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Tryst Aug 2018
They sit atop a low wall kicking heels,
Pyjamas draped in bathrobes pulled-to tight
To ward Antarctic winds — Nearby the squeals
Of blues and twos betray the mortal plight
Of some ill-fated soul — A fog bank peels
Up from their glowing embers, for in spite
Of coughing blood and dragging drips on wheels,
Collective will has long since lost the fight —

And did they think as children at the flicks,
As war was sold with glory, did they think
As Bogart raised a lucifer to his lips
How Tinseltown might guide them to this brink,
And just like Fleming’s catcher tempt them in
With candy coloured cartons and a grin?
Mish Jul 2011
sublet your mind, invite communication (pat)RIOTS in your low-ceiling hallways -

angry, screaming voices on a Saturday night & it's not even 11:30 yet..
I've chosen to live in anti-ignorance for any sound heard directly below
my  new picture window (which my past self is envious of, by the way..)

                                       this place: w/ hate & love all in the same day
                                       & sometimes even in the same moment

toward ourselves, our loved ones, our children
it seems like it's always somebody else's fault
for our own targeted (mis)fortunes..

I'm not a void
& I'm not avoiding the words

                             but it's such a strange feeling..
Katie Panushka Dec 2013
will you walk with me?
around the moon and beyond the stars
up and up
until our brains feel light and our lips turn blue

When we look over our shoulders
we notice the insignificance of things that are truly insignificant

the dog the car the microwave oven
that set of keys I lost and still can't find
the movie that comes out this weekend that you can't wait to see
my English degree
the lawn that we accidentally forgot to mow for four straight weeks
my mother
your mother
the way you take your coffee with milk and sugar
the list of unwatched romantic comedies on our Netflix que
the advice I get from Suze Orman
the indent your body made in my double bed
our leaky roof
your Dean's List grades and above average MCAT score
our set of home decor from IKEA that we assembled ourselves
Frank Zappa's Tinseltown Rebellion
that trip we always wanted to go on but never had the time to plan      
Our aspirations that we neatly folded up tucked away and pretended to forget.

Even you.

Even you. Even you don't affect the way the world turns.

No matter how hard we stomp or yell
or scream
or push or pull
or heave

We can't stop the world.
Not even for a second.
Gadus Sep 2014
alabaster wool over a lamb

           bleat like a tinseltown
Cíara McNamara Feb 2015
When quotes hit you in the face like a brick
When dear ones ramble quotes-of-nothings
To fix my "current plight"
It makes me sick.

Do I look like I want your ill-thought quotes
That any fool with Google can condure?
I know I sound ungrateful -
Perhaps a weather beating and endurance has made me so
But really I just wish to be alone.

Locked inside the walls which are
My self made cage
Does not mean I am on self destruct
It means I want to be alone

Alone is healthy, I want to befriend my mind and my beaten feelings.
I want to base my happiness on me
But I can't do that while I'm badgered
By Tinseltown- quotes and an "antidote"
Known as a quick fix -

This isn't temporary, I've to live with me for life - there is no out of this sentence
So can't you let me love me
lost in a cage alone?
NeroameeAlucard Oct 2015
Sit in your seats
You got popcorn right?
So reelman, please start the show
Or we'll be waiting all night
The reels start to spin
The images begin
To light up the giant wall
All of our eyes have focused upon
The illusory art of visual storytelling
That has gained so much admiration
From millions (and millions) across the nations
You can have your Netflix
You couldn't **** the radio station
And even though the industry's saturation
Has long since tainted the silver screens reputation
Some magic and memories from tinseltown are still created
And their impressions cannot be duplicated

— The End —