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Doo baa doo dweeb man without woman
and ye vee la lovisha woman without man
be like a tree w/o leaves, & flowers w/ no seed;
******* w/o hash; dat hash w/o ******;
**** w/o crystal & drugs w/o tranquilin;
my favourites! - smack...! without brown sugar like sugar with no sweets;
showered on her yummy sweats.
swetean ******* aye plead!
gravity w/o **** be like her **** w/o dopping
bars w/o beers; night clubs w/o Hi-ladies;
hookah w/o "chillam"; & "madira" w/ no trekkies
like a cigarette w/o lighter, & dark jungle w/o lantern,
us men & you women be so incomplete w/o love like me - the Homewrecker w/ no affairs with love dieties.
Last sonnet i posted on my LinkedIn a/c. Was about to post its IInd part either on there, but guess what? - LinkedIn banned me on their site & got my account RESTRICTED "permanently". This be the most absurd thing happened to me because i used to post my live vlogs/videos & all poetic stuffs & raps on linkedin... even i was connected with my crush either on linkedin because she is not on any other site but on linkedin... and whatsapp. Unfortunately & sadly, i can't text her on whatsapp cos the catch is - she's already married... and i don't want her get into trouble. Another funniest thing is, she doesn't even know, i have got crush on her. Poor unluckiest me - still one of the favourites of Devil's Nephew alias Phantom's Rap Devil.
Nadine Drake Feb 2013
I fell in love with the weird, the chaotic.
I mean.
Have you ever considered what the shaky man at the end of the street was screaming?
Have you ever found order in the chaos of a Jackson *******?
Einstein may have been famous for E=MC squared,
but he also determined that S=KlogW.
Order tends to move to disorder as time progresses.

Tell me you don’t warm at the sight of a toddler with ice cream down her dress, sitting in a mud pile with only one sock on one foot, one pigtail half done, and one smile plastered across her indifferent face.
The road of exes I’ve left behind is wrought with Star Trekkies, cult members, and bi polar *******,
but here I stand begging for more.
My BFF Becky,
who’s really my therapist Karen,
says I’m seeking inspiration.
But the shaky man on the corner who sometimes thinks he’s God
says that I’m Galileo.
And I’d rather believe him.

— The End —