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Bardo Mar 2018
Snuggy ****** of a curled up cat by
   the fire
Furry faced, smiley headed, svelte
   purveyor of the big meow
Purring away like a Geiger counter,
If you seek Nirvana then seek no
   more, it's here
The Cat, she knows.
My cat poem. He's my relaxation technician.
JP Mantler Jan 2015
You're cynical but caring
You're truthful but daring
No fear, no criticism

And yes, you!
Over there; your laundry smell
Your snuggy-apparel
It's a total waste of time

No time, no catch-up
I'll run for cover, I'm sorry

I'm an ostrich with its head in the sand
I'm sorry, that's just who I am
Honna Root Feb 2018
Huggy bear,
Snuggy bear,
I want you
I cannot bear
This situation-ship,
Neither of us can agree on
One things certain
It won't be long before I'm goneI

— The End —