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Death-throws May 2015
how likely am i, to be what i am
then how likely you are to be  but a scar
I am Not A steryotype,
i am archaic in my design, so fail me not in my attempts to justify myself
but allow me to traverse the insantity of my delusion ,

delinquint similarities rattle us to the core, yes.
but thou hast taken to devouring my being
i know i prolong my suffering with intermitten relapses
but my storm in a tea cup is just chaos incarnate,
dont devour my soul , but take my heart, let me love you like only i know how
in a fashion that only you shall recieve

my dear you are not one of thousands, or hundreds or dozens akin
you are only one, and one only for me
dont despise my loss of time, or addiction to the unsavoury,
but take me to a place i have not seen, to see a part of myself
yet unseen
you think i am disposed and discovered, traversed by all manner of explorers,
not true,
you are the first to try unravel how i have formed, geographic mountainscapes carved from a violent and reactive past can be cut down to feilds
just pull me a part one pebble at a time
Morgan B Aug 2014
We are all humans,
trying to fit in.
To please others,
to be liked.
We want  a steryotype at first,
thats untill we understand who we truley are.
There is one thiing that I know for sure,
it is simpley that ,
the meaning of life, for all,
in my thoughts,
are that all we want to be,
                                                     is free.­
Which cannot be done with catagorization.
So don't try to fit in,
be free.
my opinion

— The End —