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Wayne Wysocki Jul 2018
Presidential paramours sanctioned but not silenced.
Not to speak yet being heard, attorneys and agencies speaking on their behalf.
Everyone knows,
now that the election has passed.
Who would have cared anyway?
We know now that it doesn't matter, transgressions and despicable deeds never tarnish the orange luster.
bulletcookie Jan 20
Oh, that look on a dog's face,
before it takes a crap!

Silence Screamz Nov 2024
What was that?

Was it...

Compl­aints of misinformation,
Fever from inoculations,
Bully pulpit installations,
Social media revelations,
Orange crush situations,
Closed minded stagnation,
Radical simulations,
or that crazy armed insurrection.

It might be
a division of the population

Then it could be a

an exuberation,
an inauguration?

Complaints of tempation,
Riveted attempts of execution,
Attacks of verbal accusations,
Wall Street inflation,
Crossing the border examinations,
A presidental hibernation,
Constant constipation
or divisive communication?

In the end it was just
a very confused and crossed
democratic election!!!

— The End —