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Lorainneh Jul 2013
Acabe de recordar l'última vegada que em vas mirar,
vas tancar ràpidament els ulls i vas baixar el cap..
Sabies que en aquell moment vas canviar la meua percepció del daurat clar apagat per una de completa felicitat? Que la teua veu exclamant baixet "Quins ulls!" encara evoca partícules també daurades que resplandeixen i giren suaument?

Que per primera vegada els colors no intenten amuntegar-se dins i davant meua quan m'atrapen els teus ulls?
Que quedant-me ahí no hi ha una sola tonalitat que gose immiscuir-se o privar-me d’ells?
Que no sé com es pinta perdre's a la teua mirada?
Que no em perd a propòsit, però que cada vegada més em trobe desfent-me de brúixoles i mapes?
Que desitjaria no saber llegir altres estrelles que em pogueren guiar?
*Que tu ets el meu únic sol i que d'on s'exhala la teua llum és on vull estar..
Aquest coso té de poema la sinestèsia entre línies; que no enganye el lloc, perfa.
No té cap enllaç fàcil, és un desastre ;w;
Feia eons que no escribia res, i menys en valen u///u Sols et trobava a faltar.. I hope you like it, ***..
I molt bon dia, amor :3
Loud Falls Mar 2017
I was quite proud of the weather today.
It was better.
You know, better than yesterday.

I didn't have to tilt my head in shade for that perfect lighting.
Or settle for the insecurities of a mess.
It was that perfect.
Somewhat like those yellow limes I often confuse for that ball I use for stress.

And then there was that centered daisy thing which completely complimented my skin,
Hassling it's persuasion of confidence in a glaze
Reiterating it's point like those quins I met yesterday.
Today was just about everything, but perfect.

I went from that almost comfortable feeling, to nothing.
To nothing, when I had to imagine that cute outfit I helped her pick out yesterday...
Being ripped off, for her to be ******.

I went from that warm weird feeling, to nothing.
To nothing, when she got a call...

I'll be right there."

And at that point...
I realized I was simply that to her.
The piano guy.

I was quite proud of the weather today.
It was better...
You know, better than yesterday.

Today I wanted to tell her.
Although it was yesterday...
Today I wanted her to know for sure.

And suddenly...
That centered daisy thing began to shallow.
And at that point...
At that point I realized.
I was nothing.
I left my girlfriend...
For a thought.
How terrible am I?
Aiyo prolific my skills gifted haters get shifted
From guns lifted cliff'd to the edge breaking pledge
No oaths to sworn on im so long gone
Folks get the prolong once i swing the Capcom
Marvel I could sparkle the darkest shadow
Plateaus I break those fools out like Woodrow
Over gold no valuable expose the international
Banking shanking got them critics blanking
No thanks from me cant cook me like a chicken
Picking feathers deluxe edition switching
Into another mode keep my shells in the abode
Enemies posing as toads on the the roads
Hoping I pump out my brakes for the fakes
Beef i cook steaks well done chosen time frozen
Posing for ya final making tears shaking
See god roll out the wickedness like ******
All eyes on thee as I spin the Machiavelli
Plot fools get gritted and rock cold knock
Ya bodies slowly ticking and a tocking
See the disco jockey dropping
Beats for the pineal gland shine all thoughts confined stand in line
This is just the beginning of your own decline
See what the greatest adventures incline
Tryna stop my shine but I still perfect divine

Spaced out mind dazed honey glazed days
Looking for the sun where it don't shine rays
Haters looking for ways to resident a stay
But they get no prays over the Lord's says
I slays got the mighty pen true swordsman
There i am again laying with frail quins
**** im dreaming naw im just for scheming
Tryna escape reality through Wankas factory
Chocolate strippers honey drippers tippers
To the gold diggers most think I'ma *****
But I'm tryna make moves like Jigga
Billion dollar figure still rocking Hilfigers
With the Nautica jeans blue starched clean
Sipping lean chopped up greens seasoned
My food for thought most love to be caught
Up Under the worldly display i layaway
the Chaos black Kronos kin to evils religion
Still can spot the paces of a lurkin' stool piegon

— The End —