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I wear you a silver crown my honey dew    I wear you those pretty things that buy my heart whenever stars tingle in starry night you as red rose    I wear you a golden crown that never fade my witty poetess l wear you blossom of coweries and bead you are the seaview star that sparkles in our darkness l wear you all wonderful stars even poem duchess and traditional poet. Seaview is family with gorgeous queens never cast a spell on yourself to conform every other things bcus this queens are wealth l honour can only be a maid to them
She is witty but subtle and her light skin is the mark of imaginary lines A brilliant colour in figment like fairy light She never sings with water voice or bubble inside empty songs. She is the spectacular,the voice from flageolet and violin flick of soulful heart.I reckon her poem even this ode consoles her enemy of epic jelousy.She is seaview magnificent petal in vase.l wear you a pure crown with beads and cowries of silver colour you own the jupitar in our planet,my wonderful Queen
Edna Sweetlove Apr 2015
Another poem from the pen of my alter ego Barry Hodges

Half asleep, I sense you rise from the bed
Where we have shared love's passion,
Your sweaty body glistening as the dawn's early light
Peeks through the curtains of our ensuite bedroom.
O! To think that our great love affair must end
Now that your husband has threatened
To asphyxiate your six dear children
If you do not cast me aside like a worn out shoe.
And when I awake fully I find you gone forever,
The only souvenir of our last night together
Being a small squashed **** lying on the stained bedlinen.
O! How can I ever forget such a tragic awakening?

[I knew from bitter experience of similar occurrences that dear old Mrs Bloggs (Seaview Bijou B&B;, The Esplanade, Ramsgate, Kent) was bound to make a hefty surcharge to disinfect the bedding thoroughly. What an unromantic old ***** she was, may she rot in Hell forever.]
Lawrence Hall Feb 2021
Lawrence Hall

                This Ashtray was Stolen from the Seaview Motel

                                                     Color TV
                                                  Weekly Rates
                                                       No Pets

I couldn’t live at the beach forever
A series of shabby little rented rooms
Cheap wine and thin volumes of free verse
Beach hippie chicks, White Rabbit, and guitars

I had to go away, or someday die
An unrealized old man set out on the curb
And so, stubbing out a last cigarette
I packed my seabag and caught the morning bus

I couldn’t live at the beach forever
And in the end became respectable
A poem is itself.
You asked, 'is this your car dear john',
I carried on
leading you,
and though my eyes were scarred,shut tight
I saw you
to my right and looking like for all the world
a frightened girl
but this was never meant to scare you just to share with you
a moment
up on seaview heights to watch the lights go down
and then to drive
to the town.

But speed is needy ever greedy and I must confess to you that I like loving speeding,needing that excitement,
more than you that's heaven sent and I am earthly bound and tied and live to ride the wings that fly in cars where you are looking scared.

I never dared say that before
I put the metal to the floor, just one more flicker on the dial,one more twitch another mile and then we're home
I see relief in your wan smile,
you'll be back
you like to track and trek with me
you'll break your bleedin' neck with me
and only speeding will we see
what will be.

— The End —