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Andrew Springer Jan 2013
I said fate plays a game without a score,
and who needs fish if you've got caviar?
The triumph of the Gothic style would come to pass
and turn you on--no need for coke, or grass.
I sit by the window. Outside, an aspen.
When I loved, I loved deeply. It wasn't often.

I said the forest's only part of a tree.
Who needs the whole girl if you've got her knee?
Sick of the dust raised by the modern era,
the Russian eye would rest on an Estonian spire.
I sit by the window. The dishes are done.
I was happy here. But I won't be again.

I wrote: The bulb looks at the flower in fear,
and love, as an act, lacks a verb; the zer-
o Euclid thought the vanishing point became
wasn't math--it was the nothingness of Time.
I sit by the window. And while I sit
my youth comes back. Sometimes I'd smile. Or spit.

I said that the leaf may destory the bud;
what's fertile falls in fallow soil--a dud;
that on the flat field, the unshadowed plain
nature spills the seeds of trees in vain.
I sit by the window. Hands lock my knees.
My heavy shadow's my squat company.

My song was out of tune, my voice was cracked,
but at least no chorus can ever sing it back.
That talk like this reaps no reward bewilders
no one--no one's legs rest on my sholders.
I sit by the window in the dark. Like an express,
the waves behind the wavelike curtain crash.

A loyal subject of these second-rate years,
I proudly admit that my finest ideas
are second-rate, and may the future take them
as trophies of my struggle against suffocation.
I sit in the dark. And it would be hard to figure out
which is worse; the dark inside, or the darkness out.

Anonymous Submission

Joseph Brodsky
It was a year when I met you
It started of with a notification on facebook
I wanted to be your friend reaurdless of your looks

You replied to me and so it began
I woke up everday to begin our endless chatter
When I talked to you, the things around me didn't matter

We saw each other in the hallways everday and waved hi to each other
One day was like no other, we went to the coffee shop,just to study
I knew I liked you more than just a buddy.

We walked together with our arms arond our sholders
The sun was bright and it was a beautiful day
While we were walking, I picked up a flower for you on my way

We steped in the bus and contiued our journey
you liked my hair because it was curly

I saw your lips as you spoke
You said your heart is sad because is broke
I wanted to say something but I chocked

I was told that you liked someone who i knew
I moved slightly and said" What if i said I like you"

I was expecting a slap across the face
Instead I say your lips curl which looked like a smile
I smiled back and the world stopped for a while

Since that day we were close
We played, screamed, and had a few laughs
Oh by the way did I tell you I was jelious of your calfs

One december you drop the weight on me
you said " I feel like our love is gone"
"so because of that its best we move on"

The air suddly got heavy
My eyes started to fill with tears
I thought we would be together for years

I called to apologies to get us back together
You told me " it's not you it's me"
I woundered this is life and we could never be

No this isn't life, I won't sit and watch
I will make my life and it won't be the other way around
I will still stand even when i am beaten to the ground

I went to her place and begged for a second chance
We talked and i said "i really love you but i don't want to be a bug"
"If this is our last can i have a one last hug"

You sobbed and said "i want you back"
that momet the ***** beneath my ribs started to beat
I realize now that you would never cheat

And now look at as us today, its going to be one year since we went out
Sure there are times we don't agree and sometimes we fight
but at the end of the day i know that we will be alright

I promise you I would make you happy
Because I know you would love me even when i look ******

You are my first kiss and my last
Everday our love brings us closer
I know that this feeling would never be over.
Sirenes Feb 2016
I've been wondering about you
Why, I wouldn't know for the life of me.
There is a crack in your heart
That's almost visible to the naked eye.
There's a crack on your face
But the way I see you
It only makes you more perfect.
There's true beauty within
You're perfectly balanced vessel,
Yet I wonder how the scars got there.
And when you bleed,
Do you bleed red and white?
Like I bleed blue and white?
Or does your loyalty lie somewhere else?
Do you love the earth that grew you?
Do you live within your nation's pride?
Like I will always live within mine.
Is there a hair fine difference
Within what your heart tells you
And what your mind tells you?
Is there one thousand questions within your mind too?
Can there ever be enough curiosity
For what your heart holds?
Is it tied to someone else
Or is it roaming as free
As you like people to think you are?
Is it easy to be a man?
I bet it is
Sure should be easier than being a woman.
But then again,
How would I know
What responsabilities this world
Has cast down to your sholders.
Do you carry them with pride and honor
Or do you sometimes
Collapse like I do?
Is there as much love within you
As what reaches my eyes,
As I let my eyes secretly
Caress the features on your face.
How did you get to be
So robustly beautiful?
Kristina E Oct 2014
Like others,
he wakes up every morning
and gets out of bed.
...The light likes his face,
always looking good
with his cheekbones, his straingt nose
and his thick lashes.

Nature has been generous to him.
He's always been faster than others
and stronger than others
... but somehow the air seems
heavier on his sholders anyway.

The golden light grazing him
and the gentle breeze once
messing his curls
- he doesn't seem to notice them!

He's covert in a cloud of smoke
entoxinating his lungs
becaouse all the blessings
nature gave him at birth
- his luck took them away.
Sirenes Apr 2015
"Mommy I want to be just like you"
You snorted and looked up from the sewing machine:
Do you want to be poor?
But Mummy I never knew poverty
I never compared my clothes to other kids' clothes
Because you had perfected
The art of making them yourself
And perhaps you could not afford a babysitter
So we went bellydancing together
I remember I was 7
We got to play basketball and football
Practice swimming and Taekwondo
And maybe there were times when things weren't so easy
But you always gave all you had
Carried the world on your sholders
With your head held high
You let me walk freely against all your instincts
Because it was the right thing to do
Pulled me back right on time
And trusted again, like nothing had gone wrong
Fought for my honor like a fierce lioness
Forgave me my mistakes
And shielded me from the worst
Never gave up on our broken relationship
So when I say:
"Mommy I want to be just like you"
I mean I want to Love Unconditionally just like you
And maybe all parents do blame themselves
For everything possible and indeed, impossible
But I don't blame you and I cannot thank you enough
<3 Mommy <3
Sirenes Jan 2017
I don't know for sure
What it all means
But there's something
About your gaze
The emotions on your face
There's a softness
Within you
That sends shivers
Down my spine.

Maybe it's in your eyes
I just can't figure out
What color they are
Blue maybe green...
Can't hold your gaze
Even for a second.
Watching you opens my heart...
So what now?
Can't be angry or sad
Just like to linger in your scent...

But something is different
Because I hear music
For the first time in years
I mean to really hear
I felt this strange sensation
In my heart, I just couldn't
Put my finger on it
I guess I called it hope...
yeah, it must've been hope.

There's peace too...
When I think of you.
Just can't say a word
Nothing will come out.
I shrug my sholders,
I guess I'm doomed.
What is there to be done?
I'm *******.
Collection of poems in a small book called "**** my life" by Sirenes coming out as soon as I've had my fare share of unfortunate crushes. It will probably be out soon...
Shae Jean Nov 2015
It's ironic because I remember,
You promised to stick around.
But here I am, and I am alone.
All I wanted was a friendship,
That I thought would never end.
How could you tell me that we,
Would be okay when we never speak.
This knife in my back would hurt
less if you had sharpened it first.
And we were so close to glory,
When you had decided to leave.
I feel like a substitute for a feeling,
You couldn't produce on your own.
And now here I am, and I am alone.
I remember when you thought,
we could have a chance but,
I told you not to give us a second glance.
I hated it when you called me lovely,
But I'd give everything to hear,
you just say something now.
I regret taking the small things for granted,
When I'd give anything for just one moment.
Because it feels like the emptiness you left behind,
Weighs more than the world on my sholders.

I regretted it when I'd talk too much,
And you regretted it when you didn't say enough.
I still never managed to say it,
But somehow you found the breath to say goodbye.
blue Oct 2014
Come from the hate the madness and the rage. I got the
world on
My back and I can't turn the page.
I'm over whelmed by a great sadness.
With the world on my sholders I'm sympathetic to atlas..
My eyes are wide shut and I see that  today's the real mystery Unsolved
As it may seem the end is now if u know just what I mean.
I've had a dream but the scene turned mean.
So now when my eyes close nightmares is all that is seen.
The poison flows up and down my life stream to my soul.
I keep holdin on *** it hurts much more to let go.
So I don't and I won't.
I can see in the night but in the day its hard to cope.
Shame on the sun let the moon shine
I'm dancing in the pale moon light
To clear and cleance my mind
Sirenes Feb 2016
There's a gray mist
Playing in the still
Morning air
I follow her footprints
The girl running
Ahead of me
Dressed in white
Her long blonde hair
Playing on her sholders
I nearly catch
The back of her dress
She turns still
Slightly playful
And faces me
I stop in realisation
I'm trying to catch myself
Mischeviously she laughs
And runs off again
Sirenes Sep 2016
If I told you that I loved you
Would you feel like you had to say it back?
And why would you say it?
Is it the stinging hint of guilt you'd feel,
When you realise, you never thought about me that way?

I'm just a person you know.
Or would you nodd with a smile
And preserve those words
For the moments
When you suddenly feel
That you in fact love me back,
And speak the three word sentence then?

Probably not.
You'd smile and fluently
Return those three words.
I would mean what I say
And you'd return hollow words
To ease my discomfort
Of the truth
That it hadn't even occurred to you.

You might shrud your sholders
And think to yourself
That perhaps, I'm only saying that,
To confirm, that I deserve love.
And you might be right
But then why do you
Feed my need for confirmation?

I guess in the end of the day
All we need to do
To preserve ourselves
Is exactly that; preserve ourselves.
Life is not a 5 step plan
And you may not find
The love of your life right away.

But then meanwhile
You can be the love of your own life.
And then when someone special shows up
You'll have all those things
You wanted for yourself and got
To share and to discover.
"Girl one day you'll meet a nice man and have 11 kids and live happily ever after".
Maybe we should stop looking for love and start looking for ourselves.
Meanwhile, I think I'm gonna start a bucket list. And hit the gym. Definitely hit the gym.
Sirenes Jun 2016
The day was suddenly cut in half
Somehow felt like it would.
"You can go home you know"
I shrudded my sholders and went.
As I took a seat in the bus
The whispers came around again.
go to the city
As it presented me
With a shopping list
That included everything
I always forget to buy
And then realise I don't need it that badly.

It agreed with my own reason
So then as I sat in the metro
I was presented with
The least efficiant solution:
Get off on the next stop
Who am I to argue?
hold your head high my child
You are making no sense
But sure...
And you know what?

I run in to you boys
More often than anyone
I've ever known.
Not even remotely surprised
I was being ignored
Nor was I in the slightest
Bothered by the girl
Who walked beside you
And glared at me for looking at you.
Who casually ignored my existance.

I don't really care much
About any of that
But for once it would be great
If you whisperers would stop
Leading me to these people.

The answer comes
In a form of a firm
Well that's the end of that arguement then...
cass Jun 2017
Now without you here the spaces between my fingers seem to last miles. My knuckles white against peach stand out like landmarkers pointing to places we made. My sholders became landfills, my spine an empty highway, my freckles forgotten lighthouse's without you. You took the noise and the bustle of the town we made.
John ayres Aug 2019
You're selfish by always wanting my attention

Your smile makes me want to retch

The way your long brown hair flows over your soft sholders fill my stomach with bile

Your curvy little body causes me to heave

I can't stand that perfume you wear

Just because you look fantastic in that little red dress doesn't  mean I want to see you in it

Your ******* are overrated

Your kindness has got to be a joke.

No one can possibly be this nice all the time

You have to be putting on an act

Giving to the needy just as the cameras are on you

Always with the "thank you!" When I compliment your photos. How fake!

I hate you
The Guardian Sep 2019
Spirit within my spirit reminds me of a place called home.
A place more esthetical and historical than Rome.
I'm staring at a goddess, and her eyes gives me an impression she's seen more than enough
The scars in her wrist told a story that she had it rough.

But then August came
And she re-lived all the horror once more
She aggressively fell on the ground as before
And she was drowning in a pool of her own blood as her screams decorated the floor.

Her silence was golden, only the walls knew of her nakedness
After the dark left and morning came, she wore a mask perfect enough to cover the sadness.

She's stranded in a deserted place
She finds comfort in her own sholders
The warmest place she ever knew changed on her and turned her colder.

Like trees in autumn she's falling apart
She lost everything, and all that's left was a broken heart.

She fell in a trap hiding behind a smile
Deceptive busturd enjoyed dominance, instead he showered her with hurt and punches till she couldn't take no-more. giggles he promised, but instead she cried enough to surpass the Nile.

She had the spirit of a punching bag
Because after all the thrashing and assault, she still had the strength to handle more.
And now she's idle on the floor like before

But unlike before these time she's DEAD
Draw a line when it comes to abuse
Morning SUN Oct 2017
I feel the wheight of my destiny over my sholders
And I am trembling

— The End —