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SinEater Nov 2014
My skin is p a  l e
My body c o ld
     And in my chest lies a broken heart of fools gold
My re alit  y   I  on ce knew is ha z  y    a nd n on exist en  t
It's grown old
     And I'm becoming tired of being bold
And being told right from wrong
      I'm sinking softly down when I don't know how to swim
  Every inch that I further lose from possibility to stay afloat is lessening my want or need for a life boat
    Every breath I attempt to take fills my lungs with ugly pseudonyms and sends me down deeper into my lonesome underpopulated town inhabited only by fragments of once strong relationships that i held so close to me that I c ould n't  b reat h e, the relationships that kept my entire being from sinking in the first place.
   I'm drowning and I can't see what's even in front of me
       I'm a ship bound by anchor to the wrong bad habits of shedding my   blood willingly to bloodthirsty ravenous sharks in the sea of my minds eye
       This was once a safe harbor for the ones I kept close
  The ones that knew what mattered to me and the ones I cherished most
      Now its a sea full of  gh o sts
Of the people I trusted them the most
    I trusted them to not turn on me or use me like a host
And now I'm the one  dro w ning
I' m    so  sca re      d
   Now when I share my harbor it feels so
    U    n    fa    i r
        They don't understand what I risk give to let them be there
It never harbors in their heart as deeply as it does mine
     The possibility of even defining how hard it is to let these ships safely     pass through this harbor will now and forever never be able to escape  my pale numbing lips
    Only silence
Everything here is just riddled with murderous crashing waves
   Any relationship that enters I try so desperately to save
     And in that attempt
  The harbor starts to misbehave
            The waves destroy every boat or anything that floats
  Anything at all to help me cope with being so alone or the feeling of even remotely being at home.
      My fingertips are numb and cold and starting to fold and I can't feel those things I could before
I just want all of this over
N o    m   o re   dro w n    i n          g
All my life boats have sunk
    Now I'm just stuck
     All these hands and graves are grabbing at me and pulling me down        ev ery   whi ch     wa y  at  the
    bott om of the
oce an
u  nd   er

     al l
th e s     e  
h e   a     v y

‘Cata, pick up the children, then
We’ll all away to the woods,
They say there’s a mighty army come
To steal our homes and goods,
They’re capturing slaves along the way
So we need to be aware,
These men of steel with their breastplates on
Take children with fair hair.’

Sca had looked at his wife, she had
The hair of ripened corn,
And so had both of their children from
The day that they were born,
But he was dark, from the Iceni
And his face was painted blue,
He’d come from the beach they’d landed on
Where the blood was mixed with dew.

‘I’ve never seen quite so many ships
They’re standing off in the bay,
And way on out, the horizon seems
To be filled with ships today,
They’re crushing all that’s before them,
Our chiefs are down on their knees,
They know we can’t over-awe them
With our spears and charioteers.’

‘This army’s bringing its mighty gods
And they have this one called Mars,
He rules, they say, each clashing of arms
From way up there in the stars,
Their shields are linked in a solid wall
That we can’t get through to fight,
They’ll rule us now as they rule the Gaul
So we must be gone tonight.’

They made their way to a hermit’s cave
And they found some shelter there,
But the Legion came and they took his wife
For the sake of her golden hair,
His children too, were taken away
From the land of their loving home,
And the people gasped in the marketplace
When the two were sold, in Rome.

While he fled back to the Iceni
And he waged guerrilla war,
Served in the army of Boadicea
Once she had come to the fore.
She stood, six foot and her tumbling hair
Was red, right down to her waist,
‘A terrible sight,’ the Romans said
As she laid their cities waste.

They’d stolen all of her lands and laid
The lash across her back,
They’d ***** both of her daughters,
They were fond of doing that,
They didn’t know that the Iceni
As a tribe were more than bold,
Or of the terrible price they’d pay
When they cast her out in the cold.

She wiped out Camulodunum,
And slaughtered the Romans there,
Went on to sack Londinium,
This woman with flame red hair,
She burnt the city down to the ground
While the population fled,
The only people that stayed in town
Were lying in heaps, the dead!

They slew the Hispana Legion
That had marched down from the north,
Went on to Verulamium
And carried a flaming torch,
The Romans there were slaughtered,
The city razed to the ground,
But not before the warrior Sca
Had saved the wife he found.

She’d been enslaved in a Roman house
Had disappeared for years,
And when he pulled her out of the flames
She couldn’t see him for tears,
So they fled to the northern borders where
The Romans held no sway,
And their blond haired, blue-eyed offspring,
They still live there today.

David Lewis Paget
Amelia Jan 2014
everyone needs
to leave me alo
ne because it hu
rts me too look
at them and I d
on't know wher
e I am and the
bed reeks of s
ex and laundry
detergent and
when I die will
my hair be stra
ightened? mak
e up my own fu
cking lyrics and
cry a lot and c
ount my allies
on my fingertip
s when did eve
ryone start hati
ng me?? am I
going to hell? i
s this hell? mu
sic isn't beaut
iful anymore b
ecause of you,
you ******* fu
ck why do I ev
en bother with
you why did I
even talk to yo
u you were alm
ost as ****** a
s I am!!! I'm sca
red to stick it t
o the man
dear cosmonaut,
some days
i am in love with you.
some days
i am in love with you
and i ache in every language i know
and a thousand i don't;
your name spilling from
constellations like some
pure wor(l)d built

there are days
i am ador(n)ed
by the skin of those
who matter
when kindness blisters
and it burns;
i am spitfire conflagrations
and no respite, no shelter
when comfort is the
you fly from.

in the between
i am paused
floating lonesome
interstellar satellites
in orbit;
these are days
that feel like all days
and none
and i cry out to believe
i am. not broken,
yet sacred and longing
sca(r)red, and

dear cosmonaut,
some days
you are everything;
but the sun
must always
for enrique, who is my cosmonaut even when he cannot reach me.
Mateuš Conrad Nov 2015
hon-fountain / jigo hudami - googlewhack! by Matthew Conrad
2 hours ago - hon-fountain / jigo hudami - googlewhack! among european nations, the poles get self-conscious by comparing themselves as: the cinderella ...

here for ten yearn, having in thnt time two children. Fourteen yeai.-. jigo they, removed to Brazil ...... -thai hu hud ami thuiu breds-at-sca;—for from any laud that ...
Nissa Arsenic Aug 2013
ia m     s     o
                                 t              t
                                                     er                   d
Ashly Kocher Jul 2019
To scared to step outside
To scared to enjoy life
To scared to explore
To scared to do more
To scared
To scare
To scar
To sca
To sc
To s
To s
To sc
To sca
To scar
To scare
To scared
To scared that shots may fly
To scared of saying goodbye
To scared of everything in life

What is happening to our world
Everything’s turning crazy and absurd
We shouldn’t feel scared to keep exploring our lives
But when we have to keep our eyes opened wide
Keep looking over our shoulder and our loved ones close to our side
It makes it uncomfortable to enjoy life
Only God knows why....
I pray the violence will subside
TreadingWater Jan 2016
if// only// you// could
Let. It. Go.
~~~~ All of you
ripe to be l o v e d
And the songs we could s
Making love>>by reading words
but no-one-can-
t _ o _ u _ c _ h
   y o u
& oh. how. i.  want. to.
Sooooo, I sit-on-that-throne
o _ n _ e
in your dr
I saw what>you're>made>of

and;....I know that it-sca//red-you
, un₩illing
To Know Your Own
,...w_ o _ r _ th,...

Enough with the SCARS!
James Floss Nov 2017
It ser-erves nothing
This hic-coughing
Day two of three

But (hic) but (hic) it happens
Every fi-Uk! five seconds
Diag-FRA-AM! (****!) explodes

Count back=ak=wards

Hold your breath

Get some sil-EEP!

Pa-ay!-per bag

Sca-are me, please

Drink water
Little swa+ah+llows

I’ll Just wait it “awht”

Enough with the SCARS!

— The End —