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SG Holter May 2014
I want to use smaller and simpler  
Words, until my poems are those of
Infants drawing stick figures
On gallery walls.

Haikus like commas;  
Periods of teeniest tiniest

I name this
School of
Bathsheba Jan 2011
Father ….

As you can see I have been coerced into presenting this eulogy to you on behalf of the family because quite frankly nobody else was prepared to do it!

It is impossible to mourn the man that you were as everyone in this church will bear witness to.

So after careful consideration, I have decided to mourn the man that you should have been.

The husband that you should have been to your wife.

The father that you should have been for your children.

The man that you should have been to the world in which we live.

YOU  failed on all three points.

How does that feel Father?

Not too good eh?

Well … That pleases me …. Yes …. Pleases me.

Now ….

Look around you …. Look at the fruit of your ***** …. Open your ******* eyes.

What do you feel?

What do you feel when you look at us?

When you look at us …. Sat here in God’s waiting room …. In our
Sunday Best and all.

Stuck for words eh Father?

What’s that ….

Well well well …. If a little bit of reality …. Isn’t finally seeping through.

It’s a start ….. I suppose!

Now ….

Let’s start with your wife.

Yes, that’s her …. The one with the look of an animal just released from captivity.

OOOOH ….. She is going to have some fun …. Now that her captor is

She could have had the look of a woman in mourning.




Why Father … Can I detect the merest hint of malice on her lips …. Hhmmm …. Interesting!

Are we just the teeniest weeniest bit concerned now that she has been unleashed?

She could have drawn comfort from the love of her children.

If only things had been different.

We would have cared for her.

Soothed her troubled soul.

Kept her safe within the warmth of the family.

But alas …. There was never any ******* warmth ….. Was there Father?

So do you know what …..

When she is caught dancing naked in the apple orchards whilst defecating on the delightful meadow daisies ….. I’ll be laughing my ******* head off as they cart her away to the nearest loony bin.

Did you really believe your pathetic suicide pact would be honoured?

You created her.

Moulded her.

Made her what you thought that she should be.

So ….. Reap the ******* benefits Father.

Now ….

Let’s look into the eyes of your children.

Oh ….. You see it too.

What a turn up eh?

Is it …..

Is it …..

Dare I say it?

Jesus ******* Christ.


Oozing out of the pores of each and every one.

And who ….. Prey tell ….. Are all these little ones?

Why …. They are your grandchildren.

But you never got to see them …. Did you Father?

They could have mourned your passing too?

But alas yet another generation denied.

By  YOU! …

And your unhinged madness!

If only once you stopped yourself swimming against the tide and gone with the flow.

The fun that we all could have had.

Things could have been so different Father.

So different …..


Can you see how close your children are?

Off course you can’t.

Because  YOU  destroyed that too!

What exactly was wrong with us getting on?

Why did it cause such fear in you?

Why was there always pleasure in pain?

Pure evil you were Father!

And you can wipe away those ******* crocodile tears because they cut no ice with me Father.


I know what you are about.

I have your score.

YOU  can never touch me.

I hold my own.

But  YOU

YOU  needed to control and conquer in order to feel like a man.

To validate your own pointless existence.

Stop ******* crying.

You worthless *******.

We could have gone to the ….. Zoo!

We could have had …. Dinner!

We could have …. Holidayed!

We could have ….. Laughed!

We could have ….. Cried!


You stone walled every opportunity.

Now …..

Look closely at the world in which you lived.

Look carefully at the prison that you created.

No outside influences.


No one ever knocking at the door.

Except Mr James ….. PC plod …. Lived three doors down …. He hated  YOU  too!

You refused to even work.

Such was your level of jealousy.

She wasn’t ******* the:




Jehovah Witnesses

She wasn’t ….

But you were ….. Remember eh Father.

Remember that gypsy girl that you took a fancy too.

*******  HYPOCRITE!

You strutted around town, fit as a fiddle, but refused to leave your wife alone.

And you wondered why folk looked down their noses at us.

You were more than capable of working.

You were fitter than men twice your age.

Such was the level of your obsessive fitness regime.

Shame on you Father!

Shame on you!

So …. Now we come to close.

And in summing up, I would like to say ….

Father …. I will miss you so much …. You have been so important to me …. You have guided me …. throughout the toils and troubles of this here life …. Always there by my side ….. I love you dearly ….. but alas …. It would all be a lie …. One great big ******* lie! ….. The truth of the matter is this ….. I hope that you rot in hell ….. and hopefully that dumb mute ***** of a wife will follow shortly …. If it’s not locked up first !

Goodbye Father  

*It's been a blast!
Raj Arumugam Oct 2011
you know it’s possible
in some reality-branch of Super Science
when you’ve just got out of bed
and then you are in the kitchen
there is still a you
lying in bed
as is another before
you went to bed
and so there is another
in the kitchen
while you are in the car
a you in every
second split into countless fractions
as in picture frames
of the journey you take

you get the drift -
but which you gets the drift?
every you drifting in space

but what of it? you ask
of this possibility
of multiple realities?

Well, it’s when I knew I was *******
that’s when it got scary
cos I knew then
I was caught infinitely
with a boring you
in every nano second:
cos if you’re there, I’m caught too...
every second caught in indivisible slices
all round the teeniest-weeniest section of an infinite string
of a boring you
and poor me - *bored and *******
Puspangana Singh Dec 2015
Sometimes I feel a void inside myself,
Emptiness ready to crush me with its nothingness;
And then again I open my eyes—
And the world stares back again.
My frame is a reed, hollow from the inside,
Whole from the outside,
And all I know is that I am matter.

The deafening and resounding silence
Is another matter of concern—
It doesn’t crushes; just makes me devoid
Of all the bliss of Nature’s precious notes;
It is the only sound which surrounds me
In the maddening crowd of the quintessential.

There is the numbness which confounds me:
It has the worst slap of damnation,
Amplifying the teeniest touch,
Pouring life into every cell.
It tosses me amid the tempest in the Ocean,
And leaves me battling the waves alone.

What distances me from my kin?
What is that which I am always seeking?
Life comes and goes, and here I am,
Still at a loss to comprehend the haps.
I just am, will just be; and none would lament
The real me, as it is wrapped in its shadows.
The Flipped Word Aug 2016
People are better when you don't know them
They can be whoever you want them to be
It's not the same when you get to know them
Their reality limits them  
I think that's the problem,
I've put everyone that I find the teeniest bit interesting up on a pedestal
Why do I forget that they are humans. Just humans.
Guess you don't have to be religious to be into idolatry
Just some 2 am thoughts
me gs May 2015
The gradient of the sky, it
Makes my heart ache
Just the teeniest bit

White to blue.
Pure to sad.
Purely sad.

Too many of us are.
Steve Sufian Mar 2019
Pi is God in Disguise.

God is the circumference and the diameter

Of the teeniest circle and the vastest.

One Unending,

Only One:

And we are also God in Disguise–

Really, We are This.

We are This.

We pray to God

To restore our Awareness.

So we become Fully Aware

There is nothing but God

And we are This,

We are This.
AtlJorj Apr 2018
18 is a smidge too old
to be worried about things
jumping from my closet,
but I still feel uncomfortable
when it's even just
kinda sorta almost open
and I find myself
bracing for trauma
for just the teeniest second
when I need to grab my bag.
you see,
the thing is,
I've been scared for so long.
I've been scared since I was a child
but when I was a child
my closets had no doors
and they were across the room.
I was too busy being scared
of the giant in the room next to mine
to even notice them.
I was scared of bruises
and coming home.
I was scared of not seeing my refection
in the dishes
and I was scared of seeing myself
too clearly.
now I'm an adult
and I've grown up
and out of that fear.
Now I'm just angry
because I'm still bunking it
with a madman,
with everything I've come to loathe
because I was too busy being terrified
to put my life together,
so now I stare at my closet
until I don't
and sometimes when I don't
I lie still enough
to feel like I'm not alive,
but I guess that's just life.
Steve Sufian Jan 2019
Enlightenment is Total Fulfillment, nothing left out.

Enlightenment is Full Restoration of Awareness, Awareness that we are One without a Second.

Perfect Health means Perfect! Not even the teeniest pain or clog in our body.

Immortality is our birthright–our individual bodies are impulses of the Eternal, Never beginning, never ending.

Now! Let’s do this Now!

— The End —