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Think May 2014
I want to travel the world . Travel the lands without mysterious waves and hidden shakes . Greet a person with a smile and share each other lessons  about life. I want touch feel a mystic river and uncover a hidden truth within me . Breath airs of free warfare .  No anarchy, no kings , no leaders to tell you where you must eat. People always search for power but not I . I search kin ,chakra a energy that I already poses. I feel the world it's full of bad energy . It sadden me. The wisdom of mother-nature is dying with city clouds.
The greed of money spins the world now - Rosendo Dominguez thoughts
Raquel Stewart May 2014
are they blind?
are they oblivious to the screams and desires of that ******* Rosendo Lane?
are they so arrogant & self-absorbed that they can’t tend to her bleeding wrists?
do they not feel her blood drip upon their heads?
do they not feel the tears that fall from the eyes of that ******* Rosendo Lane?
that girl who’s voice is lower than the hum of hummingbird’s song
that girl who smiles
but underneath there’s a war
a war that’s bigger than you and I
and in the midst of that war is a girl picking blood covered daisies with              
an unfeigned smile laying upon her bright face
that girl was once the girl that lives on Rosendo Lane
that girl just waits for the war to be over
she dodges knives and guns
while her host cries and doesn’t have the willpower to let the knives and guns drop
within her
Think Apr 2014
I came here tonight to confess my emotion to you. I lay down with filthy sheets were the stench and perfume of others had been. Your bitter saliva burns my tongue . The Acid pain brings a remedy that last a day . Scratch marks on my back are just a reminder what I can't have. You look for lust and I look for love n this drunken night. I'll just be another aroma on the bed of lies

- thoughts of Rosendo Dominguez
Señora, dicen que dónde,
mi madre dicen, dijeron,
el agua y el viento dicen
que vieron al guerrillero.
Puede ser un obispo,
puede y no puede,
puede ser sólo el viento
sobre la nieve:
sobre la nieve, sí,
madre, no mires,
que viene galopando
Manuel Rodríguez.
Ya viene el guerrillero
por el estero.
Saliendo de Melipilla,
corriendo por Talagante,
cruzando por San Fernando,
amaneciendo en Pomaire.

Pasando por Rancagua,
por San Rosendo,
por Cauquenes, por Chena,
por Nacimiento:
por Nacimiento, sí,
desde Chiñigüe,
por todas partes viene
Manuel Rodríguez.
Pásale este clavel,
Vamos con él.
Que se apaguen las guitarras,
que la patria está de duelo.
Nuestra tierra se oscurece.
Mataron al guerrillero.
En Til-Til lo mataron
los asesinos,
su espada está sangrando
sobre el camino:
sobre el camino, sí.
Quién lo diría,
él, que era nuestra sangre,
nuestra alegría.
La tierra está llorando.
Vamos callando.
Think Apr 2014
Please sign by the dotted line. I'll make your pain go away . The transcendental pen will ink and scared the bond paper . Just sign the page of your life. And I will promise you a drunken stupor. Lets make treaty among souls . I'll be the puppet master . The puppeteer you need to proceed  and seek the desires you want . On the dotted line that's all it takes . I will open the lock chamber of your 3rd eye

Rosendo Dominguez thinks about it.

— The End —