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Valentin Eni Nov 2024
(the final prayer)

Your Father,
who Am in heaven,
hallowed be My name.
My will be done,
My kingdom come,
on earth as it is in heaven.

Your daily bread
I give it to you today.
And I forgive your trespasses,
as you forgive those who trespass against you.

And I lead you not into temptation,
but deliver you from the evil one.

For Mine is
the kingdom, the power, and the glory,
forever and ever.


(Alternative translation)

My Children
(the final prayer)

My children, who are on earth,
hallowed is My Name.
My kingdom will come to you,
and My will shall be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.

I give you today your daily bread.
I forgive your trespasses,
as I call you to forgive those
who trespass against you.

I will not lead you into temptation,
but I will deliver you from evil.

For Mine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory,
forever and ever.


(Original Romanian Poem)

(ultimă rugăciune)

Tatăl vostru,
care Sunt în ceruri,
sfinţească-se numele Meu,
facă-se voia Mea,
vie împărăţia Mea
precum în cer aşa şi pe pământ,
pâinea voastră cea de toate zilele
v-o dau vouă astăzi
şi vă iert vouă greşelile voastre
precum iertaţi şi voi greşiţilor voştri,
şi nu vă duc pe voi în ispită
ci vă izbăvesc de cel viclean,
căci a Mea este
împărăţia,puterea şi slava
în vecii vecilor.
The poem presents a profound reinterpretation of the Lord’s Prayer, shifting the perspective from a plea by humanity to a declaration by God. It explores themes of divine authority, grace, and the intimate relationship between the Creator and creation. By addressing humanity directly, the poem emphasizes God’s sovereignty and mercy while reasserting the human responsibility to forgive and live in alignment with divine will.

The direct address (Your Father) establishes an intimate connection between the speaker (God) and the audience (humanity). The structure closely mirrors the cadence of the Lord’s Prayer, lending it familiarity while altering the perspective and focus.

The poem transforms the familiar words of the Lord’s Prayer into a divine proclamation, emphasizing God’s active role as a provider, forgiver, and protector. Addressing humanity directly bridges the distance between the sacred and the mortal, reminding readers of their reliance on God’s grace while encouraging them to act in alignment with His will.

The poem reinterprets a sacred text, blending reverence with immediacy. Its shift in perspective challenges the reader to view the relationship with God as intimate and humbling, reaffirming divine sovereignty while highlighting human responsibility. This poem invites reflection on faith, morality, and the Creator’s and creation’s interconnectedness.
Suntem lut.
Material brut.
Cand am spus tot ce avem
De zis si vrem - noi alegem
Cine ne dorim sa fim
Și *** vrem să ne definim
Ce decizii și valori
Facem stâlpi in interior
Ce direcții să urmăm
Și după ce ne ghidăm
Căci e frumos să fi om viu
Și să simțim, dar e delir
Să urmezi fiecare gând
Sau sentiment - privește - sunt
Unul pentru orice șansă
Variantă-n viață și speranță
Și văd impresionant la ființă
Ca poate vira după conștiință
Căci poate-i mai rupt de natură
Dar forța ei îi e-n făptură
Când are privirea matură
Și merge după suflet liber
Încet sau rapid, mereu ager
Și prezent, trăind în moment
*** un pui de vulpe privește pădurea
Sau un artist bătrân își privește sculptura
*** un arcaș își vede ținta
Sau un înțelept oglinda

Suntem lut, material brut,
Oamenii fug, dar asta sunt,
Si puterea e la ei, depinzând ***
Vezi asta, trăiești acum
Sau te cauți pe alt drum
Oriunde-o iei, adevărul
E același mai tot timpul:
Când nu știi cine ai sa fii
Alege, și vei deveni.
Când te temi ca ești copleșit,
Acceptă, alege și dă-ti timp.

Iar atunci când mintea tinde
Să se uite ce-are-n spate,
Ești liber, du-te înainte
Vei deveni sigur toate

Ce ți le dorești să fii
Defapt, deja ești, doar nu știi

For my fellow anxious over thinkers.

Words about the power of choice. Regardless of fears, worries, past and future, it's who we choose to be now, that makes an impact in our lives, and the mind can think many things and the heart can feel many things, but the power to decide the direction worth going towards is up to us. Not to say feelings and thoughts are ****. But I believe we put too much power onto them and too little onto us, when truly and actually, it's what we do that impacts the world.

For my fellow overthinkers, find something that works your body, go dance, go workout go running. Find something that works your mind. Read, go to therapy and never be ashamed of struggling to un-nod all the thoughts, it's accepting the struggle and deciding to do what brings us welness regardless of that.

Ask for help when needed, it's not an act of giving up, but of refusing to give up, it's an act of curiosity. Man or women, we are social creatures, and it's in the end up to us to create a peaceful inner world, but isolation will not help with that

— The End —