Please retain this document as proof of your induction.**
you are an inductee,
part of the tinkering crew,
high giving, high fiving
globally is your locally!
we know where you live,
Google mapped and sleep kid-napped from under that
shady radiata pine tree
more than sufficient,
your poetic revelations,
to know the you and the where-hereabouts of the
lives you handle with
wondrous word-care.
care taken, if you want hide deep,
but to late for thee and our world,
your name on the roster
of poets by night,
tinkers, soldiers, and some who tailor
poems bespoke for the ones who
dare not reveal their true (s)elves
in the words they write.
but you do.
so the
ticK tocK
(never forgot the Special K)
of your clock
synchro us
so too late,
we can call you anonymous,
if that be your preferential suffice,
If that makes you happy.
but what we need to know,
already planted by you,
in our soiled heart,
growing steadily cotton-higher.
When you are ready,
you will dispense with
your leafy nom de plume,
tell us what we don't need to know,
tell us what we already knew,
three boxes checked,
you are
poet, wife and mother,
suffice suffice suffice
the three stripes thrice
sewn on your skin,
inductee into the army of the
guess you can say,
you are a tacker now,
tacked onto this crew,
watching over its
therefore, say no more,
but write
a poem a day,
that, your tinkering dues.