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Fara Mar 2013
dunia indah kerana impian,
impian ada kerana mimpi dan angan,
bukan paksaan dan bukan kekangan,
hanya kerana diri yang mahukan,

teruskan berjuang,
tempuh dunia dengan tenang,
yang diatas sudah merancang,
yang dibawah harus syukur dan terus berjalan,
it's a malay poem... got no translation but deep inside me, of course i understand and feel so great about it... it's about life..
Nat Lipstadt Mar 2014
a fair question, deserving of thought,
goodly soft care and hard consideration,
strangely, instantly and undeniable,
one worldly, word achieves *******

whether first or foremost,
après ma raison d'être,
cannot list, nor rank or certain state,
yet my heart repeats, nation, nation,
my understanding, instant and complete

worthy journey to self-fulfillment,
contentedly unhappy to be permanently,
one poem short on the one continuum,
the-road-trip to salvation,
my end, my finality / our self-acualization

aking pagtatapos, ang aking katotohanan
my einde, my realiteit
fen m 'yo, reyalite mwen
akhir saya, realiti saya
ma fin, ma réalité
write of the ifs of a man's life,
and come aboutface to conclusions,
instant and long in the making,
there are willing ears on this globe,
welcoming me open armed, opened lipped,
knowing firstly this open-eyed greeting,
welcome poet, tell us

for we are one nation, everywhere invisible,
indivisible with liberty and justice inherent,
creation our common good, in fact it is our
lifelong wares and goods, letter by letter composing,
we sell for the price of free

This then single common currency,
our ouro, derivation of
languages multi and mellifluous here spoke,
this my/our nation where birthright and
citizenship ego-and-geo boundless,
my loves, continentally arrayed,
to whom I pledge until last breath
utter all, guttural devotion

when one of us creates,
good manifests, I care not
in what tongue,
for our tongues
intertwine and intertaste
this one flavor,
meine gemeinschaft, meine gesellschaft
where spoken
goodness all the days of life,
it has goodly gotten me to you...
inspired by an overheard conversation on Facebook between two poets, and this article about Robert Frost asking, can bad people write poetry.

This poem is dedicated to the so, so many good friends, in my life now attained, on continents near and so far away, of you I thought first, first, when this question, self-imposed interrogatory,  demanded answers.;=reno64-wsj

if you cannot open the article, I will send if one asks..

Filipino, Afrikaans, Haitian Creole, Malay, French
Raihah Mior Dec 2017
Dalam retrospeksi
minda naif kecilku pernah berimaginasi
memikirkan dunia luar sana yang bagaikan fantasi
hati merontakan suatu kebebasan yang diimpi
namun kini ku sedari, itu semua hanyalah persepsi
seorang gadis kecil yang dahulunya bercita-cita tinggi
masa sudah tiba untuk kembali ke realiti.

Selamat datang ke Kota Korupsi
di mana manusia-manusia bertopengkan syaitan
kehausan kuasa, kerakusan harta duniawi
dipuja, dipuji dan disanjung tinggi
pil penawar pula makanan ruji untuk depresi
tiada lagi tempat mengadu, tempat meluahkan hati
hanya tinggal kata-kata yang kehilangan erti
terpapar di kotak skrin empat segi.

Bangsaku semakin alpa, agamaku jauh sekali
soal halal haram tidak dipertikaikan lagi
hanya topik sembang santai di kedai kopi
bicara hari nanti ditolak dahulu ke tepi.

Dunia yang dahulu semakin pudar
hanya serpihan di hujung sudut memori
masa berlalu terlalu pantas, terlepas dari jari-jemari
sekarang sudahpun tiba generasi baru menapakkan kaki
namun, lihatlah sejarah mengulangi dirinya sekali lagi
selagi nafas belum terhenti
selagi kita belum pergi.
My first actual sajak written for my Penulisan Kreatif class. Not my best work, but I'm genuinely quite proud of it. We had to recite it in class and I actually did it, with hand movements, ****** expressions, intonation, all that jazz (it was even accompanied by a Tron soundtrack hahahah). Basically the poem's just a little commentary on what globalization has brought to the people of my side of town. But I guess it applies to everyone too. The world keeps changing and evolving anyway. What are we to do. *shrugs*
megan May 2016
dying while dreaming
it sounds like corporate art
break bread with an infidel
and plunge into the dark
eileen Sep 2017
It's a glitch
I fall asleep
And dream awake
Losing fake friends
They're out looking
For attention
My body malfunctions
Could i fix it
I'm not looking for love
Why do you keep
Knocking on my heart
I hate to see people cry
What do i do
Say hi
Things get sad
Isolate yourself
In the virtual world
Where things seem
Much calm
Not so much anymore
I was hoping for
The world to destroy
It's self
Can't tell what is realiti
I just hear everything out
I don't listen quite well
I don't know what to do
If i see someone cry
I've always cried alone
Should i give them a hug ?

— The End —