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victor tripp Sep 2013
America I protest against  ******* the ******* of your discontent  served on the soiled platter of racism your womb cradled me from birth and taught the lyrics MY COUNTRY TIS OF THEE SWEET LAND OF LIBERTYover you I've cried  place where in the CIVIL WAR and what war or fight is ever civil? my black forefathers all rejected men of color died on the soil of this country fighting what they thought at the time was a gallant war  at ABRAHAM LINCOLN'S behest and for the STARS AND STRIPES of THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA O MY COUNTRY your dark slave sons fought and died with honor  and yet even now 150 years later we are still in ******* to the new plantation in the ghetto called the bank mortgage company  hidden interest rates and there are city areas that for certain you dare not go while Black or the police stop and ask if your lost and show your ID and what is your business in the area the stand your ground law applies mainly to people of color and openly gives whites permission to gun down blacks and walk away free of any punishment are we free in this great land not yet and if you don't believe me think about how the cities and even the WHIE HOUSE say that we have a transparent government  and yet laws and public concerns are discussed behind closed chambers or doors and passed with secret vote  or voice vote without public inclusion and yet we pay taxes to be shut out or fed political lies by those whom we've elected to office to serve us and not their own pet projects and desires are we free yet,not yet.
Brent Kincaid Jun 2018
Whatever you do, my beloved son
Do ever become a Republican.
They care for you, until you are born
Then after that, you'll become forlorn;
You have no power, no say on life.
Exactly the same for your kids and wife.
Unless you are white and born rich
You are one out of luck *******.

You have to be born a child of the wealthy
Then, as  a Congressman, you stay healthy.
But other modes of life, unless you get rich
The GOP turns off the ‘welcome’ switch.
They only want whie men who follow the plan
And become a full-fledged party yes-man.
And don’t have friends who are black or gay
Because the Republicans will throw you away.

Once you join their ****, you can't have friends
Who are liberals or socialists, that is the end.
Your party invitations and your job prospects
Will all disappear, no matter if you object.
So, listen my son, and learn the lesson well,
The Republicans are mostly creatures from hell.
They’ll cheat and steal from their own brother.
No matter wrong or right, they stick together.
Raymond Lucifer Apr 2016
its nine at night, and im sitting on the couch
i am watching something - i can't remember
something with moving colors, something with screaming shouts
and the dinner i just ate
ate it late
because i was not hungry earlier
the dinner i just ate
ate it late
sits like a stone in my stomach
my stomach for a reason i cannot fathom
starts to hurt
it hurts it hurts it hurts
and my head starts to spin my throat
it closes
oh ****
am i dying
am i even breathing
i cant tell why cant i tell
oh god
its my throat
am i sick
am i dying
why is this happening
i was just fine a second ago-
whats going on-
oh god-
please help-
getting up i have to move
the dinner i just ate
the dinner that was late
ate it late
its in my throat
its in my head
my head
its blank
im screaming why am i screaming
someone is shaking me
i cant see
im pacing
or am i running
am i sprinting
am i going
am i moving
i cant tell
the dinner i just ate
ate it late
because i was not hungry before
someone grabs my shoulders
my mind is laughing
theyre laughing
they find this amusing
im screaming
my face feels wet
is it blood
did i get sick
oh god
my worst fear
is to get sick
to have blood
to be dead
to not breathe
if i fall
i reason
if i fall i am dead
so i move
and i run
but i am held
by my waist
until the mind stops laughing
and my eyes go whie
and the darkness fades
and the dinner
the dinner i just ate
ate it late
is back in my stomach
i look up
and see someone
with worry in their eyes
and tears down their cheeks
and i see myself in their tears
who has water on my cheeks
and i cry
i cry
i cry because i cant stop them
even if i try
and that someone holds me close
close as close can be
and they whisper in my ear
and they dont let go
even when my sobs have gone to silent breaths
they hold me in their arms
probably hoping
that they can pick up all these pieces
and put them back together
with only their arms
and a little love.
Jeremy Poggensee Apr 2015
As my heart leaks with the blood of innocent
The cold making it into a crystal so magnificant
Whie the flame slowly burning no different
The steel bars that makes the heart imprisonment

Chains wrapped around pushing out the air
Slowly opening its eyes with cold tears and a stare
Its not fair and it can only bare
Realizing its own life is just a dare

The heart slowly loosing what it had
Becoming even more than sad
Washed away being mad
Knowing things can get bad

Looking down as the heart sees slashes
Hitting the steel bars as it bashes
Leaving more cuts and gashes
slowly giving up and backing into darkness it vanishes

— The End —