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Kara Sep 2014
Are you happy?

Before you answer,
remember there is a distinct difference
between being happy and feeling joy.
In the same way there is a difference
between being awake and waking up.
As joy is only temporary,
a short-lived burst of feeling.
An explosion of colours and laughter,
and in that moment you think
"yeah, maybe im alright".
But that sensation will dissolve
and you will be left feeling empty,
whereas happiness is constant and reasuring.

Now can you answer my question.
Are you happy? or are you still waking up.
Louise Currie Sep 2014
It starts with a nibble, a pinch, a tap.
Building, creating shivers of sensation.
Slaps that create warmth on heat.
Arching slowly into it, urging on.
Redness glows brigher still.
Hard against soft.
Repeating ripples of force.
Breath is heavy, heart is fast.
The beat is steady, but building.
Reinforced by firm grips, somehow comforting.
Gripped harder. Struck firmer.
Sound ringing in the ears, but bearly heard.
Each sting brings warmth,
Flooding through the brain.
Burning ******.
This is love
This is release.
A word is called.
Reasuring whispers are echoed.
Hands that were so recently harsh become gentle ripples.
The softness of another so close, so loving.
A smile, a tear, a word of thanks,
For the release so needed.
There once grew a flower on Salisbury plain ,
the wind blew it ,
the rain fed it ,
the snow let it grow again .
The sheep grazed awaiting their Rams .

The sun rises and sets on each day creeping up on the sleeping village ,
Spinning yarns ,
making houses from hay with tea pots and cake ,
Orchards and fields ,
Meadows and hills ,
cards and shootin* party’s till dawn will soon the evening sun take .

Black menacing clouds evil marched forth ,
a war machine ,
winds of a tyrant where jack boots walked in the east of Europe
Stood their ground .

Now to rumbling sound our little flower lay for Tanks would take this flower away ,
it’s sheep sold for M O D land ,
Knocks on doors reasuring smiles .
From War Generals “ you will. be back some day after Gerry has gone away “
Yes off we marched to fight the war for England and St George .
Our houses and land we will return ,
Pictures and letters left of loved ones we will see again .

Go on a journey far away across fields and land ,
Mountains ravines and hills ,
and each cafe and bridge when you return shall seem forever sweet .
For where you sleep there lay wheat and weeds and bird song to greet the day .

The Church bell still rings for this forgotten town ,
Villagers still remember their loss ,
Of Imbers ghosts of peace and love may haunt the ones  ,
Who first said “yes “ and then said “no “.to love .


— The End —