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Robert D Nov 2019
In a world fueled by anger and hate
So much despair and regret
There can only be one saving Grace
That saving Grace? Bars of chocolate

That's bars, with a "s" at the end
Not one, but many like plural
I'm a Chunky boy, not a lightweight
Have you ever tried a See's truffle?

Snickers, Resses Cups and M&M's
A smooth creamy Milky Way
If I'm sad or if my mood is ****** up
Chocolate will definitely take it away

So many, many kinds of chocolate
That you can throw into the mix
Dark, milk or white you decide
Like being the left or right side of a Twix

Bacon covered in chocolate
Chocolate potato chips are so good
One more small bite, no I shouldn't
Oh Henry! Shut the hell up! Yes, you should!

Unwrapping a bar and it's goodness
Coconut? Almond Joy or a Mounds
I'll take chocolate over gold on Payday
To me more precious, pound for pound

If you had to decide, *** or chocolate?
For me that decision is hard
My sweettooth is bigger than my ******
So break me off a piece of that Kit Kat Bar
Donall Dempsey Mar 2023

my little girl
looks me in the eye
"I think this is the weather for sweets!"

"Oh I'm too old
to play ball dear!"
"It's ok...I'll young you!"

"No kiss Auntie Flo
her smile is all lipsticky
and stays on you!"

Spring offers us
the tiniest cutest catkins
"They're kittenkins!" she informs me

drags in a stray
“This is my friend
...he’s a cat!”

smuggling cat into her bed
“Cats is peoples too!”

“Don’t be silly...Tilly!”
I scold...she scowls
“Tilly not silly...Daddy bully!”

in her fist
“I’m taking him for a walk!”

knickers ‘round ankles
dashes for her *****
“Oh ******’s won!”

proudly hands me a poo
“I done it...
all by myself!”
I mean I really try my hardest
But I still see you in lines in my books
And the endless stream of traffic in the grey light of the morning
And in my cereal
And my tv shows
And in every song
I'm walking down the street thinking of you
You're kind of a daydream yknow
Taking all my time
Total daydream *****
Gah okay the deficit is down.
Up, i like when it's up.
Yeah that's what I want. The national deficit is ghaoshsadas down.
im so tired
i need me a ****** drink
im so unspired
i need me a goodgood think
altho im so tired
i'll put my face in the sink
and wonder what'll happen
if it starts to go schlink
clink wink link tink rink ink nink kink stink
me so hungry, me so chappy
tired tired wooooodooowoooooooooooooooo
im ready im ready im readyoooooooooooooooo
im ready im ready im readyoooooooooooooooo
im ready im ready im readyoooooooooooooooo
im ready im ready im readyoooooooooooooooo
im ready im ready im readoooooooooooooooo
im ready im oooooooooooooooo
im ready im ready im readyready im readyy

the electric spanking of war babies
im made im ma im literally made of cheese right now i can
icant even explain the euphoria im just pure cheese my word

— The End —