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Puspanjali Sahu Jun 2016
Remember those days
Remember those moments
Sometimes with love
Sometimes with fake anger
Sometimes with a expression of begging
and sometimes with an attitude of praying

You asked me
to learn
to make rotis
round roties
round like the earth or may be like the universe  

Dear Maa,
each time  
I avoided your words
Neglected your quests
Ignored your feelings
Shattered your expectations  
I thought I was crossing your imagination
that somewhere prisoned
with relations  

I thought  Roties can be made easily
They are combination of flour and water
I only need to be right about proportion  

But why didn’t you tell me
Round roties require much more than my prediction
They need balanced emotions
Heartfelt validation
Justified devotion
to each and every relation  
As I started
wearing  your age,
it comes to my realization
round rotis  
may take everything you earned
your sleep, your dream  your successful imagination,
even little strength left in your bones  

what they return
a smiling satisfaction
When your mother  teaches you little things, may be preparing a meal, she inserts confidence, creativity inside you. When she made you to prepare meals for others she enriches you with feeling. you learned to love. When you allow yourself to serve a meal to your family members or friends you learned to care.  
And when you received all these feeling as your inheritance I doubt  Is there anything in this world that can irritate you…work load, failure in achieving professional goals, politics in your work place. Is there really anything?
I wish I should have learned make a rotis.

n.b. Maa is the hindi term to address mother. Roti is a indian food and used as a symbol for each small things you learn at home
tony kurian Dec 2018
When the curtains are down and after the last spectator exits the door, I want you to come to my green room.
To watch me taking off the costumes and slowly leaving the actor behind.
To see the scars on my skin and cracks on my skull.
I want to touch your face with my bare hands, and hold you close unbothered by stage lights and change of scene.
I want to hold your hands, go places, read books and slow dance with you.
I want to hold the basket while you select our grocery and walk with you the entire shop to pick the eye liner of your choice.
I want to mop the house as you read out news paper to me and laugh with you at the stupid statuses our friends put on social media.
I want to stir the *** as you cut veggies and make Roties with you as watch YouTube for a recipe.
I want to mock at you when you stand in front of the mirror and feed you Kaju Katlie when you are in anger.
I want to wash the utensils and clean the table as we tell each other’s stories from our day.
On days we fight I want to be the one who break the silence, so I can see the smile on your face.
I want to pack your bag as you get late to your work, yet grab a quick kiss so that I can have you for one more moment before you go.  
I want to be with you under the blanket and learn to touch you the way you like.  
I want to take the red flag from you when your hands ache as we walk shouting slogans, and tell softly in your ears that we shall win, on days you look despaired and dejected.  
I want to walk with you all the way to metro station because you believe a little less CO2 can save the world.  
I want to place the pill on your tongue even when you resist, and take you to the doctor you trust most in the city.
I want to clean your bed pan and change your clothes and help you back to bed.
I want to wet wipe your body, tell you that you are **** when you curse yourself for your ill health.
There are much more things for me to do with you and for everyone we care for.
I no more want to act or see you in the audience.
All I need is to have you in the green room of my life.

— The End —