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jessica Philpott Mar 2013
I love the way you snicker and smerk behind my back I love how you want no one to know you love me I love how you put. Me down and then try and make out I love how you don't think I'm worth love I love the way you all underestamate me no one has went through what I have and made it out un-medicated so to u and her and him and her to everyone who has ever treated me like less I welcome your ignorance and thank u for not seeing me for who and what iam witch is amazing
Sunny Snow Oct 2013
Here I am,
and here you are,
here, we are...together.
Together entwined,
Together I am yours,
and you are mine.
Cute as ****,
******* the system,
Crazy, loud and proud.
A twisted little love story,
So lets start somewhere in the middle,
Where I can't help but stare,
and you can't help but care.
Cause from the moment I saw you,
I liked you...
I liked your leather jacket,
I liked you devilish smerk,
but most of all,
I loved how you wear your heart,
on you sleave.
How you show people you care.
And I want you to know,
I'll always be there.
BeautyOverScars Apr 2014
How does it feel when the guns pointed at you?
When u take your final breath and the guns man say
It sounds like two because you never hear the one,
Because by that time your already gone.

When you gasp and the bullet goes through
And I look at you in disbelief as I don't believe it's true.
A life taken it's  unbelievable was it mistaken.
You had plan this long ago but I believed your were faking.

Now I kno the truth, I kno it's real
Now u can wipe that smerk off your face
As u can see how I really feel
Cold hearted, heart frozen
Can't feel a thing neither do I wish to
paralyzed to love Is it because of these gun wounds.

Even when my body drips the last drop of blood I need to survive
I won't forgive you
Because why?
It's simple, you meant to;
Not only to end a chance of true love but a life too.
Already on this momentum
Seeking another revival
Don't care much about the rivals
Looking forward to the arrivals
Please follow the bibles
That we're providing
You got to be cognizant of the horse you're riding
To get here, to make a mark
If you want to sing like a Lark
You got to be caring of your performance
This window of opportunity is enormous
You got to mitigate the dormice
To know who's truly there
Too many are in a sad state of affairs
I got my goals in the crosshairs
Forget harping on the job fairs
I want to throw my influence in the air
See if you can even catch it
Working tirelessly, trying to match it
Don't leave any cracks, bury the hatchet
It looks to me that this is sloppy and ratchet
Laugh it off, zero attachment
I'll explain my dfetatchment
But first you got to understand
Despite not being from the same land
We have to be on the same ground
I've taken despair by the pound
Way too animals left there
If you truly care
About your art
To alleviate the tension and not fall apart
You need to be focused
Strong and cohesive
Try to be adhesive
Pick up those pieces
Vacate to your beaches
Make sure you bring your breeches
So you can start your speeches
Of verse
Over again, rehearse
Seeing the world in obverse
Verbally amerse
Playing the fair central
Be astute with the pencil
Utilize that utensil
To bend your will
Creating the chill
Among the audience
You have to have the skill of clairaudience
To truly make things work
Not only do you have to ravage, you have to merk
Never wipe off that smerk
So you can avoid being a mere clerk
At some ordinary place
You got to respect every face
Keep an open mind on the preface
Life's not a race
Emotions can be beautiful or pure mace
Working hard to not be a disgrace
Is amicable
That's what should be predicatable
But it isn't
We've fallen so deep
You hardly hear a peep
About the best ones
Until they're gone
Showcasing the swans
At this funeral
How many numerals
Do we have to witness
To puncture through this
And call death to seal it with a kiss
There's a heavy mist
When the arms are scarred along with the wrists
From short-term problems
We try so hard to solve them
Mentally ignore, block them
While life has no problem stocking them
You're your own gem
Whether you believe it or not
I hate to let my work rot
Into unproductivity
Practicing better civility
Is what will help us thrive
Eagerly survive
Is much I try to revive
People from theirs issues
Keep in mind those scar tissues
Should be history
Not only in the class
Don't be afraid to look back, just avoid the rehash.
QuietGlass Jun 2017
I never tell people how I feel.
I bottle it up and act happy and that is my life in its simplest form.
But truely, i'm breaking inside.
My heart is aching because it's starting to feel again.
His voice and his smerk they make little spots of light in the darkest places.
I can't help but fall for a guy I know nothing about because he makes me feel something.
He makes my heart feel alive again and he doesn't even know it.
I don't tell people my feelings.
So here I sit, wanting him more than anything; here I sit quietly in the background hoping he might like me too someday, but knowing it is highly unlikely.

— The End —