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SelinaSharday Aug 2021
Heard some poetry it was such foolery.
Read some poetry.
Such deceptions I see, stumbled on some poetry such poor delivery.
I cant believe how the writer does deceive, like a magician with words to weave.
How one holds some  tricks up their sleeve.
The writer spuns delusions, crazy intriguing lines meant to blow minds.
Nothing but foolery.
Found some poetry! Seemed kinda fun to me, but sit back and watch and see.
The writers quite clumsy. Read some poetry.
Such creative illusions of such wicked delusions.
Because the person is just writing confusions.
Things in their mind
about experiences over time.
when Its best to know both sides of those poetic stories.
Or its just untruths or hurts to what that poet grieves.
Just what that poet sees no where near the truth.
Just telling slippery lines like rotten tooth's.
On their mistakes and there pains and sorrows.
That's nothing of the truth, how they discarded beautiful tomorrows.
Discarding friendships,
That where meant to be only friendships.
Now they are writing darkened daggers.
Such old timely closed minded wanna be swaggers.
Writers cruelty worded daggers.
Some Poets write for Healing, some write for pain, some write for financial gain.
Telling stories, good, bad, sad, foolishness after having gone mad, just ta complain.
No truths in the splattered stains of poetic slains. Its the closed minded, failing in love without you kind. writing to teach the blind, and forgetting leaving wise lessons behind.
Beware of the blind leading the blind poets the assumes, the know its. With hidden motives.
Up their sleeves, writing poetic lined deliveries. Read some poetry not by skilled/knowledged hands I see.
Oh found some poetry. Quite deceptive to me. maybe wounded souls they be.
by selina sharday_H.E.R#POETRY
your a wounded writer telling one side of your darkened truth when it takes both sides to know real reality, yet you write your wounded side of things to ruined the other. Things we readers often see when reading poetry
The Dedpoet Jun 2017
There was no death
But life without her,
Til the sunset every morning
And the deepest yearnings
Echo the slains cry of vengeance:

I glanced at the midnight hour
And found the yellow secrets,
A shadow lay as a tear
And the moon cried beneath
The last kiss.

Where is my heart,
But six feet under
Wherever you are.
Murat Halıcı May 2018
I am brewing with silence crazily
Notas have died long since
Time is a scorpion which stings itself
Loneliness is amirror which shows myself
You are lurk in my childhood tears
Like a kite whose rope break off
Let it go! İn honor of you Valentina!

Everyone was so right
That we must have been unfair awfully
Our fingerprints must have been
On the all of the slains collar
Blood of killed children
Must have benn on our tooth
Let it go! İn honor of you Valentina!

There were too many innocent
We must have been most babylonian
Ah Valentina!
We could not have borned
As well as we could not have learnt to live
We would have ben a sin
İf we born again
Not much
Goodness We could have loved!
Let it go! İn honor of you Valentina!

Murat Halici
Bijoylakshmi Das Dec 2019
Shed tears no more
Oh Clelestial Bride dear!
Thou art tied in the nuptial clasp -
To the tired brown Earth.
Your first soft touch makes your consort enlivened with an endless mirth.
Do alight upon Earth.
The famished parched lips,
Long your invisible love-lit kiss
In a sylvan grasp.
Breathe the new life encore
In a new angelic birth.

Oh enchanting Beauty of Heaven!
Play hide and seek no more,
The Brown, your Sweetheart
Ready for your love's first outpour.
The Damsel of the Firmament,
The prepossessing Pride of the sky,
Heave no more!
Cast your glamorous glance
And the bewitching smile
Maddens every lover's heart.
The broad breast awaits to hold you in its most steadfast grasp.

Oh Maiden pure!
The Blooming Beauty of the azure Vast!
The first shower
Your incessant murmur
Slains all anguish of the heart.
Your love unconditional
For the mortal dweller
Seeks gratitude no more.
Your firm certitude pure
Makes all well-assured.

Oh Seraphic Marvel
Of the heights untouched,
You are the love at first sight.
Now descend soft and slow,
All lie lifeless make their life glow.
Your bridal gown lightening-clad
With the thunder as the armour
Makes us mad.
Your blossoming radiance of the brightest visage,
The glance captivating
Speaks of  a miraculous love,
Your benumbing presence
And a maiden-like glamour
Your youthful exuberance
Of a distant splendour,
Pour nectar to the heavy hungry heart,
The summer's parched lips
Do no more like to part.

Oh Empyrian Damsel!
The Eternal ******!
Do descend upon Earth,
You are Nature's self- rapt Art!
Your spellbound charm
And the heaven-clad jewellery
Make the Green a mesmerising mystery,
Spangled by the cool breeze
Its enthralling ardour
To win the Beloved's ***** vast ;
Lies forlorn and despondent
In a derelict past.
Your ****** touch casts a magic hue
The rainbow-wrapped mountains
Gladdens the morning-moist dew,
The Earth is green and rapture-rapt,
Behold the peacock's majestic dance
Amidst birds' chirrups pleasant!
All is vernal, all is mirth!
The Delight Omnipresent
Refreshes the ransacked heart.
Making an epoch-like significance
In Earth life's Renaissance.
(Bijoylakshmi Das, Haridwar,.2nd July 2019)

— The End —