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Hello, is there anyone in?
I need to speak to the owner of this house.
You've been messaging me insults and false accusations so, I've come to clear me out.
And I need you to hear me out.

Today, I've come in many capacities.
I don't know if I'm angry but hell yeah, I know I'm not responsible for your atrosities.
I thought it was a misunderstanding but later did I realize that instead of running to your dreams, you're out here standing and keep blaming me for holding you back.

You say I'm responsible for your lack as if I give you the crack; expected me to stack up your scattered pieces, hit yourself and blamed me for the bruises.


You say I stop you from growing, give you a range and contain your dreams.
I called you names and rendered you blames,
Shower you shames, made you believe it was real and at the end, it all was just dreams.

I made you believe you can't make it
I Eroded your courage and made you mentally spineless. I hid from you the reality so you just fake it
And your runaways, I can say, they are countless.

It's so hilarious you know
How you make me feel so powerful.
How you allow me to steer your life and for yourself, you feel sorrowful.
You and your associates have made me seemed indispensable, popularizing and throwning me over your kingdoms.

I don't owe you an apology.
I've thousand reasons to laugh you in the face. Knee you in yours ***** and fist your jaws.

WHY? You really want to know why?

Hey ladies, Do you know Ellen Johnson, Macdella Cooper, Oprah Winfrey, Winnie Mandela?

Hey my guys, Do you know, Mahmud Johnson, George Weah, Aliko Dagote, Tony Elumelu, Mark Zuckerberg?

You're not Different from them.
They just made decisions that you refuse to make.

They ignored me so they became great.
They refused to allow me decide what's best for them. They escaped the cages I built, the limits I set, the laws I made and the boundaries I erected.
They looked beyond the present and if you wish to be like them, then it's time that you start to see through their eyes.

It's like I need to start penalizing people for willingly giving me control over their lives and later accussing me for their strives.

Today, I'm here to let you know that, I only take as much as you allow me to.
Destroys as much as you permit to.
Without your mentality, I am nothing. I'm a
Your virus, parasite, I feed on you. I exist only in your mind and I'm nothing without you thinking about me.

Oh!!! I just unleashed my secret.
But I guess you know now right?
So it's up to you to make your life what you want it to be.

It's time to COME OUT
and convince me that you're bigger than my limits.
COME OUT and rewrite your story

Trust me, you don't want me here again.
Because, my next visit will be more than just for clarity.

This Spoken Word Poetry is an inspirational piece that tends to inspire the reader. Personafications and Apostrophes are the base of this piece. I tried create an interaction between the Listener and speaker even though the Listener bus not responding. It's a great piece and you'll love it
Brandon Kobza Mar 2020
I have made mistakes,
I have been a fool,
Very high were the stakes,
I wasnt thinking and for that im a tool.
Had i known fully,
How you felt inside,
that you had feelings for me,
I would not have let my feelings coincide,
With someone i didnt know,
I would not have let them control my heart.
I messed up and now feel cold like the snow.
Like throwning at a balloon a dart,
And missing the target.
I hate myself for hurting you,
And my heart is filled with regret.
I hope that maybe one day those feelings may return anew.
Till then i vow,
To show i care every way possible,
To never again leave you saying ow.
Your heart is hurt and im the one responsible.
I may not know the right thing to say today,
But i hope this poem is a start,
I dont plan on giving my heart away,
Anytime soon especially since i was such a stupid ****.
You relied on me and i guess i got scared.
Ive never had someone care like you do,
Even after my feelings and different sides to you that i had bared
I was lucky to witness someone still want to be there the way you do/used to.
I know this is just words but there is meaning behind every letter.
This is the only way i know best,
To show that sorry i didnt give dating a rest,
And That i want to fix what i did to you and make it better.
For one more chance is all i ask,
To be a better person,
To Forget my past,
To think of your feelings and give you a reason,
To be able to trust me again.
Compared to you im only a four.
And Your definitely a ten.
Being an idiot i will be no more
But i owe you the biggest apology of my life and soul.
And to be quite frank, deep feelings scare me bad,
I trapped myself in a bowl,
Cause i didnt realize what i had.
Thus ends my apology,
Sorry its so long,
I just hope you can forgive me,
For being an *** and being wrong

— The End —