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Shea Vogt Mar 2012
Here I am, circling this drain once more,
A lifetime of expectation dwindling down,
Down into a memory walking out my door
Wearing my hopes like they were a crown.

And through my partially cracked mind
Sobs warped with static reach my ears.
Remainders of the dreams I can't find,
Like a synergism of all my worst fears.

But I can't give up; I can't stop my living.
It can't be possible for me to lose breath.
I haven't spent enough of my years giving
To be taken away and succumb to death.

So I step away from my deceit, from lies,
Opening my arms once more to receive
A blessing, the dissolution of a disguise,
A wide open life that refuses to deceive.

I feel weightless now, a breeze in the sky,
Optimistic sights lit by a bright red sun
As I grasp your hand, forgetting to die,
Walking as we watch everyone else run.
He dives into the night and tastes the colours of darkness;
He remains in disguise of the web of darkness,
Like a black spider, star burst horn baboon spider.
Grounded by the white stringed haphazard web of darkness
And he made darkness his covert, his pavilion round about him.
Dark waters in the clouds of the womb bearing seeds for the nation
Darkens and further occludes his opalescence into black and what?
He searches for the diversity of the rainbow with an iambic meter.

A biased accented and unaccented mirage of nations…
An optically dark-phobic illuminated biased meter
Synergism of nations is a phantasm meter display.
The hope of sanctuary proves hallucination by darkness.
Darkness is the absence of light, but light is light.
In his darkness he ponders
D Ann Dec 2013
synergism* [ˈsɪnəˌdʒɪzəm sɪˈnɜː-]
1. The working together of two or more drugs to produce an effect greater than the sum of their individual effects
2. Christian theol the doctrine or belief that the human will cooperates with the Holy Spirit and with divine grace, esp in the act of conversion or regeneration

I sent a handful of capsules down my throat with the sting of alcohol.
The pills were meant to **** the pain whose source was long forgotten,
but one at a time just didn't work for me.
They needed something else.
So I indulged in an addict's fantasy.

The Doctors told me it was dangerous.
The warnings on the bottle did just the same.
I did it anyways.
"Don't drive your car, don't take them on an empty stomach. The side effects are poor."
but he didn't tell me who I'd see.

I closed my eyes and the numbness hit me.
And when I opened my eyes I could have sworn I was flying.
The ceiling above me breathed and exhaled.
It was then when I saw him.
I came face to face with whom I've come to know as God.

He was not what I expected.
This figure was not the almighty man that legend has made him out to be.
The folklore passed on for generations was wrong.
My Mother was a God-fearing woman,
and at this moment I understood why.

His hair was sparse and his skin was ghostly white.
The frailty of his body made my stomach tie in knots as I examined him.
Maybe it was the pills and the alcohol breaking each other down.
His eyes were milky blue and could not see me.
His mouth moved just as mine.

"Help me."
Universe Poems Apr 2022
Scattered particles of light
Atmospheric energy
Together nature is with me

© 2022 Carol Natasha Diviney
Derrick Jones Aug 2018
Words out on paper
More like a laptop
I am streaming
Exploding with words that don’t want to stop
So I drop the ones I find
Blowing minds with my lyrical grind
My quick-witted witticism
Soaring above criticism
Filling up the catechism of religions with rainbows from my mind’s prism
Breaking free of this prison
Short circuit this system
The earth is shaking, cataclysm
There’s no mistaking, no masochism
Just linguistic synergism
You had better listen
To what you might be missing
The words to free your mind
These thoughts seem so divine
Elegant yet unrefined
Nature in its purest form
Raging, summer thunderstorm
Engaging, like a wormhole
Calm becoming turmoil
Live forever, eternal
My words dock on your terminal
They enter, suddenly internal
Whether heavenly or infernal
So much to see in a single kernel
So open up your eyes, dispel these lies
Capsize your ship and rise with the tide to the moon
Dispel this gloom and leave this tomb of a room
See reality in full majesty
Life is a mystery, not a tragedy
It is sad to be asleep
Don’t keep on snoozing
You are losing precious minutes
You should be choosing to get in it
So jump into the river of time
Swim and shiver in the sublime
You can break with rhyme and reason
Being awake is something to believe in
For more poetry and essays, follow my blog on Medium at
Thanks for reading!

— The End —