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i'm so ******* tired of writing about you

miserere mei deus

i'm sick of all these ******* dreams

secundum magnam misericordiam tuam

i'm fed up with the sleepless nights

et secundum multitudinem

the daylight hauntings

miserationum tuarum

the midnight ******* tears

dele iniquitatem meam

i hate that flutter in my gut that i only feel when i think of you

miserere mei deus

i hate that my heart rises in my throat only when i hear you laugh

secundum magnam misericordiam tuam

i hate that i love you

et secundum multitudinem

i hate that i love you

miserationum tuarum

i hate that i love you

*dele iniquitatem meam
smallhands Mar 2016
unravel it like always, I'm surrendering this time
the gloating conman cutting at his own mind
snatching prints we would have trusted fully
and you're filching fragments from the squandering entirety

between the mess there's paradise
between the boxes I have to check
and at the close a prologue thrives
and now the end is the beginning

the flames lick, conspirators are awake, still
we won't leave soon, not for seasons
if by hour the tower's drop down,
the ground glistens like a lake

why is the end now the beginning?
rewind the film for her
and at the close a prologue thrives
and now the end is the beginning

Cedric McClester Apr 2019
By: Cedric McClester

Should we decide to impeach,
What is the lesson that it would teach?
Would it be considered overreach?
Even though decorum has been breached
Does the House have the sworn duty,
To render to the country, the President’s *****?
And wouldn’t that be a thing of beauty,
Or simply a sign that the Democrats are moody?

If you can get where I’m coming from
Clearly, we’re caught up in a conundrum
That’s just as abrasive as a corundum
But Constitutionally it’s in secundum
With what’s laid out in black and white
But should we engage in that kind of fight
Knowing the Senate probably won’t do right
Should we march boldly into that good night?

How to proceed is anyone’s guess
The question is, what would be best?
Does duty call nevertheless
Or are you of the opinion that I digress
I don’t profess to have the answer
So consider me an artful tap dancer
Running in circles like a lab hamster
Contemplating how to punish a lamster

History will record where we’re now at
Whether, or not we go to the mat
Fact of the matter, it’s our turn at bat
And all of us know that we smell a rat
So, how do we propose this riddle gets solved
Should we drag it out and hope it evolves
Or like everything else watch it dissolve
Considering everything that it involves

Cedric McClester, Copyroght © 2019.  All rights reserved.
Præbete aures, vos qui continetis multitu- dines
et placetis vobis in turbis nationum, quoniam non
custodistis legem justitiæ, ne- que secundum
voluntatem Dei ambulastis.
SAP. 6.

Voitures et chevaux à grand bruit, l'autre jour,
Menaient le roi de Naple au gala de la cour.
J'étais au Carrousel, passant avec la foule
Qui par ses trois guichets incessamment s'écoule
Et traverse ce lieu quatre cents fois par an
Pour regarder un prince ou voir l'heure au cadran.
Je suivais lentement, comme l'onde suit l'onde,
Tout ce peuple, songeant qu'il était dans le monde,
Certes, le fils aîné du vieux peuple romain,
Et qu'il avait un jour, d'un revers de sa main,
Déraciné du sol les tours de la Bastille.
Je m'arrêtai : le suisse avait fermé la grille.

Et le tambour battait, et parmi les bravos
Passait chaque voiture avec ses huit chevaux.
La fanfare emplissait la vaste cour, jonchée
D'officiers redressant leur tête empanachée ;
Et les royaux coursiers marchaient sans s'étonner,
Fiers de voir devant eux des drapeaux s'incliner.
Or, attentive au bruit, une femme, une vieille,
En haillons, et portant au bras quelque corbeille,
Branlant son chef ridé, disait à haute voix :
« Un roi ! sous l'Empereur, j'en ai tant vu, des rois ! »

Alors je ne vis plus des voitures dorées
La haute impériale et les rouges livrées,
Et, tandis que passait et repassait cent fois
Tout ce peuple inquiet, plein de confuses voix,
Je rêvai. Cependant la vieille vers la Grève
Poursuivait son chemin en me laissant mon rêve,
Comme l'oiseau qui va, dans la forêt lâché,
Laisse trembler la feuille où son aile a touché.

Oh ! disais-je, la main sur mon front étendue,
Philosophie, au bas du peuple descendue !
Des petits sur les grands grave et hautain regard !
Où ce peuple est venu, le peuple arrive **** ;
Mais il est arrivé. Le voilà qui dédaigne !
Il n'est rien qu'il admire, ou qu'il aime, ou qu'il craigne.
Il sait tirer de tout d'austères jugements,
Tant le marteau de fer des grands événements
A, dans ces durs cerveaux qu'il façonnait sans cesse,
Comme un coin dans le chêne enfoncé la sagesse !

Il s'est dit tant de fois : « Où le monde en est-il ?
Que font les rois ? à qui le trône ? à qui l'exil ? »
Qu'il médite aujourd'hui, comme un juge suprême,
Sachant la fin de tout, se croyant en soi-même
Assez fort pour tout voir et pour tout épargner,
Lui qu'on n'exile pas et qui laisse régner !

La cour est en gala ! pendant qu'au-dessous d'elle,
Comme sous le vaisseau l'Océan qui chancelle,
Sans cesse remué, gronde un peuple profond
Dont nul regard de roi ne peut sonder le fond.

Démence et trahison qui disent sans relâche :
« Ô rois, vous êtes rois ! confiez votre tâche
Aux mille bras dorés qui soutiennent vos pas.
Dormez, n'apprenez point et ne méditez pas,
De peur que votre front, qu'un prestige environne,
Fasse en s'élargissant éclater la couronne ! »

Ô rois, veillez, veillez ! tâchez d'avoir régné.
Ne nous reprenez pas ce qu'on avait gagné ;
Ne faites point, des coups d'une bride rebelle,
Cabrer la liberté qui vous porte avec elle ;
Soyez de votre temps, écoutez ce qu'on dit,
Et tâchez d'être grands, car le peuple grandit.

Ecoutez ! écoutez, à l'horizon immense,
Ce bruit qui parfois tombe et soudain recommence,
Ce murmure confus, ce sourd frémissement
Qui roule, et qui s'accroît de moment en moment.
C'est le peuple qui vient ! c'est la haute marée
Qui monte incessamment, par son astre attirée.
Chaque siècle, à son tour, qu'il soit d'or ou de fer,
Dévoré comme un cap sur qui monte la mer,
Avec ses lois, ses mœurs, les monuments qu'il fonde,
Vains obstacles qui font à peine écumer l'onde,
Avec tout ce qu'on vit et qu'on ne verra plus,
Disparaît sous ce flot qui n'a pas de reflux !
Le sol toujours s'en va, le flot toujours s'élève.
Malheur à qui le soir s'attarde sur la grève,
Et ne demande pas au pêcheur qui s'enfuit
D'où vient qu'à l'horizon on entend ce grand bruit !
Rois, hâtez-vous ! rentrez dans le siècle où nous sommes,
Quittez l'ancien rivage ! - À cette mer des hommes
Faites place, ou voyez si vous voulez périr
Sur le siècle passé que son flot doit couvrir !

Ainsi ce qu'en passant avait dit cette femme
Remuait mes pensers dans le fond de mon âme,
Quand un soldat soudain, du poste détaché,
Me cria : « Compagnon, le soleil est couché. »

Le 18 mai 1830.
Saint John the Apostle says: "Zephian, the computer of the Duoverse of the Verthian world, signals the order of his creation of the world according to the transcendental vegetable living matter in the interstices of time itself that exists within sidereal time. Pointing out that matter and time are governed by mythological beings in a compartment with monotheism defined by atavistic laws, which are the omnipotence of the intense hiding place of procreation, super-providing large contextual residences, for habitat and a world on the scales of non-resident elders who go from passers-by between lines and cosmological phenomena in the Duoverse, facing the vicissitudes of stars and physicality added to the arcs of the reminiscence of emotions. Thus the main task and how the structure of the experience surpasses wisdom, making the orthogonal movement of the Universe fictitious, but Verthian with great explorations of matter that is absolutely quantified and volatilized to the field of incorporeal existence. The laws will be governed by its demiurge organizer Zefián, describing codes that will verify pivotal performances in the reactions of the mutant universe. His refractions when reasoning of the consummated phenomenon start from here in the distinguished biological one, which will surpass the laws of physics, since its ratio-value is above the limits allowed by the brave line of gravity that bounces off the lines and their distances, promoting more criteria to resist the threats of a possible tiring case, a product of some relative dominance not included in all the worlds among themselves or in some judgment that does not rescue us from the loss of links of a certain omitted coordinate, attracting us to a universe ruled towards hemicycles of merely material and non-biological-existential particles. The dimensions range from the beginning of the universe itself, more delayed than the interval of the second limit of space that rests to inaugurate the next one. It will be the orbit of translation twice rotating to the sun, but nth times turning on itself to go out to another stellar dimension not present. Its geometry will be the administration of the resumption of cinnabar in Tsambika and Helleniká, to annul each other by making and integrating it in Patmos, on the shores of Skalá, with curvatures that validate the nullity of successive factions of material lives, among spiritual victims if alive. The oblation and concavity of the Duoverse will be of universal contact in excessive proximity in a few radios to support the equidistant gravity between both atmospheres, adopting the subsequent consequences with a shared micro-existence in both universal Astro units, as a dense but fractal particularity fragmented to changes coercive in the conception of creation, of the original true world, gestated in a pristine Kosmous and resistance modeling of high intermediate masses of temperatures, expanding above what surrounds, under a flexible world that opposes resisting, but that unfolds to relocate to its origins of integrity and adaptable physical material. Duoverso is born and will reappear every time the years are subject to the devastation of everything quantifiable and not, under the dim light that will light up all the darkness, Zefián being in paronymy in what is missing to appropriate sustenance and merit of having it adsorbed. in the tabernacle of the Vas Auric and its namesake Medayllon, in the privilege of appearance itself, adding in what is preserved from physical support without a doubt right there. A fair sidereal speed will have to travel on its own axis of rotating time in the paradoxical gear of the One-Dimensional Beams with the same reconverted into vital angelic luminance, creating orbits of optics in the visions of Christian profanity. It empowers them to enable them in overexcited that derive from disorders of intermittence and physics of time, to reinsert themselves in the sequence that inhabits the residual velocity of the Beam, as a Theo-Philosophical entity, and of the cellular multiplicity in seasonal cells. of the retrograde lapses frozen in Qumram, so as not to depend on its Kabbalah sustained by the regime of a compound past, and of the inconcrete yesterday. The immediacy was surpassed, preserved in the conviction of the One-Dimensional Beams (Kafersesuh), observing itself more densely when all revolutionary extinction admits to being in the proper place to integrate and ponder peremptorily, attracting organic and inorganic matter suspended in the richness of a world of scientific but unique Faith. , and Single incessant prayer, more anti-gregarious and dilapidated than what is supported by vain walls, which do not exist in Verthian emotional matter. Its movement and translation are always advanced, even before we coexist, already being domains of being transposed of what was, is, and will be transposed and floating in its abrogated form!

The movements, being physical, take us over conjectured layers to discern their magnitude by percentage the rigor of their measurement on us, in exchange for Zefián's ambivalence, delivered both chromatics of the Dark and White Duoverse, with the reference of the behavioral alternations of the Diospyros, spring of the arboreal, for the procreation granted in the hands of Leiak. Sustaining from this equational exercise, with less time to design for its genealogy, but rather in its apocalypse reinstalled in null primary unknown spaces, to have it again in the light of consciousness, recognized as an inert matter of the past, and more alive of the immanent eternity of nebulae that personalize the Abrojo earring, taking temporality but null as it does not ****** any hand to tear it from its own. Every divided and subdivided elementary particle of the Duoverse will gravitate under what is speculated, rising in total harmony through the accommodating compressions of a whole material accessory, especially in sudden death processes, which occurred illustrated and not compressed in the percentage eternity of materiality of the dark. (current) and luminous (happened), being those who govern it will manifest anticipations of everything dark (present) and luminous (past-future), for the energetic alternation succumbed so many times, like a uniform cross in the center of the world after so many times having fallen in past-future.

Says Vernarth : "in the rhetoric of the Universe-Duoverse theorem, it is worth noting the topic of the past with a present and future entity as well but atopic or out of place Hellenic, connected to the time of Verthian inspiration, Holderlin-Heidegger indefinite in terms of habitability physical, as a complement to the entity that anticipates the present/future in the vicinity of death in the topical past and future, but tangentially with lively whims of atopic mortal-existentialism, being a way of renting virtual death, and as a way of being dwelling in death itself and its act of embodiment, then having existed but with its own edict after having rented it. The Verthian World appears in this stereotype, prolonging existences from the atopic non-existence, granting it a complementarity of more past scientific romantic life, after an uninhabited death. Ontologically, this theory is born from the One-Dimensional Beams of Kafersesuh, in Ein Karem. Essentially paleo-Christian, as the matrix of existence between Ein Karem (Manger of the Messiah) and Gethsemane, inter nexus of the materiality of metaphysical inflections product of the immaterial purpose of unlived and hypothetical life, as an urgent sacrilegious decline, anticipated of the dimension of the life-death-life process of Comparative Christian Messianism.

Vernarth says: "with the slaves, in my disparate hands I picked up what the other carried. With my right hand, I took the Duoverse, and with the other my bearer; that I had my commands on the maxims of Elpenor before falling to the cliff. One naughty day but with the worst pain in my chest I went to see him in his room, and I structured him as an immortal when it came to forming the world "not even knowing of being part of an identity" favoring him to be part of my deflagration convulsed by the friction of the Universe on the Duoverse. Such was that bravery and affordability, that he decorated me with some unexpected laments of belonging by imprisoning me with superfluous boasting. But his boldness will be mine, and he will have to anticipate it in the middle of a fight, such as in Gaugamela hurting my two spirits, one deleterious and the other not..., Says the Porter: "I have to accede to your mandate, my lord Vernarth, I have arranged my horse emetics to take him to the empyrean, more unusual at nightfall. I know that my own absence will also take her, because we are double lives loving her, falling into a night given over to the seventh Phalangist soldier. Between souls already diluted by the misfortune of the sap, in the figure of eternal death that refuses to receive us discouraged" Says Vernarth: "I don't know if I am or will be brave, therefore I have forgotten to take the herd, rather I don't I know what it is?, but in the midst of the horses and hosts of the block, from the Syntagma in Gaugamela that I have not felt again what it is to take my herd after feeling my hands and legs divided, but not feeling when appropriating some parabens amputated. I know that among the hypaspists we tricked umpteenth arrows in the mobilization of the war machine 665, but in a wasteful jump we gathered the delusion of the Phalangist command in the Seleucid 666 ringlera, rather detached from all men, substantially inclined to Alexandrian life, "Of course it was already in the hands of eternity, which hurts more than the tip of an arrow even if I perjured myself to its annihilation" Vernarth's act of intrepidity and daring would take him over the precipice that even skewed and declined the world as it sustained him, putting his fellow man face to face, as antagonist and protagonist at the same time with his chest flowing over the white linens that they spoke of certainties of a scaffold, still where others surrounded them with peace and Olympian protection, making him..., only today the pair of himself abstracted with contemptuous lineage..., even having to reinstitute himself as Vernarth most elusive of being alive and eternal, still having in its vocabulary the essence of knowing Being Heideggerian, with firsts of erudition, starting from the nova on excitation, having cognition and knowing oneself diligently about the entities alter evidences of the recent-present, and not in the tyrannized Universe, rather of its present-event of the new universe for itself negative, and towards a gift of neatness granting it recklessness that continues to disperse its entity, its dimension, the locus of it, the distances, the matter to welcome in its be. Vernarth besieges his cogitative discursive, raided in tides of tenements and scales of belatedly changing vibration with all the heroics of following and all the world ideologies of harassing technical acumen with the target in the necropolises that he speaks resurrected, not lying the chimera in the best districts to the leisure to revive, more immortal than a district..., and learned steps with constitutive slogans in "cities succumbed, without blemish..., with eternity", connoting after all transfer abolished, in the present infinity between two units of mortal rank, the Carrier and Vernarth, Vernarth and Heidegger, but here the last one bringing the closest radiogram between the herd and eternity with a significant dilemma (End and chaos) and eternity (creation), in the limbo-purgation ratio, as source and potion. The generality of success and affinity in Heidegger's dialectic, a moment signs his reincarnation in the raving of finite eternity, moving away from Verthian ontological and metaphysical reasoning. He magnetically juxtaposed the Universe, bordering on restless ambitions, such a substance of perpetual equanimity towards the unworthy survivor of Vernarthian theories. So far no resemblance that compares to whoever wants it or not is part of any estimate or conjecture sheet of a complex Duoverse, but rather dreaming as an active or vague star without anything or anyone knowing that it springs from it or that, abstracting from the nullity of a nihilistic kosmous of itself in the Necropolis of Hellenika. Within the emerging frontis of a progeny, there are ranges derived towards the first to form rows composed of shelters of the Giant Camels that from Jerusalem escorted them with their planting consciences to Ein Karem, then returning to Gethsemane to end up in the port of Jaffa. Originally arranged by the children of Israel and bastions; Vernarth, Saint John the Apostle, Eurydice, Raeder, and Petrobus with the animality, Etréstles, and Kanti, to finally cite King David and his velvety phylactery addressed to his edicule before they departed for Jaffa, to return west to Patmos. Of this primogeniture, the legatee is Vernarth, being presented as co-first-born by abnegating his portion to Saint John the Apostle for fiduciary assets for the benefit of a third party for both and granting the patriarchal reinstatement to each of his inheritances, the purpose being expedited in liberation from the world that sheltered them inauthentically in the midst of ascending ancestors. This prerogative will be decisive in defining the dimension of the Duoverse and One-Dimensional Beams, since a brotherhood of worldliness, nascent and simultaneous, will diverge them in the beams that support the universe, and from this, they will be transferred to the vision of Vréfos- (child-man) , Child-Cherub, for the purpose of specifying the Universe-Duoverse physically composed of four areas of consistency. Time, Being, Divinity and the Four Wings of the Cherub, as a concept of biodiversity in Lepidoptera, Bumblebees, Bees, Wasps, and Fireflies so that these tetra-winged animal entities cause warnings and impositions on the cardinals poles of its primogeniture, being born from chaos, until now as Duoverse constituting the alpha Vréfos, nascent of the Animalia and "Andres" intermediate perspectives in the heights that guide the material essences of the distributive physics and spiritual and imperishable elemental. The ineffable matter, the stars will prostrate themselves before each pause of advent and herds that carry Secundum Dictus Vivere, in pursuit of a gnoseological doctrine made a pledge of servile an instant rescinding in another, for the study of the sense of conceiving itself in diligent part of a new orb In the dividing lines of the unknown and the repelled nothingness, suspecting himself of a living arterial vile in the skeptical nothingness. We tend two of non-existence that ratifies it, or perhaps of a twin-univiteline Duoverse and of the chaos of non-fertilized nature..., rather empowered towards the first fiduciary by the jurisprudence of the district of the unattachable Messiah. Allow yourself thus, before this premise of history, to continue and be part of an establishing whole looking for Hashem in an unknown world and Kosmous too..., more so swaying before the appearance that sustains you, as cardinal knowledge of values and immobile Certainty. The centric lineage hypothesis will define the blood lineage, unifying the Duoverse.
Pealim Abba
Cedric McClester Dec 2021
By: Cedric McClester

How to get him to yes
Is anyone’s guess
But nevertheless
We’ll do our best
To try to persuade
Him to keep what he made
As his word starts to fade
Though it’s still on parade

How to get him to yes
And have him bless
What’s transgressed into a mess
I must confess
Is becoming a chore
Cos he keeps wanting more
And it’s hard to keep score
As he is to ignore

How to get him to yes
From wanting much less
Than our largesse at its best
Without having to regress
Is a conundrum
An sort of secundum
Where the prospect is glum
That we need to run from

How to get him to yes
Is no contest
Cos he’s just a pest
And I do not jest
Whose sole ambition
Is to change his position
While he has us fishing
He’s on his mission

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2021.  All rights reserved.

— The End —