your heart....

As I kiss you gazing
Into your beautiful eyes

Holding you tightly
Never letting you go
And Softly
Whispeing I Love You forever my sweetheart....
True Love
David P Carroll Jan 2020
I'm lying on my bed
Holding your hands
As I open my eyes,
My dreams come true
I'm breathing slowly
Smiling holding you
Your perfume I smell
In my bedroom
The love of my life
In my arms
And all my happiness
Comes true this is
Real love and it's forever

Whispeing.... I Love You.....
True Love
David P Carroll Jan 2020
My true love
Is Beating


I Love You......
Inside my heart
She's my soulmate​
A tender kiss
Upon her lips
A soft touch
Gentle and warm
I've fallen in love
With the women

I Truly Love.....

— The End —