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Max Neumann Nov 2019
four years ago a
three-year old astonished millions

twenty-seven years later
pe’tehn raighn-kem
will have become
president of the united states
souls are souls, baby. feelings are feelings. human beings are alike. all colors are beautiful.
youtube: 3-year-old blows away audience with poem for black history month!
lie down as your blood run dry
lie down as your screams echo into nuthing
lie down as you wallow in your own self pitty
as you ask why your life begans to fade
lie down as they beat you and smile and just take it
now as your life fades be fore your eyes rember we will be watching
for we just gave you back what you gave us
so lie down and listen to us laugh while your empire falls...
so lie down old one and sleep
for your raighn is over

— The End —