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Mateuš Conrad Apr 2018
the sky a colour of an ash tray,
formidable in its bulges
and monarchical approaches,
like a proud stag
   oblivious to either mountain
or sea...
    within it hints of plum
                    clown purple and
painfully tender hues of pink
tulips watered down...
           yet within it, the crown:
a symphony of geniuses,
     exposed cranium of a godhead
lost in thought standing on
   its head, mid brain-surgery...
   synaptic zigzags
         and glimpses of
     eye-watering neon fusion
of plum clown tulip
   against the cigarette-mâché:          
        works of wonder appearing
and disappearing within a blink
of an eye...
                      blitzkrieg fantasia...
on a canvas of a sleeping town
    once busied in the art of metallurgy
a capitulated dwarven kingdom
   and an exodus of at least 20,000 souls,
dispersed like semites...
     brothers Aries and Hephaestus
talking of their mutual concerns
and the dole of peace labouring
for invigoration; settled hearts and
the lost causes of romance.
    prior, by a sort
of Beijing humidity, like spreading
butter over the body and merely
waiting for the monarch...
          in a slothful second,
      the grumbling stomach of a beast
raveging, jumping to nibble
   at a  scotch shortbread vollmond:
     with its eyes of eclipse,
                 the disgruntled beast,
coming in second, drooling saliva,
                bell, host and Pavlov.
Mateuš Conrad Jul 2017
well, thank **** that western "communists" have a blatant disregard for reading... they see a book, they think brick! now that's lucky... it's good that these people are not well versed... makes my presence all the more easier... and they are "communists"... not once have i seen these "communists" looting libraries, like dogs let off their chains, raveging for some sort of skill in mastering or enforcing a threshold for acceptable vocabulary... evidently the infamous arbeit macht frei requires a resurrection; since the things they're looting, and "thus" making a "communist" statement of: i have no use or desire for, in terms of usage, or ownership.

why is modern "dialectics"
peppered with so many
it's like that *alfred jarry

joke in the exploits
of dr. faustroll
  (troll... a common misnomer,
esp. when invoked
by women concerning
men, who have zyklonesque
opinions) -
yes, i agree, oh i'm so sorry,
no, i disagree,
                 oh i'm so sorry...
what's the difference
between opinions and beliefs?
beliefs are fixed,
******* onto your *******
cranium like a kippah donning
opinions? finicky...
  a flag on a pole with a strong
              picky... nauseating...
hence the "sceptics" having
this relish-fetish
     attacking a stone
asking it: move like a snail!
budge! budge a little!
                the problem with
atheists and sceptics is that
they're always changing
clothes... they panic if they're
not finicky enough...
         what does the priest
do? he wears the same *******
clothes monday to sunday...
    this lack of dogmatic cohesion
in the atheistic community
is becoming a ******* yawn...
      the religious community?
that was already a yawn
to begin with;
      but at least you could sneak
in a 35cl bottle of *****
into a church, sit in the back benches
and say: **** your sacrament...
it's not strong enough!
Cedric McClester Nov 2021
By: Cedric McClester

Jesus help me please
I’ve been knocked down to my knees
By a dreaded disease
Help me to recover
Help the doctors to discover
A miracle or cure
Cos I can’t take much more
And I need your help for sure

Jesus help me please
Bring me comfort and some ease
And grant me a reprise
From a mind going insane
And a body racked with pain
Help me to find internal peace
You can tame this savage beast
Raveging the north west south and east

Jesus help me please
It even hurts me when I sneeze
Try to breathe and I just wheeze
I remain your faithful debtor
Praying in time that ’ll get much better
But you’re the one who holds the keys
So  won’t you help me Jesus please
You have the expertise’’

Jesus help me please
I’m not just shooting the breeze
I’m  in way over my skis
And I haven’t any doubt’
Only you can help me out
See despite modern science
On you I place my reliance
And this isn’t in defiance

Cedric McClester, Copyright © 2021. All rights reserved.
B 2d
Wading through the waters of the past
You know this feeling will not last
But the rain just won't cease to pour
This life is known to be just a bore
Filling up your past with water
Gone with the flood is your poor old daughter
Raveging through cities and towns
Stand up on your roof so you won't drown
But in that tall wall of destruction
Is a body in need of reconstruction
Begging you to jump into it
Tell your mother you’ll be back in a bit
Back with a new friend that she doesn’t like
After the flood strike
You’ve changed beyond recognition

— The End —