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Who ever loves, if he do not propose
The right true end of love, he’s one that goes
To sea for nothing but to make him sick.
Love is a bear-whelp born: if we o’erlick
Our love, and force it new strange shapes to take,
We err, and of a lump a monster make.
Were not a calf a monster that were grown
Faced like a man, though better than his own?
Perfection is in unity: prefer
One woman first, and then one thing in her.
I, when I value gold, may think upon
The ductileness, the application,
The wholsomeness, the ingenuity,
From rust, from soil, from fire ever free;
But if I love it, ’tis because ’tis made
By our new nature (Use) the soul of trade.
All these in women we might think upon
(If women had them) and yet love but one.
Can men more injure women than to say
They love them for that by which they’re not they?
Makes virtue woman? Must I cool my blood
Till I both be, and find one, wise and good?
May barren angels love so! But if we
Make love to woman, virtue is not she,
As beauty’s not, nor wealth. He that strays thus
From her to hers is more adulterous
Than if he took her maid. Search every sphere
And firmament, our Cupid is not there;
He’s an infernal god, and under ground
With Pluto dwells, where gold and fire abound:
Men to such gods their sacrificing coals
Did not in altars lay, but pits and holes.
Although we see celestial bodies move
Above the earth, the earth we till and love:
So we her airs contemplate, words and heart
And virtues, but we love the centric part.
Nor is the soul more worthy, or more fit,
For love than this, as infinite is it.
But in attaining this desired place
How much they err that set out at the face.
The hair a forest is of ambushes,
Of springs, snares, fetters and manacles;
The brow becalms us when ’tis smooth and plain,
And when ’tis wrinkled shipwrecks us again—
Smooth, ’tis a paradise where we would have
Immortal stay, and wrinkled ’tis our grave.
The nose (like to the first meridian) runs
Not ‘twixt an East and West, but ‘twixt two suns;
It leaves a cheek, a rosy hemisphere,
On either side, and then directs us where
Upon the Islands Fortunate we fall,
(Not faint Canaries, but Ambrosial)
Her swelling lips; to which when we are come,
We anchor there, and think ourselves at home,
For they seem all: there Sirens’ songs, and there
Wise Delphic oracles do fill the ear;
There in a creek where chosen pearls do swell,
The remora, her cleaving tongue doth dwell.
These, and the glorious promontory, her chin,
O’erpassed, and the straight Hellespont between
The Sestos and Abydos of her *******,
(Not of two lovers, but two loves the nests)
Succeeds a boundless sea, but yet thine eye
Some island moles may scattered there descry;
And sailing towards her India, in that way
Shall at her fair Atlantic navel stay;
Though thence the current be thy pilot made,
Yet ere thou be where thou wouldst be embayed
Thou shalt upon another forest set,
Where many shipwreck and no further get.
When thou art there, consider what this chase
Misspent by thy beginning at the face.
Rather set out below; practise my art.
Some symetry the foot hath with that part
Which thou dost seek, and is thy map for that,
Lovely enough to stop, but not stay at;
Least subject to disguise and change it is—
Men say the devil never can change his.
It is the emblem that hath figured
Firmness; ’tis the first part that comes to bed.
Civility we see refined; the kiss
Which at the face began, transplanted is,
Since to the hand, since to the imperial knee,
Now at the papal foot delights to be:
If kings think that the nearer way, and do
Rise from the foot, lovers may do so too;
For as free spheres move faster far than can
Birds, whom the air resists, so may that man
Which goes this empty and ethereal way,
Than if at beauty’s elements he stay.
Rich nature hath in women wisely made
Two purses, and their mouths aversely laid:
They then which to the lower tribute owe
That way which that exchequer looks must go:
He which doth not, his error is as great
As who by clyster gave the stomach meat.
JR Morse Oct 2012
The  Kristeille  Bra :
And Other Pathways To   -  ( Disaster ! )

Polarities :    so smartly empowdered
And,  petitely enslaved -
Potentialities ?
- In extremis, I'm afraid.

But if thus were so, then ...
(Even thinly veilled) ;

Let us duly consider :
Are our appetites (fe\male)
In actuality and fact umm,
Needlessly Manichean;
The torments of
noisy Siblings ?

Why, after all I ask,
only two -
You ?

To the Medici
Roundly go the
Battle and the day !
       (And sublimity)
(Or so the legend
goes ...... )

For those who favour
such Palantines,
(and gravity)
a throne.

For  :
Pure symetry confounds my interest -

James R. Morse NYC  2012.
All Rights Reserved.
John W. Mick Mar 2010

Oh mystery of mysteries
The universe unveils itself
Before me

I watch in silent wonder
Enraptured, with its

The spheres sing harmoniously
As they congregate to form
The flower

Bringing light and life
Space and time
Forever more

Their dance is entrancing
As they whirl
In perfect symetry

Coming together
In precise
Geometric form

Elements burst forth
Singing the praises
Of their birth

Combining into compounds
As matter and subsequent
Life, take form

And as one becomes all
And all becomes one
It fades, as though only a dream

And I know
That it is I
Who am the dreamer….
irinia Jun 2023
"I'm not able to rid myself of my self."  Herve Guibert

days alienated from nights,
from the magnitude of their roots
in the absence of your touch
electric love poems on the tip of your tongue
an electric symetry seems to surface in me today
in the doorway

I surrender to the nascent desire and glance into
the protocol of impulse, the chemistry of freedom inhaled
energetic transference from your skin onto mine
a cave woman deeper than me insists to dress me
in your unknown selves since
I have nothing else to undress, like a wound
Alexander Ross Aug 2013
Your lines of symetry stand a little taller then most as your head gently slams the metal door with underpaid workers cleaning the floor

You sleep so close to me that I can hear your dreams and they unfold inside your sleepy mind

You sleep so far away, I can hear your music play as you drift into a dream about a better life and we only get a little time each day

You've doubled checked the charts, star sign crossed  bleeding hearts
You tell me about your life, and how it was always moving parts, and how sedentary sitting is stifling, but your lips are so inviting, I just can't seem to keep mine away

It doesn't rain on this island as much as it would, somewhere else that I once loved and  I don't think you sing half as much as you should, and I don't think you write half as much as you could if you were somewhere else with me
You have the most beautiful voice
Mitchell Jul 2011
Soft heavy shade of unrelenting mischevious boredom
Killing off the weak of our youth
Plauging the soft minded soft handed rich pocketed crickets of the Earth
Sounding off from a siren that is coated in oil
In blood
In computer symetry that if shown to a child
Would just begin to cry
Have you no souls?
Have you no heart underneath that starched shirt?
Where in ourselves is the need to **** oneself
Off like that?
Winding away the hours spending earning balancing mistrusting
Saying that one is learning but towards what?
Ignorance is not bliss but a black corner that one is now blinded by
The shadow drawings are illuminated and cause glee
But the shadow makers are the evil ones
Men and women behind dashes of black ink
Memo books scribbled through every line
Tucked away for absolute Americanized security has our trust faltered so far and so fast?
Will we will gain it back?...
Are you there?
T R S Jul 2018
Let me paint a picture of pinbuilt basket hope
Like a ***** tincture of tolds that told me nope
Like a noose that necked me for lack of livery
Like I condused a might slack, a lack of symetry
Truth Seeker SEEK MY SOUL

At the Capital the boxes were swollen
All day light long none could fold em
Temperature OF Climate motivational pose
Dancing of stars past dawn's eye
Auto pilot without Nasa telling those lies
Nation to Nation
tongue to tongue
soul mate situation fifth dimensional SUN

Symetry to health
Sequence in Gleam
Conscienceness for Soldier's
Hostages ALL Clean

Timed Minute
Maid for Lust
She's writing those Tickets
That lost there Luck

Punishment for clues
History re written
Bed spreads Misscued

Canopy filagrie Waxed
Welcome wood
Melts the kettles
Left on the stove
Calculators before Phones
Toys for Toddlers RUN
The taxed dollar for Queen MUM

— The End —