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Recollective thoughts of oblivion detailed to detailed satisfaction
Hadn't asked why from before-ance, t'was more an extremity of non understanding then
Asking the questions to fixate as an individual has its time frame
Sky is blue and white it appears
the full Moon was out yesterday
The light was not so shady
the clouds a darkened mist
The stars a faking glistening bliss
It was all about the aces
the places
and not the faces...
to be continued

© 2018 Clarissa van Vreden
euphony Feb 2014
Anamnesis*, acting as the neuroimaging in excessive dreamscapes, waves over the inner thoughts that constantly circumambient my mind.

When recollection occurs, it ideally captures endless flashback pictures like a camera's flash, as the infinitesimal moments spent lovably with you count on a perfect day like this particular one.

you completely mesmerize my recollective memories as i spent those sensual moments with you; to adore you as you adore me.

infinite physical kisses & cherry blossoms
Hank Van Well Jr Oct 2014
the wooden stairs yelp a bit to the weight of my aged legs ,they seem to ascend with a little less bounce these days
The stagnant air with a sprinkle of must greets my nose
Halfway through the journey
Like a distant memory
My mind seems to **** through the the amassing of moments of a lifetime .
Corralled amidst the dark and dusty chamber of an existence.
Revered , yet bathed in cobwebs
Some more than others
One can tell the moments
re-visited more often than others...
The recollective tide has washed away the dust , and the cobwebs have eroded into the corner.
My life
Most of it , sprawled amidst this 12 X 12 area that has become a place to get lost within
Unfitting clothes , I can't seem to part with
A time when I was in better shape
A covered Christmas tree with its own collection if stories
Books upon books
That I've immersed myself into, the mould the conscious grey matter peeking this now
Piles of journals
Odes to a love of a lifetime
Chess boards
That taught me how to " see through " the picture
Good and bad , happy and sad
A corner of heartbreak, a table of hope.
A pile of shoes, with Miles on their souls
Destinations, journeys, a walk of life buried ,
Memories, emotions
A soul
Where is your attic ?
And how often do you visit ?
The attic
Ken Pepiton Nov 2024
Spurts and starts,
by now,
any reader either understands
the method, the offering up
of a day
in search
of any good

I could do,
from now here,
in your time, after 2024,
from my time,  after 1948,
accumulatively accounting
for unredeemed time ever
since… acknowledging idle words
as well, redeeming each
in good time.

Not many things I learned
to take inclusion pride from
can be called good reasons
with historical witnessing
for all
to see the likeness,
statues of men,
in bronze,
or limestone, or Portland cement,
all attest,
to this day,
to honor due

the American Fighting Man, nowadays,
they call all enlistees,
our War Fighters.

War and Victory are impressed,
on days set apart
for communal,
acknowledgement, that our God,

and Easter,
but children, when I was one,
did not link the two, the declared Peace,

was won,
by us
for God, who then froze war.
And had Nixon send  the smog to China,

so then, the soot that evolved black moths,

slowly continued
to spiral
into the heights, slipping
through the ozone hole
over Australia,

trickle down soot
may haps, came
upon me,
after Easter,
and the acceptance
of restored worth,
to all on Earth,
to be recollectible, yes,
legion spirits are testable and many say

no doubt, the keeper
of the bread
of life,
He is the Christmas Jesus, and
He is the Easter Jesus, and
in Logos form,
is the spirit in Truth, which God is.
In formation, in the form Gods are

all at once and everything. like

the idea allowing reality
to balance,
on point
yet, spin on, ever actually accelerating,
now that our augmented intelligence,

allows insight past the root
of excuses used since I was a child
to make me a
true believer
in American
Exceptionalism as
the we who trust in God,
and proved it
to the whole world,
by k*lling all who refuse
to say,

Jesus is Lord,
just like that, in English. no accent,
Shibboleths only worked for accents.

Rucky Blake,
password lucky break,
so solly Siri me, innocents
be mused multi purpose users
Blessed was silliness a while ago

Free time to wax poetic.

Songs of Innocense, and
Experience, as a white child, visiting,
1961 New Orleans, at age of 13.

I hated Jew Haters and ****.
I loved Scientific Fantacy and Superstion,
I had survived a seven year mirror break,
I then survived disillusionment, with adults.

Bacon on Friday, unless promptly confessed,
my four girl cousins informed we, was worthy
of hell, on the balances of blind justice, wielding
the sword the laws use for Jesus sake, because

Jesus is the Open Heart God in the picture,
right over the television set, obviously,
in that condition, he is not making war, so

the priests teach us to follow the cross,
and some say, take up our own cross,
… and I really paid none of that none
of my nevermind, until

one faithful Friday, in the Summer of '61,
on the brink of Nuclear War, against
all the ungodly ****** sympathizers
and negritudenal inferior heathen folk.

Boom, baby, boom
boom boom boom… see the mushroom

signal look out now… here we are again,

it's the end of the world as we knew it,
the pain is diagnosed as disillusionment,

ment means its in your head, all in your mind,
the dread of sudden end of life, in your time,
cut short by a certain foretold act of GOD,

at the time,
I was more concerned for my uncle,
who had been so tempted by bacon,

that I asked
for when asked what I wished
to have
for breakfast, was bacon and eggs, no grits.

Yep, but…

If  you were researching the summer of 1961,
in search
of things remembered
in the news,
The Brave AI, straight up lied, it told me
In July 1961, a tense standoff occurred at Checkpoint Charlie

But I was alive that same summer,
August 13, that year was Barbed Wire Sunday.
I can see a guy hung on that wire, to this day…

and doubted that true, and told my guiding AI

Factchek yo'se'f Ai ahs sayin',
come let us reason together,
serve me truth and nada mas…
indeed Ai admits, instantly, July
Check Point Charlie was later, which
is why the image of that guy links scaryshit/
that happened October 22, 1961…
in 2024, I need
to shake it off,

detailed recollection attention paid,
prior to final precepts dementia debts…

while in my own cybernetic mining operation, thinking
linking old lies used
to educate me, morally and ethically,

the Roman sense and the Greek, as
to duty we owe Jesus,
or Mary, in Louisiana, which did not phase me
at 13,
I had no clue why cherries
being rare was a joke… but bacon
on Friday,
could seal your fate more than doubting Mary's state.

And due
to my being the wisher
for bacon,
who got my wish,
on a Friday, I was as dammed as could be,
to my cousin planning
on warrior sainthood, girls,
could, too, she insisted, go **** godless communists,

like Custer killed Cochise.
Thanks for laughing at the prospect of mankind ending us, in the time it takes
to read this, if our final 72 minutes is our communal Damoclean edge.
Michael Rucker Apr 2016
Coupled with cheap beer and cigarettes.
Refined to seldom notions unabridged.
Placed upon park benches, latent among nature's silhouette.

Coupled with gloom and recollective though.
Strings of the heart tattered.
Memory conceived, derived of past affair.
Shivpriya May 2022
A shared intention with its comprising fair features!

My repertoire of various contemporized works,
dramatic ballads, songs, and
written descriptions were savories for the moment.
Those were scarcely sweet?
They love the heartily and careful choice of their selectiveness of each other!
In them, a thinker is deeply involved and touched by their profound regard for each other's appearances and soliloquies to reach the hearts of amasses. This thinker who is solemnly and raptured loves their artistic viewpoints!
Thus, creating the perfect seasoning of its flavor and aromatic capabilities for the given taste!

After regaling myself with the art quality, recollective mind, gifted drama, and the stirring piece of musical rendition,
I entered into the zone of lyrics while conveying the pensive tale of my heart and by acknowledging the favor for letting me recreate the negotiating and decorative art from the figments of its creative activity!

My reflecting process was, as usual, sincerely penetrating for your consideration.
And the depth of my inner voice carried a few tender emotions and some unanswered questions!

— The End —