If I really want a selfdriving domicile vehicle,
like old Flattop in **** Tracy, I better be lieving
structs to compare, by my lieve, I am my own liege,
As intentional assistance, ripples through our hope
storm, as my grandchild, returns from school,
after having an absolutely great day, in 6th grade,
can you do that, unassisted, remember such a day,
Of course, when in the course of human events,
memberships worth in an arrangement, in facting
meta data for worth to value cross referencing
next, most assuredly, if you happen,
you might say I happened to think you would
find this whole thing good mind tightening,
we think at once something never heard of,
link think through thoughts fit in redeemed
seconds used to recall being 11 years old, and happy.
The idea came from her reporting so abruptly upon entering my kitchen