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The idea seemed like all my others genius why think  it through
had my parents ?
**** no if it wasnt for wild turkey  loud music wild women and
bad desiscions   gonzo wouldnt be here.
Thanks for being a party girl mom.

We had gotten hitched  i always said if i found a woman
who could out drink me under the table was smokin hot  and meaner than a rattle snake and would actully have *** with me without charging.
I would make my wife.

From the moment Skeeter had stepped into my life and said hey what
the ******* lookin at ***** ?
I knew that pint size ******* was the one.

And finally after my in house arrest and her brief vacation in Rikers was up we finally  tied the knott  and got married  but enough with the foreplay  children.

Like two insane people  with a shared thought.
The first night was outstanding the second even better she was like a
hot female  version of me.
A teenage hellcat who should have been busted for filling out that sweater  thank god for citezens arrest.

The first  week flew by Ya think we can everday?
My dear  if you just put your mind to it  and some other parts.
I know we  can.
Yes  to have a dream  and to be horney with someone
who shares  the same  dream is a wonderful thing.
Till you have to slip her roofies to get some sleep.
I knew thoose pills would come in handy  than for
just having them for  blind dates.

Although Ive learned your supposed to not take them also.
Then its just awkward waking up looking to the other person
saying hey  what happend and why are we in the burger king rest room?

After a few weeks i learned why people  actully spoke to each  other
and had these thing's called conversations.
I learned my Skeeter   loved halloweeen  for how could she not with so many costumes.
And she had a a real passion for law inforcement  with all the handcuffs  and tazers  a couple badges  a cop car  hmm makes me
wonder could it be yes your right.
People  really get carried away playing dungeons and dragons.

The first month was great the second made me rethink taking vitamins  she reminded of a  hamster in a wheel runnng without stop
just taking breif breaks  to hit the bottle  of Jack  Daniels
I miss working the pet store.

Leaving the house to  stagger to the bar  myself worn like a
a cheap motels matress.
Skeeter glowing like a neon sign if a neon sign were prone to random acts of violence.
Speaking sweet  nothing's to each other  like I love you sugar ,
did you hide the bullwhip ?  And hey wake up you drunk ******.

Her eye's  a work of true beauthy  that read  **** with me
and i'll knock your **** in the dirt   or light you on fire
ahh romance  it is grand and slightly dangerous and painful at times.

The night alive the drinks flowing  the waitress  a attractive  yet
soon to be mauled victem  of a five three spitfire.
The paper read of something i belive they call them numbers
dam you davinnci code.

Befor I could  down the wild turkey order four more and say in the name of Bono.
She sprang from her seat like a  miniture ninja leaping over the bar.
tackling the woman who had angred my mighty banshee.

the fight was epic and i did what any good red  bloodedand whiskey fueled pervert  would do I sat there and cheered on this cat fight.
get her honey it was a true sitght to be seen  hair being pulled
clothes being ripped off  okay i added that one.

And as a voice echoed over the crowd that said
hey who is that  hot crazy *****.
I turned  to the  man pointed saying  look its raining  
*****   and Adam Lambert  oddly enough he looked.

the sucker punch was fast hard and hurt like a son of
a *****  sorry but thats not just any hot insane horney carzy *****
thats my  teenage nymphomaniac  homicidle costume collecting halloween loving demon with a touch of sweetness wife.

The cops had arrived  but strangley enough Skeeter knew them all by
Im starting to belive she might have a thing for tazers.
The questions flew around sir what caused this and why are you not wearing any pants.

She was in a rant so like any semi sober man  I decicded to set her straight  well  kinda.
And you!
I cant belive you take her number  the rage filling within her
building like a volcano  of pint sized sexiness mean chicks
are hot.

Well  honey I ment to tell ya mid flight  that was the bar tab.

And after i awoke from acoma  my hellcat in my hospital bed
I looked from a black eye saying skeeter  i love you more
with every day that does pass.
To which my teenage ******  replyed good.
God cause if ya didnt Gonzo id have to kick your drunken semi sane long winded  ***.
Dedicated to the real life Skeeter  who's probaly going to **** me
It's been nice knowing you all.
Im kidding I'll do what i always do when in danger run and scream like a girl.

Love ya Skeeter  
Always Gonzo
Wandering Soul May 2016
I'm tired of wanting and tired of wishing upon a shooting star.
For that day where I'll pack my bags and finally disappear.
I don't know where exactly, but anywhere is better than here.
Don't try finding me, it's too late. I'm leaving and going far.

Sorry friends, family and the past, there isn't going to be a goodbye.
I'm burning these bridges and bonds I built to light my way ahead.
It's time to stop hiding and live my life for once before I'm dead.
Like a hawk in a thunder storm, I'll spread my wings and fly.

I'm going to a place where I can finally sleep and live another day.
In the darkness, I'll dance in the rain to the rhythm of the night.
And smile when I leave the ground as my demons fall out of sight.
This time I'm absolutely serious, tonight I'm running away.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2011
A blind man told me.
He see more without eye sight than we who can see.
He just rely completely on his instinct.

He said, where we go wrong we use our eyes?
While those who are blind has to depend on their minds.

A smell, a touch, and his hearing too operates together
in assisting him to live.
Even his taste has a place in his life.
It just as important than him noticing the daylight.

I think fear doesn't ever live within him.
Because when push come to shove he has fear runnng away, from him.

All because a blind man stands firmly in tune, of all his surrounding.
Jeffrey Conyers control all rights.
jeffrey conyers Feb 2011
I feel a presence chasing my steps.
I should start running and seeking some help.

I be a liar to state I'm not afraid.
I know one thing I do is continue to pray.
That whatever is chasing me will go away.

But with each step I took.
It kept getting close.

That their touch was soon touching me.
But before my face I didn't see a thing.

Now, I wondering if I'm losing my brain.
Or just another person going insane.

Soon, I was chasing this touch back.
It had me runnng and breaking my back.

Even to the point.
I knew someone's was following me.

Only to realize in the end.
God was reaching out to me.

Then I was comfortable being in his company.
Because he has invested his word deep down within me.

He touched me.
He kissed me.
And just loved me so.
How in the world can I let God go?
copyrights belongs to jeffrey conyers
cheryl love Jun 2014
When my skin needs ironing
along with my clothes on my thin frame.
The black bruises on the back of my hand
When I'm old will I still be treated the same?

When my eyesight is not so good,
and I am having a job just to see.
There will be black bruises on the back of my hand
and a couple of them will be on my knee!

Will you still love me, will you still care?
Will I annoy you to make you get up and leave?
Will you still be there for me every step of the way
And even when I have to wipe my nose on my sleeve.

My droopy eye lids will cover my face
My hair will be grey and I might be fast asleep
Will you still love me, like you do now
Or is it time for me to go and time for you to weep.

Please tell me now, I cant wait for thesse to occur.
Will you still love me, or will you grow to hate me
These things I think I ought to know
Because time is runnng short if it's time for me to flee.
Michael John Mar 2018

i got a new chair
a family affair
the other
broken like
a broken heart
on a may evening..

i felt like samson..
it is ten years since
she had cancer..
lily,wilful creature..
i stood ikea..!


i do loathe poetry
until i am ******..
and then i fall in love
all alone..

and my pen
just flows..
and the next day
ten years gone bye!
flown a lost dove..ah..


with all the rain
the agave fallen
****** puddles
in my room..
bird song
through the nights..

lost count of the tvs
now,we have 5 cats
i read adventure..
to abode beneath

a somerset maugham yarn!
i have come to like sweeping..
and have nearly forgotten
the little bamboo constructions..
by the sea..

we have one of the noisiest
kettles ever invented by man
it is a real trojan..
or sleeping in the desert
or living in my van by a stream..

drunk and free..
so,i have that chair
a long time..
the new one even worse
but good for one´s posture..
wine was so cheap..
the stars so bright..
i read the russians..
we were bare assed and naked...

the beauty of crete
i was consumed with the
beauty of crete..
their dancing sacred!
we dug holes
surrounded by family
and friends..
i dug holes so
so depressed
so beligerently..

but they understood..
if i shewn any sign of recovery
they handed along and down
a bottle of something..
which gave me some thing
like insane..
and we´d be howling and laughing
in no time..going fit to ****..

and for dinner they would feed us
or go to the soup cafe..!
or to say soup kitchen
and then to the cafe
and we get so ******
no one cared
and runnng after
the man..
to get paid and
he has no change
and a way we go again..

i was consumed with the
dazzling mountains
but the villages impossible
too quiet
too ******
time after time..
i always enjoyed wine..
the local style..
ah..the bus rides
so close to death
the silent left
donkey dread..if,
the driver met a friend
we would stop for a drink
and a lot of shouting..
i worked on our gabbage truck
when george had to have his break..
george was our landlord too bless
he gave me a present every day
he would eat half a nut and press
the other half on me..
and come in the room
when he chose..
with a wild scream..
we had a lovely garden..
and frighten everyone..

he did not want a vacation
and to show his disgust
raced in front
and picked up
the garbage..
all his money went
on cognac..
we stopped at
most bars..
and at the end of the shift
we spied on the hippy chicks..
george would get his wheel barrow
and moonlighting..
i would play backgammon..
and do some reading...

— The End —