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Eddie Starr May 2014
Remember me not for my words, but for the actions.
Remember me not for me but for Christ did through me.
Remember me for the things that I did with obedience.
To the Savior that loves you more then you will ever know.
Remember me for Christ whom made this all possible.
For its not me whom worthy of these feeling of love.
But it is Christ whom done all of these things through me.
I am just the blessed vessel that he use to bless you.
I am so thankful and grateful for everyone of you all.
New Life Lessons

Never let them see you sweat
That's a phrase you'll sometimes hear
But it's only with hard work and sweat
That you can persevere

Don't look back is what they say
You must leave the past behind
But the lessons learned from the past
Are what guide you through your life

Take your time and don't go fast
They say to take things slow
But to get to all you want in life
You must choose the pace you go

Give and take is what they say
Your battles you must choose
But never should you just give in
You must do whats best for you

Remenber all lifes lessons
Then make new ones all your own
Don't be afraid to live your dreams
Let life lessons help you grow

**Carl Joseph Roberts
If you like please add to a few collections ...thanks
You can't hide
by standing
in the light of the sun

is foolish
when you're
standing on the truth
that can't be undone

When tearing
down your bridges
Don't complain
about being all alone

Don't hate your life
when you
have invited
hate into your heart

Don't give up
on love
when there is always
the one up above

And remenber
to keep it simple
Don't complicate
your life

We are just
passer by's
collecting moments
of time
that are treasures
stored in our
Red Bergan Mar 2014
Remember when,
You got lost and hugged a tree?

Remember why,
You did those things?
That you weren't suppose to.

Remenber who,
Held you until you cried,
Yourself to sleep?
For a loss that was unforgivable.

Remember what,
He gave you on your day?
Of sadness and depression.

Remember where,
Those scars of unjust came from?
That night was painful.

Remember that day?
How you loved him so...
Your heart pulled the strings..
To see him slip away..

I remember..

The next time you are mucking out the horse stable
Stop for a second allow one thought to come to mind
God he as well created all those flys all over you
Believe it they are not real hard in there to find

Next time your sitting out in the country squatted
Away out of sight under a great big old country tree
Doing naturally what you really there needed so to do
In your jeans you spot a deadly spider looking at thee

The next time half way home from the shop really loaded
With several heavy bags as you walked for shop not far
And a truck passed splashing you with ***** street water
You never knew God would have it rain why take the car

Next time your watching a movie on T V husband away
And your naked as a bought chicken visitors arrive
You were just before taking a shower a house full
Praise the Lord for after all at least your alive

You live in a lovely home with lovely gardens too
And the old house next door just got sold its true
The worst family of criminals ten kids a pedaphile
All now living in there and right next door to you

Remember its said love your neighbor like family
They as well have a karioki with big speakers there
Full blast day and night all of the time heavy metal
Five barking dogs and no fences love life its divine

Kids no respect for others homes their gardens as well
They fill your gargage bin with all of theirs too
One of the kids is learning drums another saxaphone
God wants everyone to get along loving each other true

Next time beer bottles in your garden dog droppies
In your garden on driveway their toys in your pool
Smile and praise God Over dogs karioki screaming kids
Because you know that God loves you and hes no fool

The door bell keeps ringing can I borrow this and that
Tools sugar things disaperaing all the time of late
Remenber God he wants you to love everyone on earth
Regardless who they are rich or poor across the slate

The husband next door now uses binoculars watching you
Even through windows in bedrooms too it now seems
God wants everyone be good souls kind and conciderate
loving one and all to help all obtain of their dreams

Your underwear vanishes from your clothes line too
Bras and ******* must be the next doors thing its so
Oh God another broken window cricket ball in bedroom
In that bible man wrote turn the other cheek let it go

Footballs daddies golf ***** shes 20 stone loves bikinies
Its so hot asking mind if use your pool for awhile
None of your friends visit anymore endless excuses made
Remenber God knows best grin and bare it remember to smile

terrence michael sutton
copyright 2018
Expo 86' Feb 2017
You know, its kinda funny how things go downhill so fast, when i was there, i couldn't say i was happy or the things are working, but i could say that at least i was close to you, time passed and this felling started to suffocate me, so i decide to move on. And now all of my days just turned gray, an endless sky of gray and shivering cold, day pass and all i do is smoke and stay in bed, all i do is remenber my time close to you, all i fell i sadness consuming my body, haunting my mind, suffocating my lungs, and now, all i do is think about you
Saumya Dec 2017
Love, and respect yourself for what you are, the way you speak, your complexion is, and however you truly are.Learn to adapt well in it.You're perfect, you're beautiful the way you are.Never let people decide  what sorta person you ought to be! (They actually needn't) A sea is a sea and an ocean is an ocean, and they can never be the same as each otger, ever! If people can't adore the original you, remenber that sorta affection is either fake, or is just short-termed, and may not be healthy too, so better stay away from it.Ironically, most  people still need to understand the fact, that nothing can beat originality.

Live your truth, laugh at your mistakes, learn from them, and move on, but never consider any problem as 'permanent'.Nothing stays forever, nor will they.Embrace problems as wierd friends, who teach us a lot before they leave, and change us into a better and stronger us , sometimes forever.

Never, never, settle, or dare changing yourself for anyone, who wants you to be something you already  know that  you aren't & will never be comfortable to be.Stay away from being forced/ dragged into something.Its the most ridiculous thing, you'll regret doing.

You're incomparable, you're special, and you're way too precious to take **** and the ****** people seriously.Know, realize, ponder and believe in this truth, and the real sort of people will always love you for what you are, and will be with  and for you with unfading loyalty.
Anton Mar 2020
it's 3am again and this overwhelming sadness is drowning my soul again,

just can't remenber when, all of this feeling of being broken began,
I'M just a messager
nothing I exspress is irrelevant
in a world full of trials of tribulation
im just one of meny bring reality to situation
where there isn't any
I'M placed here for a reason
every word has it's own meaning
open your thought just pay a attention
allow the truth to fill your soul, like a table speed dose the belly


nothing i do is of me
part of the human body
reaching out toward humanity

aldo kraas Sep 2023
Dear friend
Always remember
That you are a child of God
He is the one that
Created you in his image
A long time ago
So you are beautiful
In God’s eyes
And if you don’t agree
It is ok becaus God
Has his own opinion
Yes you can change
The color of you hair
You can’t change the color
Of you skin
God have made white and black
People also
And the black and white
People are his children
It doesn’t make any difference
To God if you are black or white
Also friend I hope you are
Proud to be you God’s Children
You God wants you to pray
For him every single night
And you can ask in you prayer
For God to give you health and peace
Also God wants you to live you
Life to the fullest every single day
Please don’t waste you lfe away
By sleeping in during the day
Because if you sleep during te day
You won’t sleep at night
Also remenber that was God that made
The seasons we live in
The winter is the worst one
Because you have to dress warm
When you are going out
Also you don’t want to get
Frostbite in you feet
Please wear a Winter boots
On you feet
Also today we are
Having a blizzard
Also the schools
Ha been closed
Due to the weather
And he school bus was
Also there flights
Was cancel due to blizzard
Many years ago
You had been a ******
Until you both parents
Made the choice to have
A baby
Now you were brave
Because you became a parent
Of a beautiful baby
And you partner left you
So you had to raise you
Beautiful baby on your own
It is very hard to be a single mother
But I give you all the credit
Also you should be proud of yourself
That you have a son
Also I think you did a fine job
Raising him

— The End —